Between Communication and Community : EU Constitution Making, a European Public Sphere and the (Un-)Likelihood of Transnational Debate
Popular Abstract in Swedish Behövs en gemensam offentlig sfär i Europa för att EU:s beslutsprocess ska kunna anses vara demokratiskt legitim – och hur skulle en sådan europeisk offentlig sfär kunna se ut? Mot bakgrunden av debatten om EU:s demokratiska underskott undersöker denna studie vilken roll dagstidningar spelar i skapandet av transnationella debattarenor. Specifikt undersöker studien om enWhat kind of public sphere is possible in the European Union? Against the backdrop of debates on the transformation of democracy beyond the nation-state, this study explores daily newspapers’ role in providing forums for transnational debate in the presumed absence of an overarching European collective identity. It uses empirical means to reconsider the question of the supposed co-constitutiveness