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Studies on the Polymorphism and Transcriptional Regulation of the ABO and P1PK Histo-blood Group Genes

Antigens of the clinically important ABO and P1PK blood group systems are carbohydrate structures. Thus the underlying genes do not encode antigens directly but glycosyltransferases that add specific sugar molecules to selected precursor chains. The aim of this study was to investigate the transcriptional regulation of ABO and A4GALT, with an emphasis on interindividual differences. The up-and dow

Ground beetle dynamics in intensively managed agricultural landscapes

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling har jag studerat jordlöparnas (Carabidae) dynamik i de intensivt brukade landskapen som återfinns i Skånes slättbygd. Jordlöpare är en artrik familj av rovlevande skalbaggar som är vanligt förekommande i jordbruksmark. De livnär sig på en mängd olika insekter, andra leddjur och blötdjur, som t.ex. skadedjur såsom bladlöss eller kålflugans ägg. För attIn this thesis I have focused on studying dynamics of ground beetle assemblages in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. By definition, the land cover of these landscapes is dominated by annually tilled farmland, comprising a range of different crop types, in the context of the southern Swedish province of Scania mostly winter wheat, spring barley, winter rapeseed, and sugar beets. This bac

101 Women's patterns of daily occupations. Characteristics and realtionships to health and well-being

Popular Abstract in Swedish Balans i vardagens sysslor - en förutsättning för kvinnors hälsa. Psykisk sjukdom och stress anges ofta som orsak till längre sjukskrivning och drabbar kvinnor till övervägande del. Majoriteten av Sveriges kvinnor är idag yrkesarbetande, de tar större ansvar för hem och familj, de arbetar oftare deltid, tar oftare ut ledighet för vård av sjuka barn och utför 65 % mer hThis thesis investigated the concept of balance in daily occupations. The overarching aim was to explore women’s patterns of everyday occupations and to investigate relationships between different aspects of patterns of daily occupations and health and well-being. The participants were working, cohabitant women with pre-school children. The methods used focused on exploring patterns of daily occup

Eyewitness testimonies : The memory and meta-memory effects of retellings and discussions with non-witnesses

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är vanligt att ögonvittnen återger och diskuterar en upplevd brottshändelse med sin familj och vänner. Syftet med dessa diskussioner är att uppdatera familj och vänner om vad som är nytt. Dessa diskussioner har konsekvenser för ögonvittnets senare minnesrapportering och meta-minnesbedömningar. Med minnesrapportering menas här vad ett ögonvittne kan återerinra sig omThis thesis investigated the effects of eyewitnesses retellings and discussions with non-witnesses on the eyewitness memory and meta-memory judgments. In Study I, the effect of eyewitness discussions with non-witnesses (persons who had not experienced the event) on eyewitness memory and meta-memory realism for the overall information about an event was investigated. The results suggest that discussi

Systems level neurophysiological state characteristics for drug evaluation in an animal model of levodopa-induced dyskinesia.

Disorders affecting the central nervous system have proven particularly hard to treat and disappointingly few of novel therapies have reached the clinics in the last decades. A better understanding of the physiological processes in the brain underlying various symptoms could therefore greatly improve the rate of progress in this field. We here show how systems level descriptions of different brain