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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Peer effects in residential solar photovoltaics adoption—A mixed methods study of Swedish users

Neighbourhood peer effects (social influence) in the diffusion of residential solar photovoltaics (PV) have previously been identified and quantified in a number of studies. Yet, little has been known about the inner workings of peer effects in PV diffusion. In the present work, a survey and interviews were used to study peer effects among Swedish PV adopters. Participants acknowledged peer effect

Resonant core spectroscopies of the charge transfer interactions between C60 and the surfaces of Au(111), Ag(111), Cu(111) and Pt(111)

Charge transfer interactions between C60 and the metal surfaces of Ag(111), Cu(111), Au(111) and Pt(111) have been studied using synchrotron-based photoemission, resonant photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopies. By placing the X-ray absorption and valence band spectra on a common binding energy scale, the energetic overlap of the unoccupied molecular orbitals with the density of states o

Design of a potentially prebiotic and responsive encapsulation material for probiotic bacteria based on chitosan and sulfated β-glucan

Hypothesis Chitosan and sulfated oat β-glucan are materials suitable to create a prebiotic coating for targeted delivery to gastrointestinal system, using the layer by layer technology. Experiment Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D), spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to assess the multilayer formation capacity and characterize the resultin

Relation between the structure and spectroscopic properties of blue copper proteins

The electronic spectra of three rhombic type 1 blue copper proteins, nitrite reductase, pseudoazurin, and cucumber basic protein, have been studied by ab initio multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (the CASPT2 method). The six lowest excitations have been calculated and assigned with an error of less than 1800 cm-1. The singly occupied orbital in the ground-state forms a strongly

The comparative and combined effects of hydrogen addition on the laminar burning velocities of methane and its blends with ethane and propane

Laminar burning velocities of hydrocarbon blends of relevance to natural gas combustion, with addition of 0, 10, 35 and 50% hydrogen, were measured using the heat flux method. Hydrocarbon blends were methane (80%)/ethane (20%), methane (80%)/propane (20%) and methane (80%)/ethane (10%)/propane (10%), and in addition experiments were performed using pure methane as a fuel. For the first time it was

Identifying the impacts of critical habitat designation on land cover change

The US Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulates what landowners, land managers, and industry can do on lands occupied by listed species. The ESA does this in part by requiring the designation of habitat within each listed species’ range considered critical to their recovery. Critics have argued that critical habitat (CH) designation creates significant economic costs while contributing little to spe

Regional Differences in the Prescription of Biologics for Psoriasis in Sweden : A Register-Based Study of 4168 Patients

Background: Observational studies suggest an inequitable prescription of biologics in psoriasis care, which may be attributed to geographical differences in treatment access. Sweden regularly ranks high in international comparisons of equitable healthcare, and is, in connection with established national registries, an ideal country to investigate potential inequitable access. Objective: The aim wa

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Afhandlingen undersøger det svenske elektronmusikstudie EMS fra etableringen i 1964 til slutningen af 1970’erne, med det formål at skildre og diskutere det komplekse miljø, der er at finde i relation til studiet indenfor tidsrammen. Intentionen med EMS var at skabe et internationalt centrum for forskning i lyd og lydperception og at bygge et af verdens mest avancerede hybridstudier. Institutionens

Glucagon increases insulin levels by stimulating insulin secretion without effect on insulin clearance in mice

Circulating insulin is dependent on a balance between insulin appearance through secretion and insulin clearance. However, to what extent changes in insulin clearance contribute to the increased insulin levels after glucagon administration is not known. This study therefore assessed and quantified any potential effect of glucagon on insulin kinetics in mice. Prehepatic insulin secretion in mice wa

Uremia modulates the phenotype of aortic smooth muscle cells

Background and aims Chronic kidney disease leads to uremia and markedly accelerates atherosclerosis. Phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the arterial media plays a key role in accelerating atherogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether uremia per se modulates the phenotype of aortic SMCs in vivo. Methods Moderate uremia was induced by 5/6 nephrectomy in apolipop

Antimicrobial combination treatment including ciprofloxacin decreased the mortality rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia : a retrospective cohort study

Ineffective antimicrobial therapy of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia increases mortality. Recent studies have proposed the use of antimicrobial combination therapy composed of a beta-lactam with either ciprofloxacin or tobramycin. To determine if combination therapy correlates to lower mortality and is superior compared to monotherapy, we investigated the effect of antimicrobial treatment regim

Heliga föremål och religiösa ting

En unik samling medeltida skatter från skånska kyrkor finns bevarade till våra dagar. Dessa liturgiska föremål som använts i gudstjänstens cermoniel, beskrivs här i ord och bild. Guldsmedernas och bronsgjutarnas praktfulla alster belyses utifrån sin funktion och sitt stilhistoriska sammanhang. Personliga ägodelar såsom smycken och pilgrimsmärken ger oss samtidigt en inblick i hur den kristna kultu

Comparison of methods for deriving atomic charges from the electrostatic potential and moments

Four methods for deriving partial atomic charges from the quantum chemical electrostatic potential (CHELP, CHELPG, Merz-Kollman, and RESP) have been compared and critically evaluated. It is shown the charges strongly depend on how and where the potential points are selected. Two alternative methods are suggested to avoid the arbitrariness in the point-selection schemes and van der Waals exclusion

Mechanistic Modeling of Reversed-Phase Chromatography of Insulins with Potassium Chloride and Ethanol as Mobile-Phase Modulators

The purpose of this study was to investigate the adsorption mechanism in reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) of proteins and to develop a model for the effect of dual mobile phase modulators—a salt and an organic solvent—on this process. Two different adsorption mechanisms were considered: (1) pure association of a protein molecule and one or more ligands and (2) displacement of the organic modula

The effect of forest owner decision-making, climatic change and societal demands on land-use change and ecosystem service provision in Sweden

The uncertain effects of climatic change and changing demands for ecosystem services on the distribution of forests and their levels of service provision require assessments of future land-use change, ecosystem service provision, and how ecosystem service demands may be met. We present CRAFTY-Sweden, an agent-based, land-use model that incorporates land owner behaviour and decision-making in model