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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

On the Effectiveness of Loan-to-Value Regulation in a Multiconstraint Framework

Models in the infinite horizon macro-housing literature often assume that borrowers are constrained exclusively by the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio. Motivated by the Swedish microdata, I explore an alternative arrangement where borrowers are constrained by a collateral constraint and by a debt-service-to-income ratio. While stricter LTV limits are often considered as a measure to tackle the rise in h

Occupational exposure to organic particles and combustion products during pregnancy and birth outcome in a nationwide cohort study in Sweden

Objective: To study if children of women exposed to organic particles and combustion products at work during pregnancy, have an increased risk of low birth weight, preterm birth or small for gestational age. Methods: A nationwide cohort of all occupationally active mothers and their children from single births during 1994 to the end of 2012 (1 182 138 observations) was formed. Information on birth

Associations of common breast cancer susceptibility alleles with risk of breast cancer subtypes in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

INTRODUCTION: More than 70 common alleles are known to be involved in breast cancer (BC) susceptibility, and several exhibit significant heterogeneity in their associations with different BC subtypes. Although there are differences in the association patterns between BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers and the general population for several loci, no study has comprehensively evaluated the associatio

The age of the Middle Ordovician Winneshiek Shale : reply to a critical review by Lindskog & Young (2019) of a paper by Bergström et al. (2018a)

A recent review by Lindskog & Young (2019) of a paper published in Lethaia by Bergström et al. (2018a) contains many errors, misleading statements and unsupported opinions. Their review claims that we did not consider biostratigraphy in our efforts to chemostratigraphically date the Winneshiek Shale. That this is incorrect is shown by the fact that Liu et al. (2017), which contains a two-page

Obesutten och osynliggjord : En betraktelse över historisk arkeologi på marginalen

In the 19th and early 20th centuries there were numerous non-proprietors paupers in the Swedish countryside such as crofters, boarders and inhabitants of rural slums. With a change in the heritage legislation, increased possibilities to archaeologically investigate the non-proprietors of the recent past have emerged, but the archaeological material is still both scarce and of a repetitive characteIn the 19th and early 20th centuries there were numerous non proprietor, poor and pauper people in the Swedish countryside such as crofters, boarders and inhabitants of rural slums. With a change in the heritage legislation, increased possibilities to archaeologically investigate the non proprietors of the recent past has emerged, however the archaeological material is still both scarce and of a r

WISC-III index score profiles of 520 Swedish children with pervasive developmental disorders

WISC-III (Wechsler, 1991) index score profiles and their characteristics were examined with traditional statistics in a large Swedish sample consisting of children with autistic disorder (n = 85), Asperger's disorder (n = 341), or pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS; n = 94). There was a clear and significant difference in level between children with Asperger's disor

Screening of a combinatorial steroid library using molecularly imprinted polymers

Molecular imprinting is an attractive method for producing highly selective adsorbents, and several new and potentially useful applications based on molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been described in recent years. In this article, we introduce a new field of application in which the selectivities of imprinted materials can be gainfully employed as binding matrices in the screening of com

Social trust in adaptation to multi-species management

Trust is fundamental in any interpersonal relationship, and is highly essential to initiate, establish, and maintain social relationships. Social trust is described as the willingness to rely on persons representing institutions such as wildlife manage agencies and is discussed as an important aspect of pro-environmental behaviour, resilience and adaptive capacity. The multi-level and multi-actor

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events After Parathyroidectomy in Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy

Background: A majority of patients with end-stage renal disease suffer from secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is associated with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Parathyroidectomy (PTX) is often necessary despite medical treatment. However, the effect of PTX on cardio- and cerebrovascular events (CVE) remains unclear. Data on the effect of PTX from population-based studies are scarce. S

Phase-locked magnetomotive ultrasound imaging of superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles

It has recently been shown that superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO-NP) can be used as ultrasound contrast agents, by moving the particles using a time-varying external magnetic field and thereby moving nanoparticle laden tissue. However, the difficulty to distinguish magneto-motive motion from indirect motion induced outside areas containing nanoparticles, or other motion artifacts,


Response to Sheila Twinn commentary on Bramhagen AC. Axelsson I. and Hallström I. Mother’s experiences of feeding situations. An interview study.

Top quark phenomenology at hadron colliders

It has been almost fifteen years ago that the top quark, the heaviest and most intriguing among the six known quarks, was observed at the Tevatron experiments at Fermilab. Some of its properties, such as the mass and the production cross sections are by now quite well known. Other important aspects, however, such as the top quark invariant mass distribution, the structure of the tWb coupling, the