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Your search for "*" yielded 533571 hits

Resolving apparent conflicts between theoretical and experimental models of phosphate monoester hydrolysis

Understanding phosphoryl and sulfuryl transfer is central to many biochemical processes. However, despite decades of experimental and computational studies, a consensus concerning the precise mechanistic details of these reactions has yet to be reached. In this work we perform a detailed comparative theoretical study of the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl phosphate, methyl phosphate and p-nitrophenyl

How valence bond theory can help you understand your (bio)chemical reaction

Almost a century has passed since valence bond (VB) theory was originally introduced to explain covalent bonding in the H2 molecule within a quantum mechanical framework. The past century has seen constant improvements in this theory, with no less than two distinct Nobel prizes based on work that is essentially developments in VB theory. Additionally, ongoing advances in both methodology and compu

Energetics of activation of GTP hydrolysis on the ribosome

Several of the steps in protein synthesis on the ribosome utilize hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) as the driving force. This reaction is catalyzed by translation factors that become activated upon binding to the ribosome. The recently determined crystal structure of an elongation factor-Tu ternary complex bound to the ribosome allows the energetics of GTP activation to be explored by co

Computational Study of the pKa Values of Potential Catalytic Residues in the Active Site of Monoamine Oxidase B

Monoamine oxidase (MAO), which exists in two isozymic forms, MAO A and MAO B, is an important flavoenzyme responsible for the metabolism of amine neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Despite extensive research effort, neither the catalytic nor the inhibition mechanisms of MAO have been completely understood. There has also been dispute with regard to the protonation s

Empirical valence bond simulations of the hydride transfer step in the monoamine oxidase B catalyzed metabolism of dopamine

Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) A and B are flavoenzymes responsible for the metabolism of biogenic amines such as dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. In this work, we present a comprehensive study of the rate-limiting step of dopamine degradation by MAO B, which consists in the hydride transfer from the methylene group of the substrate to the flavin moiety of the FAD prosthetic group. This article b

Modeling catalytic promiscuity in the alkaline phosphatase superfamily

In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that promiscuity plays a key role in the evolution of new enzyme function. This finding has helped to elucidate fundamental aspects of molecular evolution. While there has been extensive experimental work on enzyme promiscuity, computational modeling of the chemical details of such promiscuity has traditionally fallen behind the advances in experim

Dissecting Dopaminergic Neuron Specification at Single Cell Resolution - Insights from 3D brain organoids and xenograft models

Midbrain dopaminergic neurons exhibit a wide diversity in their projection patterns, disease vulnerability, and functions, playing key roles in voluntary motor control, cognition, and reward processing. Parkinson’s Disease, one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders, is characterized by the selective degeneration of the A9 dopaminergic neuron subtype, leading to severe motor dysfunction. D

Theoretical comparison of p-nitrophenyl phosphate and sulfate hydrolysis in aqueous solution : implications for enzyme-catalyzed sulfuryl transfer

Both phosphoryl and sulfuryl transfers are ubiquitous in biology, being involved in a wide range of processes, ranging from cell division to apoptosis. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly clear that enzymes that can catalyze phosphoryl transfer can often cross-catalyze sulfuryl transfer (and vice versa). However, while there have been extensive experimental and theoretical studies performed

Association between bullying victimization and obsessive-compulsive disorder : a population-based, genetically informative study

The extent to which bullying victimization is associated with an increased risk of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has received little empirical attention. This longitudinal, population-based, genetically informative study examined whether self-reported bullying victimization at age 15 was associated with a clinical diagnosis of OCD in the Swedish National Patient Register and with self-report

Transverse dynamics of charmed hadrons in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions

Transverse momentum pT spectra and anisotropic flow distributions are studied for charmonia and charmed hadrons produced in Pb-Pb collisions and measured with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The investigations are performed within the framework of the Statistical Hadronization Model with the transverse dynamics evaluated using predictions from relativistic viscous hydro

Projected health benefits of air pollution reductions in a Swedish population

Background: A large part of the Swedish population is exposed to higher levels of air pollution than the health-centered air quality guidelines recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the potential health benefits of cleaner air in Sweden by conducting a comprehensive health impact assessment, using a population sample of 100,000 individuals

Inter-rater variability in multidisciplinary team meetings of oesophageal and gastro-oesophageal junction cancer on staging, resectability and treatment recommendation : national retrospective multicentre study

Background: There are differences in oesophageal cancer care across Sweden. According to national guidelines, all patients should be offered equal care, planned and administrated by regional multidisciplinary team meetings. The aim of the study was to investigate differences between regional multidisciplinary team meetings in Sweden regarding clinical staging and treatment recommendations for oeso

Comparison between fatigue crack growth modelled by continous dislocation distributions and discrete dislocations

Short fatigue cracks are known to have a growth behaviour different from that of long cracks, the latter well predicted by linear elastic fracture mechanics. Short cracks can grow at high rates at load levels well below the threshold value for long cracks, before entering into the long crack region, or arrest and become nonpropagating cracks. The growth behaviour of short cracks is strongly influe

Inverkansrekvisitets betydelse vid klander av skiljedom

Skiljeförfarandet är en privat alternativ tvistlösningsmetod, med syfte att snabbt och slutligt avgöra tvister utan insyn utifrån. Från den utgångspunkten är det viktigt att skiljeförfarandet inte följs av en långdragen och offentlig domstolsprocess. Skiljedomar kan därmed inte överprövas på materiella grunder. För att skiljeförfarandet ska vara ett rättssäkert och godtagbart alternativ till domstThe arbitration procedure is a private alternative dispute resolution method aimed at quickly and definitively resolving disputes without external oversight. From this perspective, it is important that the arbitration is not followed by a prolonged and public court process. Arbitral awards, therefore, cannot be appealed on substantive grounds. However, for the arbitration to be a legally secure an

ECG Patterns of Occlusion Myocardial Infarction : A Narrative Review

The traditional management of acute coronary syndrome has relied on the identification of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) as a proxy of acute coronary occlusion. This conflation of STEMI with acute coronary occlusion has historically overshadowed non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), despite evidence suggesting 25% to 34% of NSTEMI cases may also include acute

Det krävs inte mycket för att det ska bli bra, men väldigt lite för att det ska gå fel

This study has explored school counselors' experiences of their professional role in working with mental health issues among adolescents aged 12-19 in Skåne, Sweden. Using a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews, the study investigated the challenges encountered by seven selected school counselors in their daily practice. The interviews have been conducted at the school counse

Big Brother is Listening : Adapting and Marketing Literary Classics in Audio Format - the Case of Storytel's 1984

The recent popularity of audiobooks has led to new ways of using the format as publishers and producers reproduce and “reactualise” older works by adapting them into audio. The article examines this development, focusing on the case of Storytel’s 2022 audio adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 and the marketing campaign surrounding it, combining a publishing studies approach (Squires 2007; Murray 20