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Structural effects on externally induced building vibrations

Much focus is being laid on vibrations in the building industry today. Many times these vibrations are externally induced and caused by placing buildings closer to existing sources, such as railways and roads, or new transportation systems closer to existing buildings. Vibrations can be disturbing to both humans and sensitive equipment in, for example, hospitals and laboratories. The simulations n

On the Fourier Collocation Method

Partiella differentialekvationer är ekvationer som beskriver hur tillstånd förändrar sig. Dessa uppstår naturligt när man modellerar omvärlden, från hur molekyler sprider sig i celler till hur galaxer roterar. Att lösa dessa ekvationer är ofta näst intill omöjligt, och man behöver därför approximera lösningar med hjälp av datorer. Det här arbetet fokuserar på en speciell metod för att approximera This BSc thesis focuses on trying to find approximate solutions to partial differential equations using the Fourier collocation method. This method uses Fourier basis functions to approximate the solution to a partial differential equation with periodic boundary conditions. Using Fourier basis functions, one does not need to use large matrices, which makes all computations relatively fast. Another

Rådande diskurser hos individer med koppling till skadereduktion : En kritisk diskursanalys

Prevailing discourses within individuals associated with harm reduction - A critical discourse analysis This qualitative study examined ways to talk about harm reduction with focus on syringe exchange, drug users and addiction to find prevailing and conflicting discourses in individuals who are linked to syringe exchange programs. The respondents were selected by their profession, and we chose bo

The role of a small Ras-like GTPase and the cvn conservons in polar growth in Streptomyces venezuelae

Polär tillväxt i antibiotikaproducerande bakterier Bakterier som tillhör släktet Streptomyces är jordlevande bakterier som är kända för att producera antibiotika av olika slag, samt att de ger jorden dess karaktäristiska doft. Deras syntes av olika antibiotika är av stor betydelse för vårt samhälle och den är kopplad till deras tillväxtstadie. Det är därför av intresse att försöka skapa en bättre

Single cell kinetics of RNAi mediated knockdown

Eukaryotic cells employ the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery in the cytosol to downregulate gene expression. Short 21-nucleotide microRNAs (miRNAs) associate with the so-called RNA induced silencing complex (RISC) and hybridize with the target gene’s mRNA, preventing it from being translated into protein. Employing the RNAi machinery with synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that mimics the

An Implementation Of A Rate Controller Using A Neural Network

The rate controller is a crucial component of a video encoder. The component regulates bit rate in a video, determining how much information is to be updated in a video frame by assigning an overall compression rate to said frame. At Axis Communications, a company specializing in network cameras, the component is implemented using traditional automatic control methods operating on a select few dat

Routes of Iron - Least Cost Path Analysis of the Possible Routes and Ways in which Iron was Transported during the Later Part of Iron Age in Scania, Halland and Småland

Iron is an important material in the study of societies of the Iron Age and later periods. Not only does it give its name to the period it was also an integrated part in every humans’ life from the Iron Age and forward. And yet this material is many times just assumed to be there without much consideration of how it got there. In this master thesis, the author thus tries to bridge this gap in betw

The Basis of Reproductive Isolation Between Ecologically Divergent Host Plant Races

Att hitta rätt taggig tistel Det är mitt i den svenska högsommaren. Det är grönt överallt och även här på så nordliga breddgrader står blommorna i full blom, som färgklickar i allt det gröna. Överallt man tittar ser man insekter av alla dess slag surra omkring bland blommorna. Men hur kommer det sig egentligen att vi har en så stor mångfald av olika växter och insekter? Flugor som älskar tistlarInsects and their host plants constitute a considerable proportion of the diversity on earth, and host shifts hence provide excellent study systems to study the process that drive diversification. In this study, I address what the mechanism to achieve assortative mating is in two host races using different host plants to increase our understanding of how reproductive isolation can arise in the fac

Brand Identity: What Went Wrong

Purpose: The creation of brand and brand identity has been discussed widely among scholars. However, the literature about what causes a brand to lose its identity is rarely tackled. Therefore, this research serves as a preliminary examination by looking into the causes and actions undertaken by organisations that are negatively projected on the brand identity. Methodology: Secondary data analysi

Mobiliseringens rötter i den egyptiska revolutionen - En fallstudie om masspolitiskt uppror och dess underliggande omständigheter

This paper aims to examine the roots of the Egyptian revolution of 2011, by tracing the vital variables for mobilization to flourish. This is made possible through the creation of a mobilization model based on the theoretical framework of Rational Choice and Collective Action, in combination with Charles Tilly’s writings on the subject. The model’s variables can then be examined in depth through a

Bevisprövning i våldtäktsmål - Före och efter lagändringen 1 juli 2018

Den 1 juli 2018 förändrades den svenska våldtäktslagstiftningen. Gränsen mellan tillåtet sex och otillåtna övergrepp flyttades från tvång till frivillighet. En del av debatten som föregått lagändringen har handlat om hur processen i domstol skulle kunna påverkas. Framför allt har det sagts att bevissvårigheter kommer att uppstå samt att våldtäktsoffret kommer att vara i fokus vid den rättsliga pröOn July 1st 2018 the Swedish legislation concerning rape was changed. The line between legal sexual intercourse and illegal sexual assault was moved from coercion to voluntariness. The debate prior to the amendment of the law has partly concerned how the legal process in the courts would be affected by this change. It has been pointed out that there will be difficulties regarding evidence and that

Privat-offentliga partnerskap- Vad händer med det offentliga etoset?

The public sector has approached the private sector, which can be seen in, for example, private public partnership (PPP). In this study, the relationship between democratic process and substance requirements within PPP is examined. The purpose of the thesis is to qualitatively examine what place democratic process and substance requirements possess in PPP and how it relates to institutional logic

Covalent Aggregation and Toxicity of Polystyrene Nanoparticles

Plast är en central del av det moderna samhället och har otaliga användningsområden. En av konsekvenserna av detta är att det nu finns 4900 miljoner ton plast i naturen. Denna plast bryts långsamt ner tills partiklarna är på nanometer-nivån, dvs. en miljondel av en millimeter. Vissa plaster i denna storlek är giftiga för akvatiskt djurliv och transporteras upp i näringskedjan. I denna rapport undePlastics play a central role in todays society and its use will only increase. When certain plastics are broken down to a nanometre size they become toxic to some aquatic life. Such plastic particles often undergo aggregation, especially in the aquatic environment. It is therefore of interest to study how different types of aggregation affects the physical characteristics as well as the toxicity o

The Effect of NK-cells on Viability of Pretreated Pancreatic Cancer Cells Grown in a 3D culture.

Natural killer cells are part of the immune system and one of their main functions is to dispose of cancer cells and virus-infected cells. In order to avoid detection by T cells, cancer cells can decrease the expression of MHC I proteins which instead can make them a target for NK cells, making NK cells a suitable for use in therapy. This study sought to investigate the cytotoxic ability of NK cel

Fitness and Exercising in Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality technology has advanced forward in a world where physical fitness is not always a natural part of everyday life. But must one thing be traded for the other? VR lets users immerse themselves in an entirely virtual world where interaction is possible through physically moving around in the real world. So, is it possible to combine VR with exercising? That is what this master thesis a

Economic Activities in Kakuma camp

Humanitarian organizations (HOs) are the main authority in long-term refugee camps. However, literature criticizes the economic relevance of HOs in a long-term refugee camp. My thesis applies the discussion to a case study in Kakuma camp. The study proposes two research questions: 1) To what extent does the long-term presence of HOs affect the market system and economic life of refugees in Kakuma

Förändring eller inte förändring, det är frågan

Denna studie har genomförts för att fylla en kunskapslucka i forskningen inom hållbara matpraktiker. Det fanns en avsaknad i att studera hur hållbara matpraktiker och normer har förändrats över tid. Vidare ville vi skapa förståelse för hur hållbara matpraktiker och normer har tagits förgivet eller förändrats under samhällets utveckling. Således är syftet med uppsatsen att undersöka och förstå hur

Begreppsvaliditeten hos en översättning av the self-compassion scale

Föreliggande studie ämnade undersöka begreppsvaliditeten hos en översatt version av the self-compassion scale (SCS) utifrån ett urval av svenska högskole- eller universitetsstudenter (N=359). Tvärsnittsdesign nyttjades. Respondenter fick besvara ett av två olika paket med självskattningsformulär. Paket 1 bestod av SCS kombinerat med mått på ångest och välmående. Paket 2 bestod av SCS kombinerat me

Informationskriget: Nya skiljelinjer och nya medel i världspolitiken

The last few years has seen the world slipping back into the classic dividing lines of the Cold War - marked perhaps most clearly by Russias invasion of Crimea in 2014. At the same time, a new phenomenen has entered modern politics. We discuss fake news, information warfare and election meddling - again with Russia as a proposed assailant. What is the driving force behind this? And is it something