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Your search for "Greek " yielded 2019 hits

Flora and vegetation of Andros, Kikladhes, Greece.

An annotated list of the known vascular plants of Andros is provided, with notes on ecological preferences, altitudinal distributions and frequency. The total number of native and naturalized taxa of vascular plants listed is 1055. Exact localities are provided for the rarest species on the island. 74 maps are also provided for species with variously delimited distribution. For the species known t

The pre-fysch and basal shaly flysch deposition in the Parnassus-Ghiona Zone, central Greece

The interruption in deposition during the K/T transition in the Parnassus-Ghiona Zone caused the formation of hardgrounds and intraformational conglomerates in the central parts. During the later part of the early Paleocene to the middle or early part of the late Paleocene a shallow sea covered central Parnassus; stromatolites formed in broad valleys and phosphatic calcarenitic accumulations in sm