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Dynamics and energetics of the self-assembly of a hydrophobically modified polyelectrolyte: Naphthalene-labeled poly(acrylic acid)

Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence studies were performed on aqueous solutions of poly(acrylic acid) hydrophobically modified with two very different levels of naphthalene (Np). It is demonstrated that unique information on association phenomena involving hydrophobe-modifed polymers can be obtained from an extended fluorescence study by using data for a less-modified polymer as a referenc

What is good parental education?

The aim of the study was to highlight the experiences and expectations of Swedish parents with respect to general parental education within child healthcare. Interviews were carried out with 25 parents who had attended education sessions. With a few exceptions the fathers did not take part, and those mothers who did comprised a relatively highly educated group; their views therefore predominate in

Laser Spectroscopy in Scattering Media for Biological and Medical Applications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spektroskopi är den vetenskapsgren som används för att studera samspelet mellan strålning/ljus och materia för tillämpningar i både diagnostiska och terapeutiska syften. Då ljus sänds in i ett prov sätts olika fysikaliska processer igång. I denna avhandling studeras företrädesvis en process som kallas för absorption. Vid absorptionsspektroskopi är våglängden av ljuset, Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy can be utilised for gas detection in biological and medical applications. The common approach is to analyse transmitted light according to the Beer-Lambertian law. Normally, the light has a well-defined path length through the gas sample since it can be assumed that it has negligible scattering properties. Samples which, by contrast, have strong scatteri

Deterministic radio broadcasting at low cost

We consider distributed deterministic broadcasting in synchronous radio networks. A node receives a message in a given round if and only if exactly one of its neighbors transmits. The source message has to reach all nodes. We assume that nodes do not know the network topology or even their immediate neighborhood. (Such networks are called ad hoc.) We are concerned with two efficiency measures of b

Bibeltolkningens metoder

Artikeln, som innehåller en allmän översikt över bibeltolkningens historia samt principiella reflektioner kring förhållandet mellan den kristna församlingens bibeltolkning och den historisk-kritiska bibelforskningen, är så gott som identisk med en artikel som publicerades på danska 1997.

Chloride binding capacity and binding isotherms of OPC pastes and mortars

A method for evaluating chloride binding capacity of concrete was proposed based on the adsorption from solution and chloride binding isotherms of OPC pastes and mortars with water-cement ratio 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8. The experimental results show that the chloride binding capacity of concrete strongly depends on the content of CSH gel in the concrete, regardless of the water-cement radio and the additi

Swelling of cross-linked polyelectrolyte gels

A model of a cross-linked polyelectrolyte gel has been examined using Monte Carlo simulations. The simple model contained a charged defect-free network represented by linked charged beads and explicit counterions. Pressure-density relations for the polyelectrolyte gel, a corresponding non-ionic polymer gel, and several partly or fully degraded gels have-been determined. The polyelectrolyte gel dis

The effect of exercise training on hormone-sensitive lipase in rat intra-abdominal adipose tissue and muscle

1. Adrenaline-stimulated lipolysis in adipose tissue may increase with training. The rate-limiting step in adipose tissue lipolysis is catalysed by the enzyme hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). We studied the effect of exercise training on the activity of the total and the activated form of HSL, referred to as HSL (DG) and HSL (TG), respectively, and on the concentration of HSL protein in retroperito

Reference dosimetry at the neutron capture therapy facility at Studsvik

The purpose of this publication was to present and evaluate the methods for reference dosimetry in the epithermal neutron beam at the neutron capture therapy facility at Studsvik. Measurements were performed in a PMMA phantom and in air using ionization chambers and activation probes in order to calibrate the epithermal neutron beam. Appropriate beam-dependant calibration factors were determined u

A Silicon-Tungsten Electromagnetic Calorimeter for LEP

This report describes a silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter used to determine some beam properties and luminosity in the DELPHI experiment at LEP. The polar angular range covered by this detector is 5–8 mrad, which allows the detection of a Bhabha rate about 10 times the rate of produced Z particles at the peak cross section.

C*-crossed products and shift spaces

We use Exel's C*-crossed products associated to non-invertible dynamical systems to associate a C*-algebra to arbitrary shift space. We show that this C*-algebra is canonically isomorphic to the C*-algebra associated to a shift space given by Carlsen [Cuntz–Pimsner C*-algebras associated with subshifts, Internat. J. Math. (2004) 28, to appear, available at arXiv:math.OA/0505503], has the C*-algeb