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Experiments with low-energy kaons at the DAΦNE Collider

The investigations of light kaonic atoms offer the unique opportunity to perform experiments equivalent to scattering at vanishing relative energies, being their atomic binding energies in the keV range. This allows the determination of the hadron-nucleus interaction at threshold without the need of an extrapolation to zero relative energy. The energy shift and broadening of the lowest-lying state

An enzyme-linked molecularly imprinted sorbent assay

Based on a molecularly imprinted polymer, a competitive binding assay analogous to competitive enzyme immunoassay has been developed. The assay is specific for the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and uses, for the first time, an enzyme-labelled conjugate as a tracer. The label tobacco peroxidase allowed for colorimetric and chemiluminescence detection. The molecularly imprinted polymer wa

Molecularly Imprinted Polymeric Adsorbents for Byproduct Removal

In this study, both diastereo- and enantioselective adsorbents for a dipeptide derivative were prepared using a molecular imprinting technique. The diastereo- and enantioisomers for the dipeptide derivative N-(benzyloxy-carbonyl)aspartylphenylalanine methyl ester (ZAPM), in addition to the α- and β-isomers, were chosen as test compounds for the investigation of the imprinting effect The close simi

Immigrant Youths with Disabilities and Caregivers from the Middle-East—Challenges and Needs During Transition to Adulthood

Background: Recent years of research have increased the knowledge about how to support the transition to adulthood for youths with disabilities. In today’s multi-cultural societies knowledge about transitioning immigrant youths and their caregivers is still needed.Objective: To describe the expectations and needs of immigrant youths with disabilities residing in Sweden during their transition into

Det gränslösa samhället : Om hur goda idéer kan leda till ojämlikhet/utestängning

En plattityd; samhället är delat. Lite mera nyanserat; det verkar finnas en tendens till att strukturera den mänskliga samvarons former. Individer, liksom aktiviteter, separeras i olika kategorier vilka rangordnas mer eller mindre relevant för samhällets fungerande. Dessa processer sker utan att någon av de inblandade har något intresse i en sådan strukturering. Det kan till och med vara s

As far below as you can come? : Historical archaeology on vulnerability and marginalization of life at the bottom of the social ladder

The Swedish well fare state is a young phenomenon. In the 19th and early 20th centuries there were numerous non proprietor, poor and pauper people in the Swedish countryside such as crofters, boarders and inhabitants of rural slums. Being poor also meant being more exposed to risks than more resourceful persons, and having fragile safety nets. This paper is about these poor and pauper persons of tIn the 19th and early 20th centuries there were numerous non-proprietors and paupers in the Swedish countryside, such as crofters, boarders and inhabitants of rural slums. Multisource methods such as triangulation of written documents, historical maps and archaeological evidence are used to study the living conditions, vulnerability and marginalization of boarders and inhabitants of rural slums fr

Ethics and the potential conflicts between astrobiology, planetary protection and commercial use of space

A high standard of planetary protection is important for astrobiology, though the risk for contamination can never be zero. It is therefore important to find a balance. If extraterrestrial life has a moral standing in its own right, it will also affect what we have to do to protect it. The questions of how far we need to go to protect extraterrestrial life will be even more acute and complicated w

The objectivity of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) in naturalistic clinical settings

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is a first-choice diagnostic tool in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Excellent interpersonal objectivity (interrater reliability) has been demonstrated for the ADOS under optimal conditions, i.e., within groups of highly trained "research reliable" examiners in research setting. We investigated the spontaneous interrater reliability among clinicall

The added value of the combined use of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule : diagnostic validity in a clinical Swedish sample of toddlers and young preschoolers

The diagnostic validity of the new research algorithms of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and the revised algorithms of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule was examined in a clinical sample of children aged 18-47 months. Validity was determined for each instrument separately and their combination against a clinical consensus diagnosis. A total of N = 268 children (n = 171 with autis

Utmaning eller tillgång? Att undervisa modersmålstalare i språkutbildning på universitetet

I språkutbildning vid svenska lärosäten finns det vanligtvis ett antal studenter i varje grupp som har det studerade språket som modersmål (L1), även om majoriteten utgörs av studerande som läser språket som främmande språk (L2). I vår studie undersöker vi erfarenheter av att undervisa denna typ av grupp genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex universitetslärare i franska, spanska och tyska. Un

Cytokines induce an epithelial cell cytokine response

Intravesical inoculation of gram negative bacteria or isolated bacterial products into mice induces an IL-6 response which can be measured within miutes of the infection.1,2 In such infections, IL-6 is initially detected in the urine and subsequently in the serum. Similar IL-6 responses were found in human patients deliberately colonized in the urinary tract with E. coli Hu7343. IL-6 was secreted

The role of the epithelial cell in Escherichia coil induced neutrophil migration into the urinary tract

Neutrophil influx to mucosal surfaces represents one of the earliest inflammatory responses to mucosal infection. We have been studying external interactions with urinary tract epithelial cells in an attempt to understand the molecular mechanisms behind this process. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli induced urinary tract epithelial cells to secrete the neutrophil chemoattractant interleukin-8 (IL-8)

The host defense peptide LL-37 is internalized by human periodontal ligament cells and prevents LPS-induced MCP-1 production

Objective: The human host defense peptide LL-37 both shows antimicrobial effects and modulates host cell properties. Here, we assess the effects of synthesized LL-37 on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation in human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells and investigates underlying mechanisms. Background: LL-37 has been detected in the periodontal tissues, but its functional importance for PDL c

Preclinical efficacy of hK2 targeted [177Lu]hu11B6 for prostate cancer theranostics

Androgen ablating drugs increase life expectancy in men with metastatic prostate cancer, but resistance inevitably develops. In a majority of these recurrent tumors, the androgen axis is reactivated in the form of increased androgen receptor (AR) expression. Targeting proteins that are expressed as a down-stream effect of AR activity is a promising rationale for management of this disease. The hum