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Stiff well-posedness for hyperbolic systems with large relaxation terms (linear constant-coefficient problems)

The paper deals with the Cauchy problem for the linear constant-coefficient strongly hyperbolic system $u_t+Au_x=({1}/{delta})B$. The critical case where $B$ has a nontrivial nullspace is investigated. Under suitable assumptions on the matrices $A$ and $B$ the convergence in $L_2$ as $delta o 0$ of the solution $u(·,t,delta)$ of the Cauchy problem is proved. Then the evolution of the limit funct

Pelvic Exenteration for Advanced and Recurrent Malignancy.

BACKGROUND: Improved surgical techniques and oncological treatment render many advanced pelvic tumors amenable to curative resection. We evaluated morbidity, survival, and quality of life (QoL) after extended pelvic procedures. METHODS: From January 2003 to November 2008, 85 patients underwent multivisceral pelvic resection; 87% had colorectal or anal malignancies. Preoperatively, endoscopy and im

Assessment of increased upper airway resistance in snorers. Methodological and diagnostic considerations.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid omhändertagande av patienter med snarkning och obstruktionsproblematik är det viktigt att beakta alla grader av andningsstörning. Nuvarande utredningsmetoder är väl lämpade för att diagnostisera avancerade sjukdomstillstånd präglade av andningsuppehåll under sömnen (apnéer) men har svårare att identifiera patienter vilkas andnings- och sömnstörning är mindre uttaladSleep-related partial upper airway obstruction may cause increased morbidity and mortality, but diagnosis and treatment of patients is varying and inconsistent. The present studies were aimed to evaluate presently applied indirect methods for assessing respiratory ventilation and to investigate the value and accuracy in estimating upper airway resistance during sleep by measuring intrathoracic pre

The Education Market of the 1980’s Youngsters

A market orientation is needed for traditional education programmes in land surveying, both towards the labour market and towards the market of the youngsters. Lund University started the land surveying programme in 1992 with a profile in GIS, but has turned towards real estate economy and management. The traditional core areas of surveying and land management are less focussed. The Programme Boar

Increased focus on values. A tool in stress prevention?

Background and purpose Can an increased focus on values in working life be a factor in stress prevention? Values are defined as the shared principles which guide behaviour in an organisation. The purpose of this study was to describe how patients with musculoskeletal pain perceive the importance of values in relation to coping with daily stress and in relation to health. Methods Patients receivi

Ett system utan utmanare?

Om realsocialismens och Sovjetkommunismens fall var en seger för demokratin, var det det mångdubbelt för kapitalismen. För i de forna kommandoekonomier där de demokratiska principerna inte fått något större genomslag har i alla fall kapitalismen lyckats slå rot. Kapitalismen har idag blivit grundförutsättningen för allt ekonomiskt och politiskt handlande. Även i välfärdskapitalismens länder har en

Att bedöma äldre människors behov: biståndshandläggares arbete inom äldreomsorgen kollegiegranskat

Denna rapport härstammar från en kollegiegranskning i äldreomsorgen. Tio biståndshandläggare har undersökt sin verksamhet såsom den ter sig i en annan kommun inte så långt därifrån. De skriver kunnigt och engagerat om biståndsbedömning och ställer frågor kring hur detta arbete bör bedrivas. Bengt Ingvad och Christer Neleryd har sammanställt granskningarna. I ett inledande och avslutande kapitel ko

Mortality from peptic ulcer bleeding: the impact of comorbidity and the use of drugs that promote bleeding.

Summary Background Use of drugs promoting peptic ulcer bleed has increased several folds. Aim To make a time-trend analysis of peptic ulcer bleed patients and evaluate the impact of age, gender, comorbidity and use of drugs promoting peptic ulcer bleed on outcome. Methods Retrospective review of hospitalizations for peptic ulcer bleed at Lund University Hospital during 1984, 1994 and 2004. Univari