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Accessing On-chip Instruments Through the Life-time of Systems

The electronic systems we find in almost every product today are implemented using integrated circuits (ICs) mounted on printed circuit boards (PCBs). Developing electronic systems is a challenging task due to complexity and miniaturization. A single IC can contain billions of transistors, which are smaller than ever. As a result more Design-for-Test (DfT) features, so called instruments, are embe

”Låt den offentliga sektorn återinföra administratörer”

Förlorad arbetsglädje. Många medarbetare inom offentlig förvaltning motiveras av inre drivkrafter, inte yttre. Att då, som under senare år, fokusera på kontrollsystem kan ge effekten att motivationen minskar. Samtidigt har medborgarna rätt till korrekt myndighetsutövning. Här gäller det att hitta rätt balans, skriver Louise Bringselius, forskare.

Lactobacillus plantarum strains for multifunctional oat-based foods

Fermented oat-based foods offer attractive prospects within the market of non-dairy functional products, since they are suitable substrates for the delivery of probiotic microorganisms, and are significant sources of dietary fiber, both insoluble and soluble such as β-glucan, good quality fat and other phytochemicals important for human health.In the present work, whole oat flour was fermented wit

Na and K on Al(100) studied by low-energy electron diffraction and high-resolution core-level spectroscopy

Experimental results for Na and K deposited at 100 K on the A1(100) surface using low-energy electron diffraction and high-resolution core-level spectroscopy are presented. Our results show that from a coverage of 0.20 monolayers (ML), Na condenses into dense islands with a local Na coverage of 0.50 ML. In the case of K, the overlayer condenses into islands at a coverage of 0.18 ML, with a local c

Photoemission and x-ray absorption study of superconducting and semiconducting Ba1-xKxBiO3 single crystals

Semiconducting Ba0.9K0.1BiO3 and superconducting Ba0.6K0.4BiO3 single crystals cleaved in situ have been studied by core level and valence band photoelectron spectroscopy and O K edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy. It was found that the general shape of the valence band spectrum agrees with the shape predicted by band structure calculations, but the intensity near the Fermi level was lower in the

Melt processability and thermomechanical properties of blends based on polyhydroxyalkanoates and poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)

The limited thermal stability of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) hinders their wide applicability, and methods to improve the processability of these biopolyesters are needed for efficient processing, e.g. by melt extrusion. In the present study we have shown by isothermal gravimetry, dynamic rheology and molecular weight analysis that the thermal stability of the PHAs at the processing temperature c

The European Union Celebrates Culture : The Case of The European Parliament LUX Prize

In recent years, there has been an upsurge of pan-European institutions, both from within the European Union and outside it, aiming to support European cinema. This article questions what it means to be a ‘European film institution’ in the contemporary film industry at a time when economic, political and cultural turmoil in the wake of the financial crisis affects this identity. The institution st

Social Welfare or Moral Warfare? : Popular Resistance against Children’s Rights and Juvenile Justice in Contemporary Russia

Since the mid-2000s, Russia has increased its efforts to strengthen the legal rights of children and to improve the systems of social assistance to vulnerable families in in line with the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. The reform drive has met fierce resistance by a grassroots mobilization in defence of ‘traditional Russian family values’. Child rights are conceived of as weapons in a W

The vacuum ultraviolet scanning photoelectron microscope at MAX-LAB

The performance of a scanning photoelectron microscope at the MAX I storage ring in Lund is presented. The microscope utilizes undulator radiation in the energy range 15-150 eV and is comprised of a plane-grating monochromator with a Kirkpatrick-Baez objective and a gracing incidence ellipsoidal focusing mirror. The instrument with its high photon flux, 109-1010 photons/s, and narrow bandwidth, be

Alkali core level binding energy shifts from buried interfaces between alkali films and metallic substrates with different surface index

Core level binding energy shifts from approximately three layers of different alkali metals deposited on Pd(111), Pd(100), Rh (111), and Rh (110) are presented in order to demonstrate how the packing of the substrate surface affects the layer-resolved alkali core level binding energy shifts. It is found that a more open surface induces a larger alkali core level binding energy shift. It is shown t

Resonant valence-band and Cu 3p photoemission at the Cu L3 threshold of Bi2Sr2CuO6 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8

Utilizing monochromatized synchrotron radiation strong photoemission enhancements in the valence-band region and the Cu 3p core level have been measured in the vicinity of the Cu L3 threshold of Bi2Sr2CuO6 and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductors. For both the valence-band and the Cu 3p level in both crystals the satellite structures show the strongest enhancements. The line shapes of these enhanced sate

Alkali core-level binding-energy shifts in alkali/4d-metal interface systems

Photoemission from different alkali core levels (Na 2p, K 3p, Rb 4p, and Cs 4d) has been studied for thin alkali films deposited on four different 4d metal surfaces: Mo(110), Rh(111), Rh(110), and Pd(100). Alkali atoms at the interface, the bulk, and at the surface of the adsorbed alkali film are found to have different core-level binding energies. It is found that the core-level binding-energy sh

M4,5N4,5N4,5 Auger decay spectra of the resonantly excited 3d94f configuration of xenonlike ions in solids

The synchrotron-radiation-induced Auger and photoelectron spectra of the xenonlike ions I- (in CsI), Cs+ (in CsI), Ba2+ (in BaF2), and La3+ (in LaF3) have been measured in the vicinity of the M4,5 absorption edges of these ions. It is shown that the spectra of La and Ba measured at 3d10→3d94f resonances exhibit a very intense 4f-spectator structure which changes its energy and intensity with the e