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Old Norse into English into American English into Korean : some remarkable connections between modern Danish and Korean

A first glance Korean and Danish seem to be seemingly far apart each other in every linguistic aspect, from the grammar over pronunciation to the written language, not to mention the elaborated polite-conjugations we find in Korean compared to the Danes’ habit of saying ‘you’ (‘du’) to just about everyone. However, both languages have, from the latter half of the 20th century to nowadays, receivedA first glance Korean and Danish seem to be seemingly far apart each other in every linguistic aspect, from the grammar over pronunciation to the written language, not to mention the elaborated polite-conjugations we find in Korean compared to the Danes’ habit of saying ‘you’ (‘du’) to just about everyone. However, both languages have, from the latter half of the 20th century to nowadays, received

Queer refugees in Sweden: responding to vulnerabilities

Academic research on a global level and somewhat in Sweden has addressed the risks queer refugees face, uncovering vulnerabilities, their responses, and views on the agency. Though they left open questions about how much queer refugees can or can not respond to their vulnerabilities, how is this correlated to their agency, and what is the intersectionality of their experiences. This research aims

In Exchange for Employment Protection – An Analysis on Sweden’s Managerial Position and the UK’s Employee Shareholders

Denna uppsats beskriver vilka kategorier av anställda som är undantagna från anställningsskydd i Sverige och Storbritannien. Fokus för uppsatsen är Storbritanniens ‘employee shareholder’ och Sveriges anställda i en företagsledande eller jämförbar ställning, eftersom dessa två kategorier ger upp delar av sitt anställningsskydd och får någon form av ersättning eller kompensation för detta. UppsatseThis essay describes which categories of employees that are exempted from employment protection in Sweden and the United Kingdom. The focus of the essay will be the UK’s employee shareholders and Sweden’s employees in a managerial or comparable position, since these two categories give up their protection and receive some form of compensation, and/or some other form of protection in return. The es

Komparativ studie av svensk och tysk turordning vid övertalighet

Abstract Denna uppsats är en komparativ studie av svensk och tysk turordning. Syftet är att ge läsaren en förståelse om annat lands lag samtidigt som den förstärker förståelsen för den egna rättsordningen. Frågeställningen siktar på att undersöka skillnaderna mellan 22 § LAS och § 1 KSchG. Utöver att jämföra turordningen undersöks även både de gamla och de nya bestämmelserna i 22 § samt turordniAbstract This essay is a comparative study of Swedish and German dismissal for economic reasons. The purpose is to give the reader an understanding of another country's law while strengthening the understanding of their own legal system. The research question aims to investigate the differences between 22 § LAS and § 1 KSCHG. In addition to comparing the dismissal for economic reasons, bot

Det välvda planet: Etnografisk teckning som insamlingsmetod för medeltida valvmålningar

Using a theoretical framework based upon the queer phenomenology of Sarah Ahmed as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, this study explores the process of translating medieval church murals to drawings. The study is based on my own drawings of two late-medieval church murals in Skåne, as well as 19th century ethnographer Nils Månsson Mandelgren’s drawings. In making drawing

Data Protection and the Division of Legislative Power – Enforcement of the EU Fundamental Right to Protection of Personal Data after Case C-817/19 Ligue des droits humains

I denna uppsats undersöks dataskydd som en konstitutionell rättighet i EU och de omständigheter under vilka rättigheten kan begränsas. Rätten till respekt för privatlivet och skydd för personuppgifter återfinns i artiklarna 7 och 8 i Europeiska unionens stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna. Regleringen av användningen av personuppgifter är ett lagstiftningsområde i EU av växande betydelse, medThis thesis centers data protection as a constitutional right in the EU, as en-shrined in Articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, and exam-ines the circumstances under which the right can be limited. Regulation of the use of personal data as a legislative field in the EU has clear ties to human rights, economic and market interests, and interests of law enforcement and national secu

Kränkande särbehandling i arbetslivet - Arbetsgivarens skyldighet att förebygga och motverka kränkande särbehandling

Arbetsgivaren har en skyldighet att vidta alla åtgärder som behövs för att förebygga att arbetstagare utsätts för ohälsa eller olycksfall enligt 3 kap. 2 § Arbetsmiljölagen (1977:1160). Arbetsgivaren har inom denna skyldighet ett ansvar att motverka och förebygga kränkande särbehandling på arbetsplatsen, vilket vidare specificeras i AFS 2015:4 Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö. Huvudsyftet fEmployers have an accountability to take every possible action to prevent and counteract employees being exposed to illness and accidents in the workplace according to 3rd chapter 2 § Arbetsmiljölagen (1977:1160). Within this accountability employers are required to prevent and counteract bullying and victimisation, which is further specified and regulated in AFS 2015:4 - Organisational and Social

Respiratory and allergic outcomes among 5-year-old children exposed to pesticides

Background: Little is known about the effects of pesticides on children's respiratory and allergic outcomes.We evaluated associations of prenatal and current pesticide exposures with respiratory and allergic outcomes in children from the Infants' Environmental Health Study in Costa Rica.Methods: Among 5-year-old children (n=303), we measured prenatal and current specific gravity-corrected urinary

Operation performance of an ultralow-temperature cascade refrigeration freezer with environmentally friendly refrigerants R290-R170

In the present study, the operation performance of an ultralow-temperature cascade refrigeration freezer is experimentally researched. The natural refrigerants R290-R170 are adopted as high-temperature and low-temperature fluids. The experimental test is conducted in a type laboratory with a dry bulb temperature of 32.0 °C and a wet bulb temperature of 26.5 °C. Different state monitors are set to

Cash is king - eller klandervärt risktagande? - En rättssäkerhetsanalys av bestämmelsen om ringa näringspenningtvätt och tillämpningen i underrätterna

I 7 § 3 st. 2 m. i lagen (2014:307) om straff för penningtvättsbrott (penningtvättsbrottlagen) regleras brottet ringa näringspenningtvätt. Den kriminaliserade gärningen består i att någon medverkar till en åtgärd som skäligen kan antas vara vidtagen i penningtvättssyfte. Det är således, till skillnad från vad som gäller för penningtvättsbrott enligt 3–4 §§ penningtvättsbrottlagen, irrelevant huruvThe crime of minor commercial money laundering is provided under the sec-ond sentence of the third paragraph in section 7 of the Act (2014:307) on penalties for money laundering offences. The criminalised act is defined as a measure that can reasonably be assumed to be taken for money laundering purposes. It is therefore, in contrast to what applies to money laundering offences according to 3–4 §§

Prevalence of depression and anxiety in older people in low- and middle- income countries in Africa, Asia and South America : A systematic review and meta-analysis

BACKGROUND: There is rapid growth of older people in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs). The aim of this review was to assess the literature on prevalence of anxiety and depression in this demographic, which to our knowledge, has not yet been conducted.METHODS: Databases including Medline, PsychInfo, Embase, Scielo and African Journals Online were searched for terms including "mental disord

Detection of Pb2+traces in dispersion of Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals by in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy

The Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals are often used as a starting material for the preparation of green-emitting CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals by means of chemical and physical transformations. Herein, we probe the Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals dispersed in a solvent by liquid cell transmission electron microscopy (LCTEM). The nanocrystal dispersion in toluene is placed between two electron-transparent membranes s

Metamorphoses of Cesium Lead Halide Nanocrystals

Following the impressive development of bulk lead-based perovskite photovoltaics, the “perovskite fever” did not spare nanochemistry. In just a few years, colloidal cesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals have conquered researchers worldwide with their easy synthesis and color-pure photoluminescence. These nanomaterials promise cheap solution-processed lasers, scintillators, and light-emitti

Vem ska axla klimatkrisen? – En kritisk diskursanalys av vuxenvärldens miljöengagemang i nutida barnlitteratur.

Denna studie tar avstamp i barn och ungas ökade klimatångest och den ojämlika ansvarsfördelningen som råder mellan barn- och vuxnas miljöengagemang i nutida barnlitteratur, där barnen oftast görs till de huvudsakliga agenterna. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vuxenvärldens miljöengagemang i ett antal barnböcker med hållbarhetstema och därigenom spåra de samhälleliga föreställningar som kan ses li

The genetic regulation of protein expression in cerebrospinal fluid

Studies of the genetic regulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteins may reveal pathways for treatment of neurological diseases. 398 proteins in CSF were measured in 1,591 participants from the BioFINDER study. Protein quantitative trait loci (pQTL) were identified as associations between genetic variants and proteins, with 176 pQTLs for 145 CSF proteins (P < 1.25 × 10−10, 117 cis-pQTLs and 59

Ecology and Epiphany in Short Fiction by Zadie Smith and Joyce Carol Oates

This essay investigates ecological epiphany in short stories by Zadie Smith and Joyce Carol Oates, moments in which characters confront the link between their own consumption habits and planetary damage. These moments build on a longer literary history of epiphany in modern fiction, a history that foregrounds suddenness, physicality, and the mundane, but these short stories also adapt epiphany to

Comparison of Elemental Analysis Techniques for Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration using X-rays and Electron Beams

With the rapid expansion of the waste incineration business both in Europe and globally, there is a growing need for the elemental analysis for fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration. In this work, samples of washed and unwashed ash from municipal solid waste incineration in Sundsvall are evaluated. Qualitative analysis and semi-quantitative analysis are used to compare two elemental anal