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Consumer Attitudes and Perceptions towards Environmental Impacts of Secondhand Clothing in Tanzania: "Mitumba "The Case of Tanzania

In Tanzania, there has been a notable increase in the importation and sale of secondhand clothing, popularly referred to as Mitumba, with a significant focus on low-income populations. This growth has been driven by the affordability and accessibility of these garments, which have become a staple in the wardrobes of many Tanzanians. However, with all of this growth, there are now urgent concerns a

Nanofiltration of kraft black liquor : Process development and techno-economic evaluation

Kraft black liquor (KBL) is a side-stream that is produced during the kraft pulping process, and mainly contains lignin, hemicelluloses, and cooking chemicals, namely sodium hydroxide and sodium sulphide. KBL is usually evaporated and burned in a recovery boiler in order to recover the cooking chemicals and generate energy. However, pulp mills are sometimes limited by the capacity of their recover

Molecular Subtypes Are Associated With Clinical Benefit in Cisplatin-Treated Metastatic Urothelial Cancer Patients

PURPOSE: Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy (CHT) is standard of care in metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC); however, no predictive molecular biomarkers are available for clinical use. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of molecular subtypes in relation to treatment response and survival in patients with mUC treated with first-line CHT.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Molecular subtype


Uganda’s higher education system has come under pressure in the past few years. Liberalisation of the education sector attracted numerous private players into higher education provision, and making it commercialised. This has promoted that focus is shifted to the profit motive away from the primary purpose of students attaining gainful employment upon graduation. The research seeks to emphasise th


Understanding the sustainability concept: According to the UN World Commission on Environment,(Borowy, 2013) it is the balance between environment, economy, and equity. The development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Rauschmayer et al., 2012). Sustainability is integration of the environmental health, social equity, and

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Abstract in French:L’article interroge les configurations de pouvoir industrielles (factory regimes) à Kryvyi Rih, une ville minière et sidérurgique située à l’est de l’Ukraine. En s’appuyant sur un travail de terrain ethnographique, il retrace la reproduction de l’hégémonie industrielle au travers des transformations postsoviétiques (la privatisation et les mesures d’austérité). La comparaison deThis article investigates factory regimes in Kryvyi Rih, a mining and metalworking city in eastern Ukraine. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, it studies the reproduction of industrial hegemony in the context of major post-Soviet transformations (privatization and austerity measures). The comparison of three cases representing different hegemonic configurations (mines privatized by Ukrainian busines

HIP 41378 observed by CHEOPS: Where is planet d?

HIP 41378 d is a long-period planet that has only been observed to transit twice, three years apart, with K2. According to stability considerations and a partial detection of the Rossiter- McLaughlin effect, Pd = 278.36 d has been determined to be the most likely orbital period. We targeted HIP 41378 d with CHEOPS at the predicted transit timing based on Pd = 278.36 d, but the observations show no

Characterisation of the TOI-421 planetary system using CHEOPS, TESS, and archival radial velocity data

Context. The TOI-421 planetary system contains two sub-Neptune-type planets (Pb ~ 5.2 days, Teqb ~ 900 K, and Pc ~ 16.1 days, Teq,c ~ 650 K) and is a prime target to study the formation and evolution of planets and their atmospheres. The inner planet is especially interesting as the existence of a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere at its orbital separation cannot be explained by current formation mode

The Flow of Everything

Groupexhibition. Philip Dufva, Maria Hedlund och Eva Löfdahl.6 juli 2024–6 oktober 2024Jag betraktar allt som passerar mina ögon och testar det mot ett behov”.Citatet ovan, liksom utställningens titel, är hämtat från Eva Löfdahl – en konstnär som arbetar i många olika material och tekniker, alltid med det specifika behovet hos detta speciella verk som utgångspunkt – snarare än en färdig idé, ett u

Infections in patients with mantle cell lymphoma

Advancements in treatments have significantly improved the prognosis for mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), and there is a growing population of survivors with an increased susceptibility to infections. We assessed the incidence of infections by clinical characteristics and treatment both before and after MCL diagnosis in Sweden. Patients with a diagnosis of MCL ≥ 18 years between 2007 and 2019 were incl


Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are being widely employed globally to enhance marine safety services and address challenges within the maritime sector. Nevertheless, the provision of these services in East Africa, particularly within the Lake Victoria basin, is deficient and inadequate. Consequently, a study needs to be undertaken to pinpoint certain domains in marine safety that may be


This chapter addresses the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives or aims of the study research questions, significance of the study and scope of the study. The Uganda Maritime Regulatory Framework is a Service that helps to overcome borders and barriers that affect interaction and form a greater part of probably the most characteristic dimension of cross - border networks t

Trends of wing wear for bumblebees, Bombus terrestris L., evaluated from queens in museum collections

Insects are the most diverse group of animals, and among the largest contributors to species richness, accounting for around 66% of known species on Earth. Insects are extremely important pollinators, and to understand the timing of pollination, age distribution within time could give important information. Pollinator phenologies advance more rapidly than plant phenologies that can lead to pollina

Podcast: What is Ageism? (in Chinese, Spanish and English languages)

In this short podcast, we define ageism and describe how it is quietly pervasive in our everyday lives. We discuss the negative impacts of ageism, provide examples, and identify ways to combat ageism. Target audience: high school/secondary school students. Music and mixing by Sean Mac.En este breve podcast, hablamos sobre el edadismo o discriminación por edad y describimos cómo está silenciosament

Assessing public perception and its impact on the conservation and reintroduction of the critically endangered Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis)

The endemic Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) is considered the most threatened crocodile species globally and is listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. The species was considered extinct on Luzon Island until the discovery of a remnant population in 1999. This led to the first in-situ conservation measures and later community-based conservation. Public perception has pr

Kompatibilitet och konvertering mellan olika PLC-tillverkare inom industriell automation

Automationslösningar i form av PLC-programmering ökar i rasande fart och PLC-tillverkare som Siemens och Rockwell Automation är bland de mest använda och erkända i Europa. PLC-enheterna från dessa tillverkare tillsammans med motsvarande utrustning som exempelvis HMI-paneler är standardiserade och löser komplexa problem inom industriell automation. Utöver skillnader i prestanda och kommunikation är

Styr- och reglersystem för luftdriven bergborr

En prototyp för ett styr- och reglersystem för en handhållen bergborr har tagits fram med avseende på att automatiskt stänga driften av maskinen för att undvika att borren fastnar i berget. Detta har gjorts genom en patent- och litteratursökning för att kartlägg liknande system på maskinen med likheter till denna men inte densamma då det i dagsläget inte finns några system med detta ändamål på en

Stark control of solid-state quantum memory with spin-wave storage

Quantum memories for quantum communication need to be able to store photons for an extended time and then to release them on demand. This can be achieved in atomic frequency comb ensemble-based quantum memories by control pulses that transfer the excitation to and from long-lived spin states. However, such pulses can give rise to coherent and incoherent noise due to their interaction with the memo