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Phosphorylation of hormone-sensitive lipase by protein kinase A in vitro promotes an increase in its hydrophobic surface area.
Hormone-sensitive lipase (EC; HSL) is a key enzyme in the mobilization of fatty acids from stored triacylglycerols. HSL activity is controlled by phosphorylation of at least four serines. In rat HSL, Ser563, Ser659 and Ser660 are phosphorylated by protein kinase A (PKA) in vitro as well as in vivo, and Ser660 and Ser659 have been shown to be the activity-controlling sites in vitro. The ex
"Öppen demokratisk folkkyrka"
Kvinnor i kriminella kretsar
Excess mortality in middle-aged men with diabetes aged 15-34 years at diagnosis.
The aim of this study is to assess mortality risk and the excess of risk in patients with diabetes. Patients were 15-34 years old at diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (n = 879) in 1992 and 1993 in this national cohort from Sweden. Healthy controls were matched for gender and birth on the same day as the index cases (n = 837). The civic registration number was used to link patients and controls to the
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Abstract in Norwegian Den fallende profittraten, underkonsumpsjon eller overproduksjon? I over 100 år har marxister diskutert hvordan man skal forstå økonomiske kriser. Og heller ikke den siste krisa har gitt oss løsning på problmet. Snarere tvert imot.
Räddning av danska judar var unik
What makes good educational software?
This thesis investigates educational software: computer software applications which serve to support teachers and improve learning outcomes for students. It aims to delineate the field of educational technology research as an interdisciplinary field and exemplify some of the methods used for approaching the many research questions that arise from asking what makes good educational software. The ov
Gravfält och boplats
Tyngd och nåd i svensk skönlitteratur : artiklar av Gustaf Wingren
Liquid-jet target for laser-plasma soft x-ray generation
We describe a new liquid-target system for low-debris laser-plasma soft x-ray sources. The system is based on a microscopic liquid jet and is experimentally evaluated for 0.7-1 keV proximity lithography and water-window x-ray microscopy applications. Compared to an existing liquid-droplet target, this target system has the same low debris emission, high x-ray photon flux, and narrow spectral bandw
CK5/6 in effusions: no difference between mesothelioma and pulmonary and nonpulmonary adenocarcinoma.
OBJECTIVE: To test the performance of CK5/6 for the differentiation between mesothelioma, adenocarcinoma and benign mesothelia/proliferations in effusion cytology. STUDY DESIGN: CKS/6 immunocytochemistry was applied to ethanol-fixed cytospin preparations from 74 benign and malignant effusions. RESULTS: Reactivity was seen in 7 of 8 mesotheliomas and in 9 of 11 benign mesothelial proliferations but
A View from Language : Growth of language in individuals and populations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika modeller för inlärning och förändring av språkliga (morfologiska) drag simuleras med hjälp av dator. Olika faktorers inverkan studeras: t.ex. inlärningshastighet, geografisk spridning, populationstäthet, epidemier. En konnektionistisk modell för individens inlärning undersöks på uppgiften att lära sig svenskans brutna verb paradigm (samexisterande svaga och starkaThe main question that this book tries to find answers to is what it is that makes language learnable. Language is one of the most complex human activities, but nearly 100% of humanity have learned a language in childhood. One answer could be that it is something in our brain that makes us learn language better than most other activities. Another answer could be that it is something in language as
Robotics versus laparoscopy - an experimental study of the transfer effect in maiden users.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Robot-assisted laparoscopy (RL) is used in a wide range of operative interventions, but the advantage of this technique over conventional laparoscopy (CL) remains unclear. Studies comparing RL and CL are scarce. The present study was performed to test the hypothesis that maiden users master surgical tasks quicker with the robot-assisted laparoscopy technique than with the con
Exploring the multifaceted nature of the common lymphoid progenitor compartment.
While the common lymphoid progenitor compartment was originally thought to be a rather homogenous cell population, it has become increasingly clear that this compartment is highly heterogeneous both with regard to phenotypic and functional features. The exploration of this cellular complexity has generated novel molecular insights into regulatory events in lymphoid lineage restriction and provided
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Jan Garnert Hallå! Om Telefonens Första Tid I Sverige rec. av Göran Sjögård
Recension av en bok som handlar om telefonens svenska historia under 1800-talet och hur vardagsliv och tänkesätt påverkas när en ny teknologi introduceras. Författaren använder flera olika skriftliga källor, bl.a. August Strindbergs författarskap. En viss betoning på telefonen ur ett Stockholmsperspektiv.
Sentinel lymph node biopsy staging for cutaneous malignant melanoma of the head and neck.
Conclusion Sentinel lymph node biopsies (SLNBs) can be performed safely and with reasonable accuracy in HNM patients. The outcome provides important prognostic information concerning DFS and further treatment. However, one must recognize that SLNB is a multidisciplinary procedure with a learning curve for all. Objectives To evaluate efficacy of performing SLNBs in a series of consecutive patients
Empirical studies of financial asset returns
This dissertation aims at understanding differences in rates of returns on financial assets, both in the cross-section and over time. It contains four chapters. The first paper is "Non-separable preferences and risk aversion: Results from the UK". Due to poor empirical support of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model it has been suggested that the model should be specified as being non-separ