Search results
Your search for "Greek " yielded 2009 hits
Colonizing the Past: History and Memory in Greece and Turkey
Tormented by History: Greece, Turkey and the Territorial Imagination
The pedagogy of eros: Could the greek "eros" be an educational and epistemological critical alternative?
Review of Philippians: A Greek Student’s Intermediate Reader
'Colonising' the past: history and memory in Greece and Turkey
Syriac as evidence for Greek Monastic Florilegia
Greek chronography and the list of Roman magistrates
Populism and Crisis Politics in Greece, by Takis S. Pappas
Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey
Motivational Factors in the Teaching and Learning of the Greek of the New Testament : A Case Study Based Analysis
Is Greece ready to embrace a legal regime similar to Spain’s concerning the legalization of cannabis?
Dark times, bright futures- A study about civil servants finding meaningful work during the financial crisis in Greece
Ny databas! Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online
Key issues arising from the decision of the Greek government to close its border with Turkey - The R
Greek: Beginner´s Course I - 2025-01-12
Greek Literary History from Ancient Times to Early Byzantine Times - 2025-01-12
Greek: Level 2 - 2025-01-12
Modern Greek: Level 2 - 2025-01-12
Modern Greek: Beginners´ Course I - 2025-01-12