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On the cytotoxic and proinflammatory properties of eosinophils

Popular Abstract in Swedish VADÅ CYTOTOXISKA OCH PROINFLAMMATORISKA EGENSKAPER HOS EOSINOFILA? Vårt immunförsvar är nödvändigt för vår överlevnad, men des's komplexitet gör det svårt att greppa. Man brukar dela upp det i ett ospecifikt och ett specifikt försvar. T och B celler ingår i det ospecifika och vita blodkroppar i det specifika. En andra uppdelning är första försvarslinjen (den barriär soEosinophils are multi-functional leukocytes involved in the pathophysiology of inflammatory diseases such as asthma and inflammatory bowel disease. Participation in some neoplastic diseases and in the host defense against helminths has also been postulated. They are considered both good and bad, protecting or harming the host. The exact roles of eosinophils and their mechanisms of action are poorl

The paradigmatic tourist

In the Western thought tradition, the tourist has not been a subject worthy of intellectual musings and philosophical deliberations. Indeed, the tourist has been portrayed in primarily derisive ways. Nietzsche's remark, "Tourists-they climb mountains like animals, stupid and perspiring, no one has told them that there are beautiful views on the way," epitomizes the dominant attitude. Why does the

Understanding by experiencing patterns

This chapter focuses on the cognitive and emotional mechanisms of understanding. We propose that understanding consists in seeing or, more generally, experiencing a pattern. Patterns can be experienced by all sensory modalities and in abstract thinking, but here the focus is primarily on the visual modality. We discuss how understanding by experiencing patterns can be achieved in learning process

A basis of the basic $germ sgerm l(3,Bbb C)sp sim$-module.

J. Lepowsky and R. L. Wilson initiated the approach to combinatorial Rogers-Ramanujan type identities via the vertex operator constructions of representations of affine Lie algebras. In this approach the first new combinatorial identities were discovered by S. Capparelli through the construction of the level 3 standard $A_2^{(2)}$-modules. We obtained several infinite series of new combinatorial i

The Early State and the Towns. Forms of Integration in Lombard Italy, AD 568-774

This disstertation is a study of the foundations of the early state of Lombard Italy, AD 568-774. The main issue of the work is the hypothetical integration of social sectors within the context of an early state, as opposed to alternative forms of integration. the possibilities of achieving this kind of integration is regarded as connected with the urban infrastructure. The chief analysis consist

Energy Transport, Overshoot, and Mixing in the Atmospheres of Very Cool Stars

We constructed hydrodynamical model atmospheres for mid M-type main-, as well as pre-main-sequence objects. Despite the complex chemistry encountered in such cool atmospheres a reasonably accurate representation of the radiative transfer is possible. The detailed treatment of the interplay between radiation and convection in the hydrodynamical models allows to study processes usually not accessibl

Allmänhetens miljöpåverkan. Energi, mat, resor och socialt liv

Människor är konsumenter under hela livet. En stor del av den konsumtionen är nödvändig, medan andra delar är överflödskonsumtion. Allt som konsumeras kräver resurser i form av råvaror och energi att tillverka och för att ta hand om det som blir avfall. Nästan alla människor i vårt land säger sig vara miljömedvetna. Många köper enbart miljö- eller kravmärkta produkter. Ändå kan vi inte undgå att v

Path to a sustainable GEO environment: Debris environmental assessment and ITS implications on cost and benefit analysis

This paper conducts an economical evaluation of the geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO) under different proposed mitigation measures, including new legal standards, such as a lower satellite explosion rate and restrictions on the number of launches. The computer model, GEO-EVOL1 and 2, was used to run different mitigation scenarios. The simulation result shows that the re-orbit maneuvering and the re

On Self-adaptive Resource Allocation through Reinforcement Learning

Autonomic computing was proposed as a promising solution to overcome the complexity of modern systems, which is causing management operations to become increasingly difficult for human beings. This work proposes the Adaptation Manager, a comprehensive framework to implement autonomic managers capable of pursuing some of the objectives of autonomic computing (i.e., self-optimization and self-healin

Mapping settlement patterns

Mapping settlement patterns in a time perspective of several thousand years is a complicated task. The chapter deals with methods for doing so, from prehistoric activity to the 20th century.

The Development of a European Fire Classification System for Building Products - Test Methods and Mathematical Modelling

The fire technical properties of products are determining factors for the initiation and growth of fires. Measurement of fire technical properties and the understanding of how they relate to real hazards are therefore important for fire safety. This work deals with the fire technical properties of building products, their tendency to ignite and release heat in different fire scenarios. Building p