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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Non-negative least squares fitting of multi-exponential T2 decay data: Are we able to accurately measure the fraction of myelin water?

The ability to determine the myelin water fraction (MWF) in vivo is essential to assessments of neurodevelopmental myelination and myelin damage in neurodegenerative diseases. The analysis of multi-exponential T2 decay data relies on the non-negative-least-squares (NNLS) fitting, which may be sensitive to the chosen fitting parameters. We performed simulations to explore the outcomes of NNLS under

Under-five mortality and maternal HIV status in Tanzania: analysis of trends between 2003 and 2012 using AIDS Indicator Survey data

BackgroundMortality among children under five remains a significant health challenge across sub-Saharan Africa. HIV/AIDS is one of the leading contributors to the relatively slow decline in under-five mortality in this region. In Tanzania, HIV prevalence among under-five children is high and 90% of all infections are due to mother-to-child transmission.ObjectivesThe study aimed to examine the asso

The Gaia-ESO Survey : Catalogue of Hα emission stars

We discuss the properties of Hα emission stars across the sample of 22035 spectra from the Gaia-ESO Survey internal data release, observed with the GIRAFFE instrument and largely belonging to stars in young open clusters. Automated fits using two independent Gaussian profiles and a third component that accounts for the nebular emission allow us to discern distinct morphological types of Hα line pr

Hypersensitive pupillary light reflex in infants at risk for autism

BACKGROUND: Post mortem brain tissue data and animal modeling work indicate cholinergic disruptions in autism. Moreover, the cholinergic system plays a key role in the early neurodevelopmental processes believed to be derailed early in life in individuals with the disorder. Yet, there is no data from human infants supporting a developmentally important role of this neurotransmitter system. Because

Towards the modelling of pedestrian wind speed using high-resolution digital surface models and statistical methods

Wind is a complex phenomenon and a critical fac-tor in assessing climatic conditions and pedestrian comfortwithin cities. To obtain spatial information on near-groundwind speed, 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model-ling is often used. This is a computationally intensive methodwhich requires extensive computer resources and is time con-suming. By using a simpler 2D method, larger areas can b

Escherichia coli induces transuroepithelial neutrophil migration by an intercellular adhesion molecule-1-dependent mechanism

During bacterial infections at mucosal sites, neutrophils migrate to the mucosa and cross the epithelial barrier. We have examined neutrophil migration across Escherichia coli-stimulated uroepithelial cell layers in an attempt to more fully understand this process. Stimulation of uroepithelial cells with E. coli or interleukin-1α (IL-1α) induced transepithelial neutrophil migration in a time- and

A Colloid Approach to Self-Assembling Antibodies

Concentrated solutions of monoclonal antibodies have attracted considerable attention due to their importance in pharmaceutical formulations; yet, their tendency to aggregate and the resulting high viscosity pose considerable problems. Here we tackle this problem by a soft condensed matter physics approach, which combines a variety of experimental measurements with a patchy colloid model, amenable

Computerized visual field screening in the management of patients with ocular hypertension

Visual field testing which the Computer fully automatic computerized perimeter (Heijl & Krakau 1975) employing a supra-liminal screening test procedure was used in a material of 1013 eyes with ocular hypertension in which earlier routine perimetry (kinetic and static) on the Goldmann perimeter had yielded a normal result. The automatic screening was repeated if positive, and manual control per

Naturvårdshänsyn vid miljöriskbedömning av genmodifierade grödor. : Långsiktiga effekter och effekter på icke-målorganismer.

Naturvårdsverket har i regleringsbrevet för år 2009 fått i uppdrag av regeringen att redovisa vilka uppgifter som verket bedömer behövs i miljöriskbedömning-en av genmodifierade (GM) grödor för att kunna ta naturvårdshänsyn till lång-siktiga effekter och effekter på icke-målorganismer. Denna rapport utgör redo-visningen av uppdraget.Utveckling och användning av genetiskt modifierade organismer (GM

Miljöövervakning av GM-grödor avseende kommersiell odling : Element som bör ingå i övervakningen av GM-grödor som odlas kommersiellt

Naturvårdsverket har i regleringsbrevet för år 2009 fått i uppdrag av regeringen att redovisa vilka element som verket bedömer bör ingå i övervakningen av GMO som introduceras i miljön för försök eller i kommersiell odling. I samråd med Miljödepartementet har uppdraget avgränsats till att inte inkludera försök, utan enbart beröra kommersiell odling. Denna rapport utgör redovisningen av uppdraget.I