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Tracking and Reconstruction of Vehicles for Accurate Position Estimation

To improve traffic safety it is important to evaluate the safety of roads and intersections. Today this requires a large amount of manual labor so an automated system using cameras would be very beneficial. We focus on the geometric part of the problem, that is, how to get accurate three-dimensional data from images of a road or an intersection. This is essential in order to correctly identify dif

Survey on Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis in Practice: Detailed Description and Analysis

Critical systems must comply with safety standards in many application domains. This involves gathering safety evidence in the form of artefacts such as safety analyses, system specifications, and testing results. These artefacts can evolve during a system’s lifecycle, and impact analysis might be necessary to guarantee that system safety and compliance are not jeopardised. Although extensive rese

Conference • NNHSH 2014 Theme: Creative and able citizens: managing health and illness during the life course

As the Nordic welfare states evolve – with ideologies that focus on an increased consumption of health services – citizens are required to be productive throughout their life course. And because fewer economic resources are being invested into basic health care, and there is a move to shift more responsibility onto the individual (patient), it is becoming essential to illuminate practices that sho


En antologi av texter om Kinas politiska historia sedan Andra Världskriget, avsedd för undervisningen i statsvetenskap vid universitet

Development Blocks in Innovation Networks. The Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1970-2007

The notion of development blocks suggests the co-evolution of technologie and industries through complementarities and the overcoming of imbalances. This paper studies groups of closely related industries and their co-evolution in the network of Swedish product innovations, by combining statistical methods and qualitative data from a newly constructed innovation output database, SWINNO. The study

Would Granny Let an Assistive Robot Into Her home

Assistive robots have received considerable research attention due to the increase of the senior population around the world and the shortage of care-givers. However, limited attention has been paid to involving seniors in the de-sign process in order to elicit their attitudes and perceptions of having their own robot. This study addresses this issue. We conducted a workshop with 14 Swe-dish senio

Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Properties of Nonionic Surfactant Membranes

An extensive investigation of the multilamellar vesicles (La*), lamellar (La), and multiply connected sponge (L3) phase formed in surfactant systems is presented in this thesis. These membrane structures were studied using surfactant systems containing poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ethers, n-CnH2n+1(OCH2CH2) mOH, commonly abbreviated as CnEm. This class of nonionic surfactants, often viewed as short AB

Principles and nomenclature for the quantification of light

This chapter does not deal with any practical aspects of light measurement, only with theoretical concepts. The following concepts are explained: energy fluence, energy fluence rate, photon fluence, photon fluence rate, radiance and mol, as well as the following superfluous or obsolete terms and synonyms: actinic flux, space irradiance, scalar irradiance, spherical irradiance, vectorial irradiance

Tool Life and Wear Model in Metal Cutting, Part 1 - Influence of Varying Flank Wear Criterion on Colding's Tool Life Equation

The tool life model formulated by Bertil Colding is limited to the use of a specified tool life criterion. The Colding equation describes the relationship between tool life, cutting speed and the equivalent chip thickness. The Colding equation is based on five constants which have unique values for each selected value of the tool life criterion. This paper investigates how these Colding constants

Numerical Methods for Geometric Vision: From Minimal to Large Scale Problems

This thesis presents a number of results and algorithms for the numerical solution of problems in geometric computer vision. In geometric computer vision one tries to extract geometric information about the world and the observer from a sequence of images. Estimation of scene structure and camera motion using only image data has been one of the central themes of research in photogrammetry, geodesy

EGF-like modules in blood coagulation proteins : Ca²+ binding, module interactions, structure and dynamics as studied by NMR spectroscopy

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen presenteras resultaten från studier av EGF-moduler från blodkoagulationsproteiner. Dessa studier har utförts med högupplösande kärnmagnetisk resonansspektroskopi. Resultaten av studierna återges i denna populärvetenskapliga sammanfattning. Som bakgrund ges inledningsvis en introduktion till den grundläggande biologin och den teknik som använts i studiernaModules are independently folding protein domains defined on the gene level. The epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) modules are involved in protein-protein interactions and are found in numerous membrane proteins and extracellular proteins, including many proteins of the blood coagulation system. A subset of the EGF modules binds one Ca2+ with an affinity that is often influenced by the neighbouri