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Fat intake is more strongly associated with lifestyle factors than with socio-economic characteristics, regardless of energy adjustment approach

OBJECTIVE: To compare how three different energy adjustment approaches influence the ranking of individuals on fat intake, and to examine the relation between fat intake and socio-economic, demographic and lifestyle characteristics for each energy adjustment approach. DESIGN: A cross-sectional analysis project, using a sub-sample (7055 women and 3240 men) from the Malmo Diet and Cancer Study. Diet

Patients' opinion on what constitutes good psychiatric care.

The present study investigates patients' opinion on what constitutes good psychiatric care. It was a qualitative study using an open-ended in-depth interview centring on the patient's experiences of receiving psychiatric care. The subjects were selected to ensure maximum variation and heterogeneity. A model of deliberate sampling for heterogeneity and a modified, stratified sampling method were us

Sagans förvandlingar: Eva Wigström som sagosamlare och sagoförfattare

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera hur sagor kan förändras när de förflyttas från en miljö till en annan. Flytten kan ske på flera plan; från muntligt berättande till skriftlig text, från lantligt proletariat till urban borgerlighet. Utgångspunkt har varit sagoinsamlaren och sagoförfattarens Eva Wigström (1832-1901) som på 1880-talet vandrade Skåne runt för att The purpose of this thesis is to study how fairy tales can change when they are removed from one set of surroundings to another. This movement can occur on several levels; from an orally spoken to a written text, from a rural proletariat to an urban bourgeoisie. The point of departure has been the fairy tale collector and fairy tale writer Eva Wigström (1832-1901) who in the 1880s wandered through

Long-term population dynamics and in situ physiology in activated sludge systems with enhanced biological phosphorus removal operated with and without nitrogen removal

Quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the combination of FISH with microautoradiography (MAR) were used in order to study the long-term population dynamics (2.5 years) and the in situ physiology in two parallel activated sludge pilot systems with enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). The two systems received the same influent wastewater, but were differently operated

Intermediate resonance excitation in the gamma p -> p pi(0)pi(0) reaction

The helicity dependence of the total cross section for the (gamma) over right arrow(p) over right arrow -> p pi(0)pi(0) reaction has been measured for the first time at incident photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV. The measurement, performed at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI accelerator in Mainz, used the large acceptance detector DAPHNE and a longitudinally polarized frozen-spin targ

One week sweating simulation test with a thermal foot model

This study aimed to find out how the insulation of the footwear changes over one week of use. A thermal foot model with 8 measuring zones and 5 “sweat glands” was used for tests. A thin sock was donned on the model to allow better water distribution all over the foot surface. Four boots were tested over a period of 5 days. Each day was divided into 9 hour measurement period and 15 hour conditionin

Learning Idiomaticity : A Corpus-Based Study of Idiomatic Expressions in Learners' Written Production

The aim of this study is to investigate how Swedish learners of English (at different levels of proficiency) master idiomaticity in their target language. I argue that idiomaticity can be related to the storage and use of multi-word expressions that are preferred by native speakers. These multi-word units are referred to as prefabs in the present study. By manually identifying and subsequently cla

Search for Linking Transitions in 143Eu

An experiment was performed with the Gammasphere Ge-detector array, and the Microball charged particle detector, to search for transitions involved in the decay from the yrast superdeformed band in Eu-143. Sum spectra in coincidence with single, double, and triple gates on SD transitions were produced to search for previously reported two-step links between the superdeformed and the near-yrast ND

Sensor and biosensor based on Prussian Blue modified gold and platinum screen printed electrodes

Gold (Au) and platinum (Pt) screen-printed electrodes were modified with Prussian Blue (PB) for the development of amperometric sensors selective for hydrogen peroxide detection. The sensors exhibited sensitivities towards H2O2 equal to 2 A M−1 cm−2 for Au and 1 A M−1 cm−2 for Pt electrodes. The sensors were also employed as the basis for construction of glucose biosensors through further modifica

Haplotype-based analysis of common variation in the acetyl-CoA carboxyiase alpha gene and breast cancer risk: A case-control study nested within the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition

A key fatty acid synthesis enzyme, acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha(ACC-alpha), has been shown to be highly expressed in human breast cancer and other tumor types and also to specifically interact with the protein coded by one of two major breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1. We used a comprehensive haplotype analysis to examine the contribution of the ACC-alpha common genetic variation (allele f

Nutrient and carbon budgets in forest soils as decision support in sustainable forest management

Knowledge about the nutrient and carbon budgets in forest soils is essential to maintain sustainable production, but also in several environmental issues, such as acidification, eutrophication and climate change. The budgets are strongly influenced by atmospheric deposition as well as forestry. This study demonstrates how budget calculations for nitrogen (N), carbon (C) and base cations (BC) can b

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OBJECTIVE: To examine the expression pattern of some novel matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in cycling endometrium. DESIGN: Experimental study. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Palacky University Medical School and University Hospital, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. METHODS: We studied MMP-12, -16, -17, -1