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Tenacious Documents : Exploring the Allure of Documentation in Swedish Compulsory Schools

De svenska utbildningsmyndigheterna står inför ett seglivat problem. Lärare har under många år uttryckt missnöje över alltmer utbredda och genomgripande krav på dokumentation. En hel del dokumentation stjäl tid som annars skulle kunna läggas på elevers lärande och att utveckla undervisningen, lyder klagomålen. Under de senaste 15 åren har olika svenska regeringar försökt åtgärda detta problem, menThe Swedish education authorities are up against a tenacious problem. Teachers have for years expressed dissatisfaction over increasingly prolific and pervasive demands for documentation that hijacks time that could have been invested in pupils’ learning. Over the past 15 years different Swedish governments have sought to remedy this problem but to no avail. The ‘burden of documentation’, as it is

People Detection and Occupancy Estimation Using Ultrasound Signals

Fladdermöss lever stora delar av sina liv i mörker och använder sig därför av ultraljudssignaler, istället för ljus, för att navigera och jaga. Om vi låter oss inspireras av fladdermössens navigeringsteknik, kan vi då också lära oss att upptäcka personer i ett rum med hjälp av ultraljud? Svaret på frågan är ja, det är möjligt att upptäcka mänsklig närvaro i ett rum genom att använda ultraljud. SjFinding a non-intrusive way of detecting human presence and counting the number of people in a room poses a challenging problem. This thesis presents a solution to said problem, utilizing ultrasound signals. Analysis of the echo and reverberation of ultrasound signals provides acoustic information about the surrounding environment, which is altered by potential occupants. By employing such a techn

Exercise cardiovascular magnetic resonance shows improved diastolic filling by atrioventricular area difference in athletes and controls

Hydraulic force, a novel mechanism shown to aid diastolic filling, can be calculated by assessing the geometrical relationship between the left ventricular and atrial short-axis areas (atrioventricular area difference, AVAD) (Maksuti E, Carlsson M, Arheden H, Kovács SJ, Broome M, Ugander M. Sci Rep 7: 43505-43510, 2017; Steding-Ehrenborg K, Hedstrom € E, Carlsson M, Maksuti E, Broome M, Ugander M,

Histology-specific long-term oncologic outcomes in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer who underwent complete tumor resection : The implication of occult seeds after initial surgery

Objective Assessing the histology-specific prognosis of epithelial ovarian cancer (OvCa) is clinically challenging, especially in a patient population with a favorable prognosis. This study investigated the histology-specific long-term oncologic outcomes in OvCa patients who underwent complete tumor resection using a large-scale patient cohort form multiple institutions under a central pathologica

Distinguishability-induced many-body decoherence

We show that many-body interference phenomena are exponentially suppressed in the particle number, if the identical quantum objects brought to interference acquire a finite level of distinguishability through statistical mixing of some internal, unobserved degrees of freedom. We discuss consequences for cold atom and photonic circuitry experiments.

Boron-induced transformation of ultrathin Au films into two-dimensional metallic nanostructures

The synthesis of large, freestanding, single-atom-thick two-dimensional (2D) metallic materials remains challenging due to the isotropic nature of metallic bonding. Here, we present a bottom-up approach for fabricating macroscopically large, nearly freestanding 2D gold (Au) monolayers, consisting of nanostructured patches. By forming Au monolayers on an Ir(111) substrate and embedding boron (B) at

Aggregation of cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of 40-year-olds participating in a population-based health screening program in Sweden

Background: It is important to identify and evaluate cardiovascular risk factors at an early stage to address them accordingly. Among the younger population, the metabolic syndrome is less common than in older ages. However, each separate metabolic risk factor still has an additive effect on cardiovascular risk factor burden. Non-metabolic risk factors that occur in the younger population include

Europeisk förvaltningsrätt i Sverige, 2 uppl.

Det förvaltningsrättsliga landskapet i Sverige har under de senaste decennierna blivit allt mer sammanlänkat med Europarätten, dvs. EU-rätten, Europakonventionen samt annat material från Europarådet. För att som svensk jurist kunna arbeta med förvaltningsrättsliga frågor är det nödvändigt att ha en grundläggande förståelse för hur Europarätten påverkar de svenska rättsliga strukturerna. I verket p

Att vara manlig socialarbetare - En kvalitativ studie om hur manliga socionomstudenter ser på det sociala arbetet och sin roll som manlig socialarbetare

In Sweden, there are currently more women than men active in the welfare profession. At the same time, women are also advancing through traditionally male dominated professions to a much greater extent than men that are advancing through traditionally female dominated professions, such as social work. The purpose of this study was to examine if and how male students in social work, during their st

Linking coupled motions and entropic effects to the catalytic activity of 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase (DERA)

DERA, 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase, catalyzes the retro-aldol cleavage of 2-deoxy-ribose-5-phosphate (dR5P) into glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) and acetaldehyde in a branch of the pentose phosphate pathway. In addition to the physiological reaction, DERA also catalyzes the reverse addition reaction and, hence, is an interesting candidate for bio-catalysis of carbo-ligation reactions, which

Mind, Language, Work : Thinking Beyond AI Ideology

If AI is to emulate the language, mind, and work of humans, what remains of being human? One scenario is that humans are at risk of becoming robots of AI-powered systems, serving the interests of a few global corporations. We have already reached this stage of transformation. Given this predicament, the issues concerning the capacity of AI beyond the human should be addressed through a critique of

Expanding the Catalytic Triad in Epoxide Hydrolases and Related Enzymes

Potato epoxide hydrolase 1 exhibits rich enantio- and regioselectivity in the hydrolysis of a broad range of substrates. The enzyme can be engineered to increase the yield of optically pure products as a result of changes in both enantio- and regioselectivity. It is thus highly attractive in biocatalysis, particularly for the generation of enantiopure fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The presen

Exceptionally large entropy contributions enable the high rates of GTP hydrolysis on the ribosome

Protein synthesis on the ribosome involves hydrolysis of GTP in several key steps of the mRNA translation cycle. These steps are catalyzed by the translational GTPases of which elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) is the fastest GTPase known. Here, we use extensive computer simulations to explore the origin of its remarkably high catalytic rate on the ribosome and show that it is made possible by a very l

Development and Application of a Nonbonded Cu2+ Model That Includes the Jahn-Teller Effect

Metal ions are both ubiquitous to and crucial in biology. In classical simulations, they are typically described as simple van der Waals spheres, making it difficult to provide reliable force field descriptions for them. An alternative is given by nonbonded dummy models, in which the central metal atom is surrounded by dummy particles that each carry a partial charge. While such dummy models alrea

Navigating Uncertainty: The Family Perspective of Preparing for Crisis with a Disability

Family disaster planning and preparation demands proactive acknowledgment and accommodation of individuals with disabilities. This study, based on interviews with families including members with disabilities, uncovers insights on information gaps, adaptive strategies, technology use, and support networks. Contributing to disaster and disability studies, resilience, and crisis planning, it highligh

Theoretical modelling of epigenetically modified DNA sequences

We report herein a set of calculations designed to examine the effects of epigenetic modifications on the structure of DNA. The incorporation of methyl, hydroxymethyl, formyl and carboxy substituents at the 5-position of cytosine is shown to hardly affect the geometry of CG base pairs, but to result in rather larger changes to hydrogen-bond and stacking binding energies, as predicted by dispersion

Resolving apparent conflicts between theoretical and experimental models of phosphate monoester hydrolysis

Understanding phosphoryl and sulfuryl transfer is central to many biochemical processes. However, despite decades of experimental and computational studies, a consensus concerning the precise mechanistic details of these reactions has yet to be reached. In this work we perform a detailed comparative theoretical study of the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate, methyl phosphate and p-nitrophenyl