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Chromosome dynamics and genomic instablity in neuroblastoma. Three genomic pillars: MYCN amplification, numerical and structural changes.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Neuroblastom är den vanligaste solida tumören, utanför hjärnan, hos små barn och finns nästan inte alls hos vuxna. Varje år insjuknar mellan femton och tjugo barn i Sverige, de flesta före två års ålder. Överlevnaden har ökat de senaste tjugo åren men är fortfarande på låga nivåer för de mer aggressiva formerna. Neuroblastom uppstår i det sympatiska nervsystemet. DärförIn this thesis, the main focus has been on the childhood cancer neuroblastoma, one of the most common and lethal childhood tumours. Neuroblastoma has througout the years continued to be a clinical and biological enigma. Our first focus was on one of the most important biological risk factors in neuroblastoma -- amplification of the oncogene MYCN in the tumour cells. Because amplified MYCN typical

Occurrence and reduction of pharmaceuticals in the water phase at Swedish wastewater treatment plants.

During the last decade, several screening programs for pharmaceuticals at Swedish wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been conducted by research institutes, county councils, and wastewater treatment companies. In this study, influent and effluent concentrations compiled from these screening programs were used to assess the occurrence and reduction of non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals for human u

Interaction Blockade and Pairing in Two-Dimensional Finite Fermion Systems

The properties of two-component fermionic quantum systems in two dimensions, such as they nowadays may be realized with cold atoms in traps, are studied within the pairing model adapted from nuclear physics. We compare the results with those of a full numerical diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian. The chemical potential differences, excitation energies and angular momentum spectra show th

Study of the Average Charge States of 188Pb and 252,254No Ions at the Gas-filled Separator TASCA

The average charge states of Pb-188 and No-252,No-254 ions in dilute helium gas were measured at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA. Hydrogen gas was also used as a filling gas for measurements of the average charge state of No-254. Helium and hydrogen gases at pressures from 0.2 mbar to 2.0 mbar were used. A strong dependence of the average charge state on the pressure of the filling gases was

Sexual dimorphism in immune function changes during the annual cycle in house sparrows

Difference between sexes in parasitism is a common phenomenon among birds, which may be related to differences between males and females in their investment into immune functions or as a consequence of differential exposure to parasites. Because life-history strategies change sex specifically during the annual cycle, immunological responses of the host aiming to reduce the impact of parasites may

Industrins utveckling mot netto-nollutsläpp 2050

Sverige har en vision om ”netto-noll” utsläpp av växthusgaser till 2050 och är på god väg att nå utsatta delmål för utsläppsreduktioner till 2020. Klimatfrågan är dock långsiktig och det under klimatkonventionen antagna 2-gradersmålet innebär utsläppsåtaganden som sträcker sig till år 2050 och bortom. En långsiktigt effektiv klimatpolitik ska därför utvärderas både efter vilka långsiktiga utveck

Finding Risk Groups by Optimizing Artificial Neural Networks on the Area under the Survival Curve Using Genetic Algorithms

We investigate a new method to place patients into risk groups in censored survival data. Properties such as median survival time, and end survival rate, are implicitly improved by optimizing the area under the survival curve. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are trained to either maximize or minimize this area using a genetic algorithm, and combined into an ensemble to predict one of low, interme

Behavior of Extreme Dependence between Stock Markets when the Regime Shifts

We propose a methodology based on multivariate extreme value theory, to analyze the dependence between markets during the financial crisis. We argue that extreme dependence based on block maximum is a more appropriate measure to study dependence between stock markets, when a regime shifts, than other alternatives. With this methodology, we are able to detect the increase in the extreme dependences

Dansen i salongen

Artikel om dans i privata salonger under förra delen av 1800-talet i Sverige.

Preparation and physicochemical characteristics of cryogel based on gelatin and oxidised dextran

In this study, a novel method of preparation of cryogels based on oxidised dextran (Ox.D) and gelatin (Gel) without sodium borohydride is proposed. The physico-chemical properties of obtained hydrogels were investigated. It was found that the stability of cryogels Ox.D-Gel is significantly depended on pH, and mechanical properties were improved after the freeze drying. The schemes of the reactions

Strömgren Survey for Asteroseismology and Galactic Archaeology: Let the SAGA Begin.

Asteroseismology has the capability of precisely determining stellar properties that would otherwise be inaccessible, such as radii, masses, and thus ages of stars. When coupling this information with classical determinations of stellar parameters, such as metallicities, effective temperatures, and angular diameters, powerful new diagnostics for Galactic studies can be obtained. The ongoing Stromg

Coherent psi (2S) photo-production in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

We have performed the first measurement of the coherent psi(2S) photo-production cross section in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC. This charmonium excited state is reconstructed via the psi(2S) -> l(+)l(-) and ->(2S) -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-) decays, where the J/psi decays into two leptons. The analysis is based on an event sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 22 mu b(-1

Phagocytosis by neutrophils - studies on phagosome dynamics and membrane traffic modulation by Streptococcus pyogenes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur lurar mördarbakterier våra celler? Neutrofiler och fagocytos räddar liv Utan vårt immunförsvar så skulle vi snabbt dö i infektioner från mikroorganismer. Det består ett komplicerat system av celler och molekyler som tillsammans kan klara av att stå emot attacker från bakterier, virus, svampar eller parasiter. Cellerna i immunförsvaret utgörs av vita blodkroppar ochNeutrophils are our most numerous and deadly white blood cells and without them we would succumb quickly to infections by pathogens. The main mechanism that the neutrophils employ for our protection is phagocytosis, where they eat and enclose their target inside a membrane-bound organelle, the phagosome. Neutrophil phagosomes are highly dynamic entities, and a large amount of antimicrobial substan

Värdskapets betydelse i upplevelsebaserade butiker

This article is a way to try to concretize the so-called new economy based on a couple of concrete expressions. The concepts of cultural heritage and consumption are used to describe and analyse some specific service operations in a couple of Swedish retailers. In both are the products manufactured, in one case, stone-baked sourdough bread and in the other handmade chocolates with reference to tra

Cognitive development, reading and prosodic skills in children with cochlear implants

This report summarizes some of the results of studies in our laboratory exploring the development of cognitive, reading and prosodic skills in children with cochlear implantation (CI). The children with CI performed at significantly lower levels than the hearing comparison group on the majority of cognitive tests, despite showing levels of nonverbal ability. The differences between children with C

Behavior of the surviving population of Lactobacillus plantarum 564 upon the application of pulsed electric fields

The behavior of the surviving population of Lactobacillus plantarum 564 growing in MRS broth after pulsed electric field (PEF) treatments of different intensities was monitored by isothermal calorimetry, optical density and plate counts. Bacterial cells were treated with monopolar square pulses at varying nominal electric field strengths and number of pulses, corresponding to applied energies of 3