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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2025 hits

2022-05-17 (kopia)

Delegated decisions, Appendix 2 Travel Grants Applicant Amount (SEK) Activity Approved by Group affiliation Date of approval Lautaro Belfiori 15 209 AD/PD 2022. Barcelona, Spain, 15-20 March 2022 Angela Cenci Nilsson Maria Swanberg 2022-01-14 Gemma Salvadó 6 320 AD/PD 2022. Barcelona, Spain, 15-20 March 2022 Angela Cenci Nilsson Oskar Hansson 2022-01-14 Divya Bali 12 152 Course: Biomarkers in Neur - 2025-03-11

Return Migration from Sweden 1968-1996. A Longitudinal Analysis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingsarbetets främsta syfte har varit att analysera vilka drivkrafter som ligger bakom beslutet att återvandra, samt att kartlägga återvandringen från Sverige 1968-1996 avseende sammansättning och utvecklingsmönster. Analysen har bedrivits ur ett arbetsmarknadsekonomiskt perspektiv, med fokus på den långsiktiga utvecklingen av tillgång och efterfrågan på arbetskra

The Epistle of Jude : Its Text and Transmission

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar det nytestamentliga Judasbrevets texthistoria. Monografin inleds med en översikt av textforskningen på de Katolska Breven i allmänhet och Judasbrevet i synnerhet, från 1800-talet och fram till nutid. Mot bakgrund av det tecknade forskningsläget beskriver så författaren studiens upplägg och syfte, samt antyder några av resultaten. Det handlar främs

Refreshing & Restoration : Two Eschatological Motifs in Acts 3:19-21

This study explores the meaning of the two expressions 'times of refreshing' and 'time to restore everything' in Acts 3:19.21. These two eschatological motifs appear in a speech that the apostle Peter made, according to Luke's presentation, in the Jerusalem temple in the beginning of the 30s. The study is historical, and the meaning of the two expressions is sought in the contemporary world. It i

Molecular Epidemiology of Metallo-beta-Lactamase-Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates from Norway and Sweden Shows Import of International Clones and Local Clonal Expansion

Scandinavia is considered a region with a low prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. However, the number dof multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria is increasing, including metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL)-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study MBL-producing P. aeruginosa isolates identified in Norway (n = 4) and Sweden (n = 9) from 1999 to 2007 were characterized. Two internationa

No title

Colloquium Balticum XI Lundense 8.-10. November 2012 Centre for Languages and Literature/Zentrum für Sprachen und Literatur Hörsalen – Helgonabacken 12 Thursday 8 November / Donnerstag, 8. November 17.30 – Reception and registration / Empfang und Registrierung 18.00 – Opening of the Colloquium / Eröffnung des Colloquiums Professor Lynn ÅKESSON, Dean/Dekan 18.20-19.20 – Session 1 Moderator: Arne JÖ - 2025-03-10

Second Timothy : When and Where? Text and Traditions in the Subscriptions

Baserat på fullständiga sammanställningar av subskriptionerne på 2 Timoteusbrevet i 485 grekiska manuskript, presenterar denna studie texttraditionen och utvecklingen av dessa subskriptioner och förklarar deras förhållande till andra subskriptioner, paratexter, de interna material i 1–2 Timoteus, Apostlagärningarna och det bredare. kyrkohistoria. Studien spårar källan/källorna bakom traditionen at

Quarrying for Claudius, protected by Min: Reflections on a small quarry in Gebel el Silsila East

Until now inscriptions have confirmed that the quarries of Gebel el Silsila East were in use until the time of Emperor Tiberius, but recent findings indicate that the quarrying process continued for at least another two generations. In one of the many smaller quarries three men carved their name repeatedly on the quarry walls, and dated their visits to a four year period, between the sixth and ten

Från Jorden mot Universum

Natthimlen är både vacker och full av gåtor. Följ med på en upptäcktsresa i både tid och rum där astronomer tittar uppåt och försöker förstå vad de ser.I dag finns det både mark- och rymdbaserade teleskop som samlar in universum ljus, inte bara synligt ljus utan även infrarött ljus, radiovågor och röntgenvågor. Med hjälp av dessa tittar vi på solsystemets planeter, supernovor och svarta hål, stjärThe night sky, both beautiful and mysterious, has been the subject of campfire stories, ancient myths and awe for as long as there have been people. A desire to comprehend the Universe may well be humanity’s oldest shared intellectual experience. Yet only recently have we truly begun to grasp our place in the vast cosmos. To learn about this journey of celestial discovery, from the theories of the

Power trip course

Power Trip course: practical guide to becoming an idiot w/Kira Nova Power Trip course: practical guide to becoming an idiot Valbar kurs på BFA nivå/Optional BFA-level course Antal hp/Credits: 6 Lärare/Teacher: Kira Nova Tid/Time: 9-22.11, time TBC Undervisningsform/Form: Workshop Språk/Language: Engelska/ English Antal studenter/Number of students: unlimited ONLINE Course description How do we dea - 2025-03-11

10. clp17 intro sara

PowerPoint Presentation ClimateLaunchpad 2017 Our Deal Central budget + 10 k€/Competition Who is the end user for our product? 3 Cleantech start ups with great potential What is our user’s pain? 4 Not enough money and resources Not the right network Do not have the right tools for a business plan Need coaching Need time in spotlight ClimateLaunchpad solves your pain - How does it work? 5 1. Regist - 2025-03-11

Qmod 2007 final program

Microsoft Word - QMOD 2007 Final Program doc 070603.doc 10th QMOD Conference Quality Management and Organizational Development Our Dreams of Excellence 18-20 June, 2007 Final Program Lund University & Linköping University, Campus Helsingborg, Sweden Committees Conference Founders • Dr. Jens J. Dahlgaard, Linköping University, Sweden • Dr. Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Lunds University, Sweden Conference C - 2025-03-11

Qmod 2007 final program doc 070603

Microsoft Word - QMOD 2007 Final Program doc 070603.doc 10th QMOD Conference Quality Management and Organizational Development Our Dreams of Excellence 18-20 June, 2007 Final Program Lunds University & Linköpings University, Campus Helsingborg, Sweden Committees Conference Founders • Dr. Jens J. Dahlgaard, Linköping University, Sweden • Dr. Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park, Lunds University, Sweden Conference - 2025-03-11

The Consortium

The development of a new space astrometry mission will require a large team of scientist, software developers and spacecraft engineers. Many lessons can be learned from the Gaia mission where DPAC (the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium) was responsible for the processing of Gaia's data and producing the Gaia Catalogue. In a similar manner a new DPAC consortium will be formed. The first task - 2025-03-11

What To Do About Conspiracy Theories? : Academic Entanglements in Conflicts Over Truths

Increasingly social activists, journalists and policy makers have expressed concern over the proliferation of conspiracy theories in the public space. There is a growing fear of their impact on social cohesion and democracy, their power to erode trust in state institutions and science. These concerns often come with an expectation that it is the responsibility of academics to engage with conspirac

Command or invitation? How Jesus got his first disciples

In the beginning of the public career of Jesus, Mark and Matthew both narrate how Jesus “calls” four fishermen to follow him which results in an immediate positive response (Mark 1:16–20/Matt 4:18–22). How is the reader to understand Jesus’ calling of disciples? Is Jesus making an authoritative command or does he merely invites the fishermen? What is Jesus doing when he “calls” his disciples? ThesIn the beginning of the public career of Jesus, Mark and Matthew both narrate how Jesus “calls” four fishermen to follow him which results in an immediate positive response (Mark 1:16–20/Matt 4:18–22). How is the reader to understand Jesus’ calling of disciples? Is Jesus making an authoritative command or does he merely invites the fishermen? What is Jesus doing when he “calls” his disciples? Thes