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Your search for "*" yielded 528888 hits

Clinical Characteristics of COVID-19 Patients With Gastrointestinal Symptoms : An Analysis of Seven Patients in China

Objectives: Patients with novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can present with gastrointestinal symptoms as their initial symptoms or as the main manifestations during disease progression, but the clinical characteristics of these patients are still unknown. Methods: We identified COVID-19 patients who admitted to Xiangyang No. 1 People's Hospital and presented with gastrointestinal symptoms

European Society of Coloproctology: guidelines for the management of diverticular disease of the colon

Aim The goal of this European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) guideline project is to give an overview of the existing evidence on the management of diverticular disease, primarily as a guidance to surgeons. Methods The guideline was developed during several working phases including three voting rounds and one consensus meeting. The two project leads (JKS and EA) appointed by the ESCP guideline

Femtosecond two-photon laser-induced fluorescence imaging of atomic hydrogen in a laminar methane-air flame assisted by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges

Sustainable and low-emission combustion is in need of novel schemes to enhance combustion efficiency and control to meet up with new emission standards and comply with varying quality of renewable fuels. Plasma actuation is a promising candidate to achieve this goal but few detailed experiments have been carried out that target how specific combustion and plasma related species are affected by the

High Complexity and Degree of Genetic Variation in Brettanomyces bruxellensis Population

Genome-wide characterization of genetic variants of a large population of individuals within the same species is essential to have a deeper insight into its evolutionary history as well as the genotype-phenotype relationship. Population genomic surveys have been performed in multiple yeast species, including the two model organisms, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In this c

EXPOSED: An occupant exposure model for confined spaces to retrofit crowd models during a pandemic

Crowd models can be used for the simulation of people movement in the built environment. Crowd model outputs have been used for evaluating safety and comfort of pedestrians, inform crowd management and perform forensic investigations. Microscopic crowd models allow the representation of each person and the obtainment of information concerning their location over time and interactions with the phys

Dalton Project : A Python platform for molecular- and electronic-structure simulations of complex systems

The Dalton Project provides a uniform platform access to the underlying full-fledged quantum chemistry codes Dalton and LSDalton as well as the PyFraME package for automatized fragmentation and parameterization of complex molecular environments. The platform is written in Python and defines a means for library communication and interaction. Intermediate data such as integrals are exposed to the pl

Simulated rhizosphere deposits induce microbial N-mining that may accelerate shrubification in the subarctic

Climate change is exposing high-latitude systems to warming and a shift towards more shrub-dominated plant communities, resulting in increased leaf-litter inputs at the soil surface, and more labile root-derived organic matter (OM) input in the soil profile. Labile OM can stimulate the mineralization of soil organic matter (SOM); a phenomenon termed “priming.” In N-poor subarctic soils, it is hypo

Spherical Wave Array Based Positioning for Vehicular Scenarios

Smart vehicles are emerging as a possible solution for multiple concerns in road traffic, such as mobility and safety. This work presents radio localization methods based on simultaneous direction of arrival (DOA), time-delay, and range estimation using the SAGE algorithm. The proposed methods do not rely on external sources of information, such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). The p

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The largely covered Middle Ordovician succession in the classic geological Röstånga area in northwestern Scania has not been studied for some 80 years. A new drill core through a succession ranging from the lower–middle Darriwilian to the lower Sandbian has provided a unique opportunity to investigate the graptolite biostratigraphy and the δ13Corg chemostratigraphy, and clarify their stratigraphic

Local error estimation and step size control in adaptive linear multistep methods

In a k-step adaptive linear multistep methods the coefficients depend on the k − 1 most recent step size ratios. In a similar way, both the actual and the estimated local error will depend on these step ratios. The classical error model has been the asymptotic model, chp+ 1y(p+ 1)(t), based on the constant step size analysis, where all past step sizes simultaneously go to zero. This does not refle

Flexibility in contract design - is that possible?

Public procurement is widely used in order to incorporate competition into public services. Competition in procurement often leads to efficiency but the process can also raise some problems. While providing the procurement documents you do not know who will be your upcoming partner. Another aspect is how flexibility can be managed in contract design while maintaining a high service quality. The ai

Treatment of age-related macular degeneration after cataract surgery : a study from the Swedish National Cataract and Macula Registers

Purpose: To characterize pre- and perioperative factors associated with treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD) after cataract surgery. Methods: This register-based cohort study with data from the Swedish National Cataract Register (NCR) and the Swedish Macula Register (SMR) from 2010 to 2017 compared eyes with and without preoperative AMD that had undergone cataract surgery a

Interactive formation of statistical hypotheses in diffusion tensor imaging

When Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is used in clinical studies, statistical hypothesis testing is the standard approach to establish significant differences between groups, such as patients and healthy controls. However, diffusion tensors contain six degrees of freedom, and the most commonly used univariate tests reduce them to a single scalar, such as Fractional Anisotropy. Multivariate tests th

Decade of experimental permafrost thaw reduces turnover of young carbon and increases losses of old carbon, without affecting the net carbon balance

Thicker snowpacks and their insulation effects cause winter‐warming and invoke thaw of permafrost ecosystems. Temperature‐dependent decomposition of previously frozen carbon (C) is currently considered one of the strongest feedbacks between the Arctic and the climate system, but the direction and magnitude of the net C balance remains uncertain. This is because winter effects are rarely integrated

The effect of working hours on health

Does working time affect workers’ health behavior and health? We study this question in the context of a French reform that reduced the standard workweek from 39 to 35 hours, at constant earnings. Our empirical analysis exploits arguably exogenous variation in the reduction of working time across employers due to the reform. We find that the shorter workweek reduced smoking by six percentage point

Development of pore structure, moisture sorption and transport properties in fly ash blended cement-based materials

This study documents how the pore structure develops with time in cement-based materials with varying fly ash replacement. Heat production was measured during the first days, water vapour desorption isotherms were determined at different times up to 18 months, and moisture transport properties were measured after one year. Long-term fly ash reactions alter the pore structure considerably. The fly

ϒ production in p–Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV

ϒ production in p–Pb interactions is studied at the centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon collision sNN=8.16 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN LHC. The measurement is performed reconstructing bottomonium resonances via their dimuon decay channel, in the centre-of-mass rapidity intervals 2.03

Climate anomalies affect annual survival rates of swifts wintering in sub-Saharan Africa

Several species of migratory swifts breed in the Western Palearctic, but they differ in reproductive traits and nonbreeding areas explored in Africa. We examined survival and recapture probabilities of two species of swifts by capture–mark–recapture data collected in northern Italy (Pallid Swift Apus pallidus in Carmagnola, Turin, and Common Swift Apus apus in Guiglia, Modena) in the breeding seas

Correlations of obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASIS) grade, specific symptoms of anal incontinence, and measurements by endoanal and transperineal ultrasound

Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate the association between the initial grade of obstetrical anal sphincter injury (OASIS), and Wexner score parameters, with ultrasonographic findings by endoanal ultrasound (EAUS, golden standard) and transperineal ultrasound (TPUS) 6 months post-partum. Methods: Fifty-nine women after primary repair of OASIS were included at Helsingborg Hospital, Swe

Potential biomarkers for early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality amongst all major organ cancers. Early detection is key to reduce deaths related to pancreatic cancer. However, early detection has been challenged by the lack of non-invasive biomarkers with enough sensitivity and specificity to allow for screening. The gold standard is still carbohydrate antigen (CA 19-9), against which all new biomarkers must be evalu