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Random geometric graphs and their applications in neuronal modelling

Random graph theory is an important tool to study different problems arising from real world.In this thesis we study how to model connections between neurons (nodes) and synaptic con-nections (edges) in the brain using inhomogeneous random distance graph models. We presentfour models which have in common the characteristic of having a probability of connectionsbetween the nodes dependent on the diRandom graph theory is an important tool to study different problems arising from real world.In this thesis we study how to model connections between neurons (nodes) and synaptic connections (edges) in the brain using inhomogeneous random distance graph models. We presentfour models which have in common the characteristic of having a probability of connectionsbetween the nodes dependent on the dis

Agriculture and musculoskeletal disorders in low- and middle-income countries

Objectives: To systematically explore and summarize the risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among the agricultural workers in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). In addition, to identify and analyze the methodological flaws in the reviewed studies. Methods: A comprehensive electronic literature search was conducted using PubMed, Medline, SCOPUS, CINAHL, Science Dire

The Legal Basis for EU Criminal Law Legislation

Article 83(2) TFEU, introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon, confers a power on the EU to harmonise Member States’ legislation to define criminal offences and criminal sanctions. Nonetheless, uncertainty persists as to whether this provision exhaustively determines the EU’s power to adopt criminal law to enforce its policies. The article outlines the core case for viewing art.83(2) TFEU as a lex specia

Disciplined reasoning : Styles of reasoning and the mainstream-heterodoxy divide in Swedish economics

Nationalekonomin är en av de mest inflytelserika samhällsvetenskapliga disciplinerna. Utmärkande för den är stort internt samförstånd kring en viss teoretisk och metodologisk ansats till ekonomisk analys. Det finns emellertid också marginaliserade idéströmningar, som i allt högre grad kommit att förenas under samlingsbegreppet ”heterodox” ekonomi. Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt till den ”neoklassisEconomics is one of the most influential social science disciplines, with a high level of internal consent around a common theoretical and methodological approach to economic analysis. However, marginalised schools of thought have increasingly unified under the term “heterodox” economics, with their critical stance towards the “neoclassical mainstream” as common denominator. This has spawned debat

"What “makes” local high streets meaningful? A video-ethnography of shopping practice at urban margin

"This study investigates shopping activities on local high streets. It examines also shopping’s role in shaping these streets into places of meaningful shopping, and important parts of urban landscapes, in the context of global retail restructuring. Södergatan, a local high street in Helsingborg -a middle-sized city in Sweden, is chosen as a case for the inquiry, where was initially established as

Union regulatory criminal law competence : Scope, limits and judicial review

The question posed by this report is how limits can be constructed to the exercise of EU powers. While there are limits to the exercise of EU competences in the Treaties and in the Court of Justice’s jurisprudence, it is argued that those limits suffer from conceptual and practical problems. In particular, the Court does not have appropriate criteria to examine whether the limits of the Treaties h

Subsidiarity and EU Procedural Criminal Law

This article examines how subsidiarity can limit the exercise of EU procedural criminal law competence. It argues for a narrow understanding of subsidiarity, suggesting that EU procedural criminal law legislation can only be directed at problems which are of a cross-border nature. By analysing a specific piece of EU legislation, the new Victims Directive, it is shown how the subsidiarity principle

Do we really need criminal sanctions for the enforcement of EU law?

This article examines how the ‘essentiality’ requirement can limit the exercise of the EU’s criminal law competence under Article 83(2) TFEU. Building on criminological research, and contextual and principled considerations, it argues for an evidence-based approach to the ‘essentiality’ criterion. It sustains that the Union legislator must show by empirical proof that criminal laws are more ‘effec

The Principle of Proportionality in Union Law - a legal safeguard of federalism

The subject matter of this paper is to unravel the ‘federal’ nature of proportionality in Union law. Does the principle of proportionality work as a safeguard of federalism or is it merely a legal tool for the Court to further market integration beyond the limits of the Treaty? If federalism refers to how powers are balanced and allocated between the central government and its constituent parts, i

The kaonic atoms research program at DAΦNE : From SIDDHARTA to SIDDHARTA-2

The interaction of antikaons with nucleons and nuclei in the low-energy regime represents an active research field in hadron physics with still many important open questions. The investigation of light kaonic atoms, in which one electron is replaced by a negatively charged kaon, is a unique tool to provide precise information on this interaction; the energy shift and the broadening of the low-lyin

Spatial dimensions of the marginalisation of cycling

Research has shown that bicycling is a marginalised mode of transport in Sweden, especially in Sweden’s capital city Stockholm. This leads to the question, why that might be the case. Koglin and Rye (2014) have already touched upon the issue of space when it comes to the marginalisation of cycling. In this paper I analyse the impact of the spatial dimension further and connect the spatial dimensio

Adult Education and the Formation of Citizens : A Critical Interrogation

Adult Education and the Formation of Citizens turns attention towards normative claims about who adults should become through education, and what capacities and skills adults need to develop to become included in society as ‘full’ citizens. Through these debates, adults are construed as not yet citizens, despite already being citizens in a formal sense; this book problematises such regimes of trut

Cohesin in haematopoiesis and leukaemia

Purpose of review Disturbance of the delicate balance between self-renewal and differentiation in haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can lead to both leukaemia and bone marrow failure. The regulation of this balance in HSC biology has been intensely investigated in several model systems, and lately the importance of epigenetic modifications as well as the organization and architecture of chromatin h

Colour rearrangement for dipole showers

We present an algorithm to rearrange the colour chains of dipole showers in the shower process according to the colour amplitudes of a simple matrix element. We implement the procedure in the dipole shower of Herwig and show comparisons to data.

Translating ‘unprejudiced, bright and philanthropic views’ : Henry Brougham and Anglo-Swedish exchanges in the early nineteenth century

Already during the Romantic period, translation played a key role in the mediation of reform ideas from Britain to the Nordic countries, and many translators of texts aiming at social reform wished to instigate change in their home countries. The focus of the present article is on the way in which Henry Brougham’s programme for popular education, as presented in Practical Observations upon the EduDuring the Romantic period, translation played a key role in the mediation of reform ideas from Britain to the Nordic countries, and many translators of texts aiming at social reform wished to instigate change in their home countries. This article focuses on how Henry Brougham’s programme for popular education, as presented in Practical Observations upon the Education of the People (1825), was mad

Strategy-Proof Allocation of Objects: A Characterization Result

This paper considers an allocation problem with a finite number of objects and unit-demand agents. The main result is a characterization of a class of strategy-proof price mechanisms on a general domain where preferences over pairs of objects and houses are rational, monotonic, and continuous. A mechanism belongs to this class if and only if the price space is restricted in a special way and, give