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The spatial structure of genetic and morphometric variation in Corylus avellana (Betulaceae): pattern and scale

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spatiell struktur hos Corylus avellana (Betulaceae), hassel, med avseende på genetisk och morfometrisk variation Hassel, (Corylus avellana) är en vindpollinerad perenn buske som förekommer i mer eller mindre sammanhängande bestånd i stora delar av Europa. I denna avhandling har jag undersökt den genetiska och morfometriska variationen på olika hierarkiska nivåer hos haIn the present thesis, I investigated the spatial structure of genetic and morphometric variation in the widespread wind-pollinated shrub Corylus avellana (L.) Betulaceae, hazel, and related the variation to geographic distribution and different spatial scales. The plant material derived from natural populations in Europe, with special emphasis on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. Genetic and mo

The creative place: the impact of different environmental factors on creativity

In this chapter, different perspectives of the creative place are presented. A main division between cultural and psychosocial factors on the one side and physical aspects on the other side is outlined. Among the cultural and psychosocial factors, there are individual, organizational and cultural sources of impact that may affect the possibilities for creativity and among physical factors, the arc

Studies of chlorophyll-a levels in the North Aegean Sea using SeaWiFS data

The hydrographical characteristics of the North Aegean Sea (NAS) have been studied using in-situ data and thermal NOAA AVHRR data. Lately, efforts to simulate the circulation patterns in the NAS have also been performed. Thus, it has been found that the discharge of water of Black Sea origin (BSW) affects extensive areas of the NAS surface waters. Another meso-scale phenomenon is the extensive upw

The Bioeconomy: An Introduction to the World of Bioenergy

Bioenergy is booming around the world and with the expansion comes exciting opportunities and some disturbing risks. Learning about bioenergy – from technologies, to resources, to policies – is important to the success and sustainability of the bioeconomy. This interactive guide opens the door to understanding and engaging in the transition from the fossil-based economy to a bio-based economy. The

The effect of sequence truncation and amino-acid substitutions on the biophysical properties of protein S and calbindin D9k.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är helt nödvändiga för alla former av liv på jorden. En typisk cell består till 50-60 % av proteiner, om man bortser från vatten. Det är ett protein, hemoglobin, som transporterar syre från lungorna till kroppens celler och ger blodet dess röda färg. Det är ett protein, alfa- keratin, som bygger upp vårt hår och våra naglar. Det är två proteiner, aktin och myoProtein S is a modular protein and a cofactor in the protein C anticoagulant system. It consists of a Gla-module, a thrombin-sensitive loop, four EGF-modules and a SHBG-like module. Protein S has previously been shown to contain four binding sites with high affinities for Ca2+ (Ka>9x105 M-1 at physiological ionic strength) and at least one of the sites has been located to a fragment containing the

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Description of how to do a semi-structured interviews of individuals

Single-ended low noise multiband LNA with programmable integrated matching and high isolation switches

This paper describes a novel 90nm single-ended multiband input LNA preceded by RF input switches connected to an on-chip balun intended to drive a differential mixer. The architecture achieves a low noise figure of 1.8dB. The advantage with the proposed architecture is that it is fully single-ended with on-chip programmable narrow-band matching eliminating the need of off-chip components. Especial