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The Evolution of Popular Politics in 19th-Century Sweden and the Road From Oligarchy to Democracy

In the 20th century, Sweden distinguished itself as one of the most organized and participatory democracies in the world. But in the late 19th century the situation was much the opposite – Sweden had for Western Europe a low degree of suffrage, and low political participation. To explain the turnaround, this paper explores the evolution of a democratic political culture in the final third of the 1In the 20th century, Sweden distinguished itself as one of the most organized and participatory democracies in the world. But in the late 19th century the situation was much the opposite – Sweden had for Western Europe a low degree of suffrage, and low political participation. To explain the turnaround, this paper explores the evolution of a democratic political culture in the final third of the 1

Legacies of loss : The health outcomes of slaveholder compensation in the British Cape Colony

Can wealth shocks have intergenerational health consequences? We use the partial compensation slaveholders received after the 1834 slave emancipation in the British Cape Colony to measure the intergenerational effects of a wealth loss on longevity. We find that a greater loss of slave wealth shortened the lifespans of the generation of slaveholders that experienced the shock albeit these effects are

Domain Decomposition for Non-smooth (in Particular TV) Minimization

Domain decomposition is one of the most efficient techniques to derive efficient methods for large-scale problems. In this chapter such decomposition methods for the minimization of the total variation are discussed. We differ between approaches which directly tackle the (primal) total variation minimization and approaches which deal with their predual formulation. Thereby we mainly concentrate on

Site-dependent nuclear dynamics in core-excited butadiene

Symmetry breaking and competition between electronic decay and nuclear dynamics are major factors determining whether the memory of the initial core-hole localisation in a molecule is retained long enough to affect fragmentation. We investigate the fate of core holes localised at different sites in the free 1,3 trans butadiene molecule by using synchrotron radiation to selectively excite core

Who is a Conspiracy Theorist?

The simplest and most natural definition of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ leads us to the conclusion that we are all conspiracy theorists. Yet, I claim that most of us would not self-identify as such. In this paper I call this the problem of self-identification. Since virtually everyone emerges as a conspiracy theorist, the term is essentially theoretically fruitless. It would be like defining inte

Professionalization in welfare-oriented civil society organizations : Comparison of board chairs and executive directors concerning motives for engagement and leadership ideals

The implications of professionalization of civil society organizations have seldom been explored in relation to the governance structure of organizations’ and leaders’ different terms of engagement. This study draws on a survey targeting leaders of Swedish welfare-oriented civil society organizations (N. 140) and compares the motives for engagement and leadership ideals of two groups of leaders: b

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att skapa en vårdrelation inom ambulanssjukvård

Sjuksköterskor som arbetar i akuta och stressinducerande situationer upplever det svårt att arbeta personcentrerat. Inom ambulanssjukvård fokuserar sjuksköterskor primärt på den medicinska behandlingen och ser inte patienten som en unik individ. Vårdrelationen bygger på ett ömsesidigt förtroende mellan sjuksköterska och patient och inom ambulanssjukvård där sjuksköterskan vårdar en patient åt

Characterization of Patients in the International Severe Asthma Registry with High Steroid Exposure Who Did or Did Not Initiate Biologic Therapy

Background: Many severe asthma patients with high oral corticosteroid exposure (HOCS) often do not initiate biologics despite being eligible. This study aimed to compare the characteristics of severe asthma patients with HOCS who did and did not initiate biologics. Methods: Baseline characteristics of patients with HOCS (long-term maintenance OCS therapy for at least 1 year, or ≥4 courses of stero

Europaian Studies

I compare and contrast four cross-disciplinary approaches to the social and natural sciences within the specific context of the tradition of speculation about Europe. As we will see later, I have termed the three conventional social science approaches ‘civilisational’, ‘categorical’, and ‘cultural’ Europe. My innovation is to suggest a fourth approach drawn from the natural sciences — that of ‘co-

Multiple daily insulin injections ameliorate QT interval by lowering blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes

BACKGROUND: A prolonged QT interval plays a causal role in fatal arrhythmia and is known to be a risk factor for sudden cardiac death. Although diabetic patients with microvascular complications tend to have a longer QT interval, the therapeutic effect of diabetes on the QT interval remains unclear. Here, we assessed the changes in QT interval in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who received mu

Insulin and heparin challenge tests are useful for choosing an optimal insulin regimen in a case of subcutaneous insulin resistance

A 38-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes, whose fasting plasma glucose levels were >500 mg/dL under 176 U/day of subcutaneous insulin injection, was admitted to Nippon Medical School Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. When insulin was administered intravenously, she was able to maintain favorable glycemic control even under 24 U/day of regular insulin, showing that she was accompanied by subcutaneous insulin

Psykisk hälsa och livskvalitet hos barn och ungdomar som behandlas för obesitas

Barn och ungdomar med obesitas riskerar att utveckla depression, ångest, ätstörningar och en låg hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Dessutom är viktrelaterad mobbning ytterligare en riskfaktor som påverkar den psykisk hälsan. Denna tvärsnittsstudie ämnade således att undersöka förekomst av och samvariation mellan självskattade symtom på depression, ångest och ätstörningar samt påverkad hälsorelaterad liChildren and adolescents with obesity are at risk of developing depression, anxiety, eating disorders and a low health-related quality of life. In addition, weight-related bullying is another risk factor that can influence mental health. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the frequency of and covariation between self-reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and eating disorders as well as

Towards Dense Point Correspondence with PatchMatch in Low-Resolution Sonar Images

Robust feature correspondences between 2D sonar imagery are important for perception tasks in the underwater domain such as 3D reconstruction but involve open challenges, in particular, low-resolution as well as the fact that object appearance is view-dependent. Although sonars in the MHz range would allow for higher resolution imagery, in this paper we focus on scenarios with a lower frequency kH

Ten new insights in climate science 2022

We summarize what we assess as the past year's most important findings within climate change research: limits to adaptation, vulnerability hotspots, new threats coming from the climate-health nexus, climate (im)mobility and security, sustainable practices for land use and finance, losses and damages, inclusive societal climate decisions, and ways to overcome structural barriers to accelerate mitig

Standards in semen examination: publishing reproducible and reliable data based on high-quality methodology

Biomedical science is rapidly developing in terms of more transparency, openness and reproducibility of scientific publications. This is even more important for all studies that are based on results from basic semen examination. Recently two concordant documents have been published: the 6th edition of the WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, and the Internationa