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Minne, jag, 1800. Litterär självframställning hos Atterbom, Geijer, Widerberg och Heidenstam
Both the idea of the self and the idea of memory went through significant changes in the 18th and 19th centuries – developments that in important ways were driven by, and showcased in, the different forms of autobiographical expression popular during this period. With the aim of studying the Swedish context in this regard, the thesis describes a number of typical situations and thematic structures
Om kunskap och metaforer
Endre Nemes: Det olikartades förmälning – det förgångnas återfödelse. En studie av Endre Nemes' senare skapande 1965-1985. Del 2, L-Ö. Övriga
”Varför just Lund”: välkommen till Lundajuristernas dag den 6 juni 2003!
Utmaningar i utvecklingen: Nya behandlingsmetoder vid Parkinsons sjukdom
Electronic structure of nanometer-scale semiconductor wires
We report a theoretical study of the electronic structure and optical properties of GaAs nanowires grown in the [111] direction with a hexagonal cross section, based on a tight-binding approach. It is shown that in the nanowires the degeneracy of the light-hole and heavy-hole bands at the Γ-point seen in the bulk material is lifted, and the light-hole state is located above the heavy-hole state, i
SAF:s framtidssyn: förutsägelser, målsättningar och dilemman. En studie av programarbete och planeringsverksamhet inom Svenska Arbetsgivarföreningen
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Förvaltning och demokrati
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Water Efficiency Handbook
This handbook was developed to assist water users identify and prioritize cost-effective water efficiency opportunities. It targets water use in residential and commercial buildings, industrial plants, and agricultural farms. The handbook offers practical and proven methods to cut water consumption, and water costs, without sacrificing production, reliability, orcomfort. By making this handbook av
Speeding up requirements management in a product software company: linking customer wishes to product requirements through linguistic engineering
Developing large complex software products aimed for a broad market involves a great flow of wishes and requirements. The former are elicited from customers while the latter are brought forth by the developing organization. These are preferably kept separated to preserve the different perspectives. The interrelationships should however be identified and maintained to enable well-founded decisions.
Armed intervention, pursuing legitimacy and the pragmatic use of legal argument
This study examines how States use legal arguments in cases of armed intervention and how this usage can influence the development of international law. The objective is to contribute to the understanding of the law on armed intervention by conducting a study of how States actually use legal arguments to justify or condemn armed interventions in actual cases. By assessing empirical material within
Discordant Neural Xenografting: Analysis and Modulation of Immune Responses
Popular Abstract in Swedish Transplantation av dopaminceller från mänskliga foster kan förbättra funktionen hos patienter med Parkinsons sjukdom (Lindvall 1997, Björklund 2000a). Man har kunnat visa att transplantaten har återställt dopaminproduktionen i striatum till normala nivåer i flera fall, och till 70-80% av normalt i majoriteten av de patienter som transplanterats i Lund. Transplantaten haTransplantation of embryonic human neural tissue can restore function in patients with Parkinson’s disease, but there is a severe shortage of donor tissue which limits the applicability of the technique. Embryonic neural tissue from other species, xenogeneic tissue, would provide a readily accessible donor tissue with the potential to help patients if the immunological reactions in the host could
Fördelningseffekter av inkomstskatt och utgiftsskatt
Röd Stjärna över Sverige. Folkrepubliken Kina som resurs i den svenska vänsterradikaliseringen under 1960- och 1970-talen
The aim of this study is to assess and analyze the image of revolutionary China in the eyes of Swedish leftwing travelers and activists during the heyday of Maoism, and how these traveler’s and activist’s reports and texts were used to promote friendship activism with China. Of particular interest is how the euphoric view of China in the west, during the Cultural revolution, was promoted and also
Från diversity management till mångfaldsplaner? Om mångfaldsidéns spridning i Sverige och Malmö stad
During the 1990’s the diversity idea entered the Swedish socio-political debate under the name ‘mångfald’. The concept originated in the United States and discusses how organizations can be more efficient if they combat discrimination and acknowledge differences. This development attracted the attention of mass-media and led to the publication of books, articles and reports that advocated or comme
Kommentar till Lag (1973:980) om transport, förvaring och förstöring av införselreglerade varor, m.m.
Abstract not available
Atrocity Media: Negotiating the Abject in Images of Torture and Death
This essay discusses the dissemination of atrocity images in contemporary mass media, from the photographs of mass-graves in the Nazi concentration camps to the pictures of torture of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib. The central question is one of distances: the distance between the image and the event, between the picture and the beholder, and between the destroyed human body and the cultural forms
Competition Law in Technology Transfer under the TRIPS Agreement - Implications for Developing Countries
The TRIPS Agreement allows WTO Members to enact and apply appropriate domestic competition law to address IPR-related anti-competitive practices. However, these flexibilities in the TRIPS Agreement do not provide any specific guidance for WTO Members. The application of domestic competition law to IPR abuses in technology transfer varies a great deal between developed and developing countries, and