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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2024 hits

Microsoft Word - NYGB02 litt.lista VT24 2023-11-15

Microsoft Word - NYGB02 litt.lista VT24 2023-11-15 Språk- och litteraturcentrum Nygrekiska Litteraturlista NYGB02, Nygrekiska, nybörjarkurs II, 16–30 högskolepoäng Fastställd av Styrelsen för Sektion 3 2023-12-07 att gälla från vårterminen 2024. Delkurs 1: Skriftlig språkfärdighet, 5 högskolepoäng, och Delkurs 2: Muntlig språkfärdighet, 5 högskolepoäng Obligatorisk kurslitteratur Ελληνικά τώρα 1+1 - 2025-03-11

Molecular Epidemiology of Metallo-beta-Lactamase-Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates from Norway and Sweden Shows Import of International Clones and Local Clonal Expansion

Scandinavia is considered a region with a low prevalence of antimicrobial resistance. However, the number dof multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria is increasing, including metallo-beta-lactamase (MBL)-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study MBL-producing P. aeruginosa isolates identified in Norway (n = 4) and Sweden (n = 9) from 1999 to 2007 were characterized. Two internationa

Free Will and the Tragic Predicament : Making Sense of Williams

This chapter presents an interpretation of Bernard Williams’s significant and substantial contributions on the topic of free will and moral responsibility. Williams’s fundamental objective, it is argued, is to vindicate moral responsibility by way of freeing it from distortions and misrepresentations imposed on it by “the morality system.” Although his earlier work is primarily concerned with the

Refreshing & Restoration : Two Eschatological Motifs in Acts 3:19-21

This study explores the meaning of the two expressions 'times of refreshing' and 'time to restore everything' in Acts 3:19.21. These two eschatological motifs appear in a speech that the apostle Peter made, according to Luke's presentation, in the Jerusalem temple in the beginning of the 30s. The study is historical, and the meaning of the two expressions is sought in the contemporary world. It i

Command or invitation? How Jesus got his first disciples

In the beginning of the public career of Jesus, Mark and Matthew both narrate how Jesus “calls” four fishermen to follow him which results in an immediate positive response (Mark 1:16–20/Matt 4:18–22). How is the reader to understand Jesus’ calling of disciples? Is Jesus making an authoritative command or does he merely invites the fishermen? What is Jesus doing when he “calls” his disciples? ThesIn the beginning of the public career of Jesus, Mark and Matthew both narrate how Jesus “calls” four fishermen to follow him which results in an immediate positive response (Mark 1:16–20/Matt 4:18–22). How is the reader to understand Jesus’ calling of disciples? Is Jesus making an authoritative command or does he merely invites the fishermen? What is Jesus doing when he “calls” his disciples? Thes

Return Migration from Sweden 1968-1996. A Longitudinal Analysis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingsarbetets främsta syfte har varit att analysera vilka drivkrafter som ligger bakom beslutet att återvandra, samt att kartlägga återvandringen från Sverige 1968-1996 avseende sammansättning och utvecklingsmönster. Analysen har bedrivits ur ett arbetsmarknadsekonomiskt perspektiv, med fokus på den långsiktiga utvecklingen av tillgång och efterfrågan på arbetskra

The Epistle of Jude : Its Text and Transmission

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar det nytestamentliga Judasbrevets texthistoria. Monografin inleds med en översikt av textforskningen på de Katolska Breven i allmänhet och Judasbrevet i synnerhet, från 1800-talet och fram till nutid. Mot bakgrund av det tecknade forskningsläget beskriver så författaren studiens upplägg och syfte, samt antyder några av resultaten. Det handlar främs

No title

1. Course Details 1. Course code AKS A02 2. Course title Classical Archaeology and Ancient History. Level 2. 3. Cycle (1st, 2nd or 3rd) 1st [Undergraduate] 4. Higher education credits 30 5. Details of approval of course Syllabus approved by the Syllabus Committee of the Faculty of the Humanities and Theology 27th March 2008. 6. Details of changes approved 2. General Information 1. Field(s) (if app - 2025-03-09

Vladislava Stoyanova

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: vladislava [dot] stoyanova [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 11 51Organisation Department of Law Room number: 231 Service point: 56 WebpageVladislava Stoyanovas profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Human Rights Law Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Researcher Public International Law Research coord - 2025-03-11

Vladislava Stoyanova

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: vladislava [dot] stoyanova [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 11 51Organisation Department of Law Room number: 231 Service point: 56 WebpageVladislava Stoyanovas profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Human Rights Law Profile area member LU Profile Area: Human rights Researcher Public International Law Research coord - 2025-03-11

Qmod 2017 program 0

4th September 2013, Wednesday QMOD 2017: Preliminary Program 5th August 2017, Saturday 08:00-17:00 QMOD-ICQSS Check-in and Registration 10:00-11:00 Welcome Coffee 11:00-11:30 Conference Opening (Damgårdsalen) 11:30-13:00 Plenary Session 1 (Damgårdsalen) 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:00 Parallel Sessions 1 B10 B-21 B24 B 22 B23 Quality, Services, Sustainability in the 4th Ind. Revolution Quality Manag - 2025-03-10

Qmod 2017 preliminary program 0

4th September 2013, Wednesday QMOD 2017: Preliminary Program 5th August 2017, Saturday 08:00-17:00 QMOD-ICQSS Check-in and Registration 10:00-11:00 Welcome Coffee 11:00-11:30 Conference Opening (Damgårdsalen) 11:30-13:00 Plenary Session 1 (Damgårdsalen) 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:00 Parallel Sessions 1 B10 B-21 B24 B 22 B23 Quality, Services, Sustainability in the 4th Ind. Revolution Quality Manag - 2025-03-10

Qmod 2017 program

4th September 2013, Wednesday QMOD 2017: Preliminary Program 5th August 2017, Saturday 08:00-17:00 QMOD-ICQSS Check-in and Registration 10:00-11:00 Welcome Coffee 11:00-11:30 Conference Opening (Damgårdsalen) 11:30-13:00 Plenary Session 1 (Damgårdsalen) 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:00 Parallel Sessions 1 B10 B-21 B24 B 22 B23 Quality, Services, Sustainability in the 4th Ind. Revolution Quality Manag - 2025-03-10