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Late Pleistocene-early Holocene fluvial facies and depositional processes in the Fehmarn Belt, between Germany and Denmark, revealed by high-resolution seismic and lithofacies analysis

In the narrow offshore border zone between Germany and Denmark, 550 km of high-density 3.5-kHz subbottom seismic reflection profiles were recorded within a 70-km(2) area in order to reconstruct the seismic stratigraphy of late Pleistocene to early Holocene lacustrine and fluvial environments. Using detailed line drawings, seismic facies analyses and a hierarchy of bounding surfaces, a depositional

Lyckans alternativa lexikon

Jämförelse av två olikalydande originalmanuskript till Axel Wallengrens (Falstaff, fakirs) bok "Lyckans lexikon" (1896).

Effects of cyanobacterial allelochemicals on a natural plankton community

We investigated the effects of cell-free filtrates of the cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena, Aphanizomenon sp. and Anabaena sp. on a brackish-water plankton community (< 150 mu m). In a laboratory experiment, we monitored the concentration of chlorophyll a and cell numbers of bacteria, phytoplankton and ciliates in the experimental units treated with cyanobacterial filtrates and the control medium

IL-10-deficient B10.Q mice develop more severe collagen-induced arthritis, but are protected from arthritis induced with anti-type II collagen antibodies

IL-10 is a pleiotropic cytokine with stimulatory and inhibitory properties, and is thought to have a protective role in rheumatoid arthritis and collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). In this study, we investigated how IL-10 deficiency affects CIA and anti-collagen type II (CII) Ab-transferred arthritis in C57BL/10.Q (B10.Q) mice. The B10.Q.IL-10(-/-) mice had an 8-cM 129/Ola fragment around the IL-10

Temporal trends in the concentration of arsenic, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, vanadium and zinc in mosses across Europe

The European heavy metals in mosses biomonitoring network provides data on the concentration of 10 heavy metals in naturally growing mosses and is currently coordinated by the UNECE ICP Vegetation (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe International Co-operative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops). The technique of moss analysis provides a surrogate, time

Expression of adenohypophyseal-hormone receptors in a murine folliculo-stellate cell line

Adenohypophyseal-hormone production is regulated by hypothalamic peptides and target-gland hormones. Additionally, paracrine regulation by folliculo-stellate cells within the pituitary has been suggested. We recently showed TSH receptor expression in human folliculo-stellate cells and speculated that receptors for other adenohypophyseal hormones might also be expressed by folliculo-stellate cells.

Observation and rovibrational analysis of the intermolecular NH3 libration band v(9)(1) of H3N-HCN

The high-resolution far-infrared absorption spectrum of the gaseous molecular complex H3N-HCN is recorded by means of static gas-phase Fourier transform far-infrared spectroscopy at 247 K, using a synchrotron radiation source. The spectrum contains distinct rotational structures which are assigned to the intermolecular NH3 libration band v(9)(1) (v(B)) of the pyramidal H3N-HCN complex. A rovibrati

Studies in Human Capital, Ability and Migration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen innehåller ett inledningskapitel följt av fyra separata studier. Studierna behandlar olika aspekter av humankapital, begåvning och immigration. I den första studien, Ability and Rates of Return to Schooling ? making use of the Swedish Enlistment Battery Test, används det svenska mönstringstestet för att skatta avkastningen på utbildningen för individer medThis thesis consists of an introductory chapter followed by four separate papers. The papers deal with various aspects of human capital, ability and migration. Using the Swedish Military Enlistment test, the first paper, Ability and Rates of Return to Schooling ? making use of the Swedish Enlistment Battery Test, estimates the return to schooling for individuals belonging to different parts of th

A new, cleaner colour-magnitude diagram for the metal-rich globular cluster NGC 6528. Velocity dispersion in the Bulge, age and proper motion of NGC 6528

Using two epochs of HST/WFPC2 images of the metal-rich globular clusterNGC 6528 we derive the proper motions of the stars and use them toseparate the stars belonging to NGC 6528 from those of the Galacticbulge. The stellar sequences in the resulting colour-magnitude diagramfor the cluster are significantly better determined than in previouslypublished data. From comparison of the colour-magnitude

Dead-Time Compensation and Performance Monitoring in Process Control

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen består av två delar. Den första delen behandlar reglering av processer med lång dödtid. Avhandlingen ger förslag på hur regulatorer för dessa processer ska dimensioneras och jämför sedan prestanda hos dessa regulatorer med vanliga PID-regulatorer. Avhandlingens andra del handlar om metoder för automatisk övervakning av reglerkretsar i processindustrin. TvåThe thesis contains two parts, dead-time compensation and performance monitoring. The first part on dead-time compensation is about robust tuning procedures for dead-time compensating controllers (DTC). Both stable and integrating processes are considered. Simple experiments are performed to obtain process models as well as bounds on the allowable bandwidth for stability. The DTCs used have few pa

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Abstract in French De la métaphore à l’allégorie dans la sémiotique écologique Göran Sonesson Si l’allégorie est une métaphore filée, comme disent les classiques, il faut commencer par étudier cette dernière. Le système de Groupe µ, dont nous avons donné ailleurs une version revue et corrigée, esquive cette terminologie traditionnelle, mais si l’on veut appliquer un tel système à la rhétorique lFrom metaphor to allegory in ecological semiotics Göran Sonesson If allegory is an extended metaphor, as classical rhetoric would have it, we should have to start by studying the latter. The system of the µ group, which I have elsewhere tried to amend and build out, steers clear of this traditional terminology, but if the resulting system should still be relevant to linguistic rhetoric, correlat

Äldre personers sista tid i livet. Livskvalitet, vård, omsorg och närståendes situation.

Popular Abstract in Swedish The last period of life among older people has been very little explored, even though it is well known that for the majority of the population death will occur in old age, both in Sweden and in other western countries. The intention in Swedish society is to provide high quality end of-life care for everyone (SOU 2001:6), not just to those receiving care in a hospital orThe aim of this thesis was to investigate old people's care and quality of life during the last period of life, but also to investigate their own and next-of-kin's experience of this phase. The thesis is based on four studies using separate samples. The sample (n=1198) in study I was drawn from the care and services part of the sub-study ?Good Aging in Skåne? (GAS). The criteria for inclusion in s