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Designing simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation of lignocellulose for improved xylose conversion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Global uppvärmning, säkerhetspolitik och framtida minskad tillgång på fossila bränslen har de senaste åren skyndat på sökandet efter nya, förnyelse-bara drivmedel. Användningen av bioetanol har ökat avsevärt och är idag ett av de vanligaste biobränslena i världen. Idag framställs bioetanol vanligen genom jäsning av socker från socker-rör eller från stärkelse (från tillFuel ethanol from lignocellulose is one sustainable alternative to the fossil fuels of today. All sugars in the material must be utilized in order to achieve high overall ethanol yields. Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been engineered to ferment the pentose sugar xylose from lignocellulose to ethanol. However, ethanol production from xylose is slow and often incomplete. In this work s

Lipase-Mediated Syntheses of Trimethylolpropane-Based Biolubricant and Cyclic Carbonate

Popular Abstract in English Popular Summary Since the beginning of mankind, humans have managed to find ways to make use of the resources available at hand in order to survive and even to improve their livelihoods. The basic needs for food as well as other amenities were met from plant- and animal resources until the 19th century when industrial revolution changed the base of production to fossilAbstract Biocatalysis is considered as benign and efficient alternative to chemical catalysis for organic syntheses. Lipases are the most versatile biological catalysts implemented so far with great potential for production of different chemicals and materials in non-conventional reaction media. This thesis presents investigations on lipase catalyzed esterification and transesterification reaction

Skårby kyrka

Report on the medieval parish of Skårby in Scania, Sweden. The report is part of a never fullfiled plan of publishing short building archaeological reports on all the medieval churches of the two counties Ljunits and Herrestad at Ystad in Scania as part. The investigation was conducted as a part of the research project "The Cultural Landscape during 6000 years in Southern Sweden", also called the

Themes and Challenges in Making Supply Chains Socially Sustainable

Purpose Purpose of this paper is to explore and classify pattern of the currently discussed themes and challenges in making supply chains socially sustainable. Design/methodology/approach The methodology was based on a systematic review of the existing literature in order to explore what major themes and challenges have been discussed as well as the significant gaps where opportunities for furthe

Har EU en balanserad konkurrensprocess, som uppfyller fundamentala rättsäkerhetskrav?

• EUs konkurrensrättsliga påföljder är att betrakta som straffrättsliga. – Tilltron till myndigheters agerande förhindrar en pseudostraffrättslig process; – Det är orimligt att skapa ett administrativt/straffrättsligt ”light” förfarande; – Separation av makt mellan organ och krav på att sanktionssystem är legala. • Artikel 6 i Europakonventionen förutsätter en full och balanserad prövning av tek

Cortical blood flow during head-up postural change in subjects with orthostatic hypotension

Regional cerebral blood flow was measured with the 133-Xenon inhalation method in seven healthy subjects with orthostatic hypotension not due to autonomic failure (i.e. non-neurogenic clinical disorder). Measurements were performed during supine rest and during head-up tilt (70 degrees). All subjects had a consistent drop in systolic blood pressure and the typical symptomatology of orthostatic hyp