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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Evaluation for epilepsy surgery – Why do patients not proceed to operation?

Purpose: To investigate the reasons for not proceeding to surgery in patients undergoing presurgical evaluation for epilepsy. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of 401 consecutive patients who were evaluated for but did not proceed to surgery for epilepsy between 1990 and 2016 at three Swedish epilepsy surgery centers was performed. Reasons for not proceeding to surgery were categorized as inco

Computerized profile perimetry in glaucoma

The new profile testing mode of the COMPETER automatic perimeter was clinically tested and compared with careful manual profile perimetry on the Tübinger perimeter. Each of 110 patients with glaucomatous field defects, patients with suspected glaucoma, and normal subjects had one meridian tested. All of the 55 patients who showed an abnormal result on the manual profile also had abnormal findings

Microbial production of platform chemicals from glycerol

The chemical industry is primarily dependent on fossil oil and gas as raw materials. With increasing demands on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint attributed to fossil based production, the industry looks for alternative renewable cleaner resources to secure the supplies for future chemical and material products. The current trend in the shift to bio-based economy aims at u

Formaldehyde may be found in cosmetic products even when unlabelled

Concomitant contact allergy to formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasers remains common among patients with allergic contact dermatitis. Concentration of free formaldehyde in cosmetic products within allowed limits have been shown to induce dermatitis from shortterm use on normal skin. The aim of this study was to investigate the formaldehyde content of cosmetic products made in Lithuania. 42 sample

Retrieving photochemically active structures by time-resolved EXAFS spectroscopy

Describing the nature and structure of molecular excited states is important in order to understand their chemical reactivity and role as intermediates in photochemical reactions. The recent implementation of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the ultrafast time domain allows studying the electronic and structural dynamics of photochemically active molecules in solutions. In this work we present the

Ultrafast X-ray spectroscopy for structural dynamics studies in chemistry and biology

Time-resolved x-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy with pico-second temporal resolution is a new method to observe electronic and geometric structures of short-lived reaction intermediates. It combines an intense femto-second laser source synchronized to the x-ray pulses delivered into the microXAS beamline of the Swiss Light Source (SLS). We present key experiments on charge transf

Performance of gene expression-based single sample predictors for assessment of clinicopathological subgroups and molecular subtypes in cancers : a case comparison study in non-small cell lung cancer

The development of multigene classifiers for cancer prognosis, treatment prediction, molecular subtypes or clinicopathological groups has been a cornerstone in transcriptomic analyses of human malignancies for nearly two decades. However, many reported classifiers are critically limited by different preprocessing needs like normalization and data centering. In response, a new breed of classifiers,

Unpacking package free shopping: Alternative retailing and the reinvention of the practice of shopping

The aim of this paper is to understand how the practice of package free shopping takes shape and is established. Taking a shopping-as-practice approach, and drawing on an ethnographic study of a Swedish ecological food store, this paper shows that to be able to successfully remove a key artefact - packaging - from the practice of shopping, the practice itself must be reinvented. Developing package

Biogeografisk uppföljning 2016 av dag- och nattfjärilar inom habitatdirektivet

Rapporten sammanfattar fjärilsinventeringar utförda 2016 inom Biogeografisk uppföljningsom drivs av Naturvårdsverket. I fjällområdet kunde 66 ytor inventeras och sammanlagtnoterades 80 högnordiska blåvingar på 20 ytor och 55 dvärgpärlemorfjärilar på 19 ytor.Inventeringen gav dessvärre inget fynd av fjällsilversmygare detta år. Förekomsten avtajgafjällfly undersöktes på 8 lokaler från Lycksele lapp