Statistical Methods for Analysing Time Series of Water Quality Data
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Mellan belägringen av Beirut 1982 och belägringen av Ramallah och resten av Västbanken 2002 har 20 år gått. Poeten Mahmoud Darwish och människan Darwish upplever belägringen i Beirut och Ramallah. Poeten, dikten och ordet befinner sig under belägring i första fallet i exil i Beiruts inferno och i det andra i hemlandet, i ett land i väntan på gryningen. Det är historians öde att poeten och det fria
he paper discusses how courses in mechanics can be taught to architectural students in such a way that concepts are presented to them in a manner making mechanics an inspiration for the designing process rather than simply imposing limitations on it. In courses of this sort that have been held, emphasis has been placed on the use of software to facilitate an intuitive understanding of physical rel
The cerebellar system for the voluntary control of arm-hand movements involves a large number of different neuron types. These neurons are located both inside the cerebellum but also in extracerebellar brain structures, which provide processed motor and sensory information to the cerebellum. The various different neuron types have different morphology, receive different types, number and patterns