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Problems and Solutions for Microprocessor Protection of Series Compensated Lines

Protection of systems with series compensated lines is considered to be one of the most difficult tasks for relay manufacturers and utility engineers. Protection and control of surrounding circuit elements, particularly transmission line protection, needs to be adapted to the variations introduced by these devices. Fixed series capacitors and thyristor controlled devices introduce harmonics and no

Ukraina och Sverige

Skriften redovisar kontaktytor mellan Sverige och Ukraina från 800-talet till nuet.

A Conceptual Model for Analysis of Marine Incidents Reported to the Swedish Maritime Administration Database

The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model for analysis of marine incidents reported to the Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)/ SOS database. The model is designed based on a systems approach. The model is theoretically and empirically grounded by combining (i) modelling, and accident and risk analysis techniques and theories; (ii) large amounts of empirical data; (iii) and rese

Multiple collisions and final state properties

In the collinear factorization scheme the minijet cross section diverges for small k [perpendicular]. In the k[perpendicular]-factorization formalism this divergence is avoided, and it is possible to calculate the number of minijets and the E[perpendicular]-flow exclusively from HERA data, without reliance on a phenomenological soft cutoff. The hadron multiplicity is very sensitive to non-perturba

Privatiseringens gränser : perspektiv på välfärdspolitiken

Rapporten behandlar marknadens möjligheter och begränsningar inom välfärdsområdet både vad gäller finansiering och produktion. Finansieringsaspekten handlar om möjligheterna till ökat inslag av försäkringar avseende t.ex. sjukfrånvaro, arbetslöshet, sjukvård och äldreomsorg. Produktionsaspekten handlar om möjligheterna att intensifiera konkurrensen inom en rad områden som exempelvis skola, vård,

Relation between human vasopressin 1a gene variance, fat intake, and diabetes.

BACKGROUND: Male arginine vasopressin 1a receptor knockout mice (V1aR(-/-)) display a phenotype of low triglycerides and high glucose concentrations and high-fat-diet-induced obesity and diabetes. OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether genetic variation of the human arginine vasopressin 1A (AVPR1A) gene is associated with phenotypic features resembling those of the V1aR(-/-) mouse. DESIGN: In a popula