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Förbisedd : en medborgarrättsstudie om gatubarnen i Mbale, Uganda

The purpose with this essay was to examine what civic rights the streetchildren in Mbale, Uganda, had. We also wanted to see if they had access to all the rights they are supposed to have according to the law. The streetchildren we examined were the ones who normally go to CRO, an organization that deals with the streetchildren of Mbale. We found out that as a member of the Ugandan society every c

Marte Meo En möjlighet att förändras - en studie om erfarenheter av och inställningar till behandlingsmetoden Marte Meo

The goal for this essay was to achieve knowledge about the discoveries and experiences with the Marte Meo- method through the interviews with professional social workers and a client. The four questions in the essay were: · What expectations did the social workers have of the lessons in the method? · What experiences did they have of the lessons in the method? · What expectations did the social wo

Hemlös - laglös - fredlös : en undersökning om hemlöshet bland ungdomar

Our purpose was to study different actors opinion about what reasons there are to homelessness among young abusers in Malmö. When we are talking about young abusers we mean those who are under 25 years old. Our central questions were: Which reasons could different actors see? Were the actor’s view of the reasons the same or were there any difference? How was the cooperation between the different a

Sprutbytesprojektet - rätt eller fel? : en diskursanalys

The purpose of this study was to explore how the arguments for and against syringe exchange has been, in what way both parties opinions differ, and how they give weight to their arguments. We used a method called discourse analysis in this study. One can describe discourse as a way of describing the world by using words. The foundation for this work has been collected in interviews and newspaper a

Nyrekrytering av personal i Helsingborg - en studie av tre förvaltningar inom kommunen samt tre privata företag

Our purpose with this paper was to examine how new recruitment of personnel were done and how new recruitment of people with an immigrant background was done. The purpose was also to see what kind of qualifications that are requested now and in the future and also if diversity is aimed at. We were interested to see the current situation at the local authorities and at private companies in Helsingb

"Innan såg man sig själv som en skitig knarkare helt enkelt"Berättelser om vägen in och ut ur missbruket med händelser, tankar och beslut om ett drogfritt liv.

The purpose of this essay was to try to understand wich situations and events influenced individuals in the process of both becoming a drug-addict and in the process becoming a person with a drug-free life. The framing of the questions we had were if it was possible to see a pattern and find similarities in the changing-process, what role did relationsships play and which turning-points was import

Stora kvinnor: en studie av samhällets inställning till kvinnor med kraftig övervikt

The purpose of this essay is to examine if discrimination of obese women occurs and if people in general have prejudices against these women. We have made an investigation to find out if there is any connection between female obesity and social exclusion/discrimination. We have also investigated what kind of prejudices against female obesity that impress our society. We wanted to investigate how o

Att styra eller styras : regionpolitiker om politiskt arbetsgivaransvar

Purpose: The political management of health care in Region Skåne, has been the subject of criticism due to irrational government. The situation has been described in media as a lack of faith in the politicians. Furthermore professional representatives also described experiences that political decisions are sometimes seen as complicated factors in the running of everyday care-giving activities. The

"Att vara handikappad är faktiskt inte så lätt som man tror" : samtal med funktionshindrade ungdomar om deras syn på gymnasieutbildning och nuvarande livssituation

Syftet med uppsatsen var att få kunskap om hur livssituationen ser ut för de funktionshindrade ungdomar som inte genomgått sin gymnasieutbildning på riksgymnasiet. Mitt intresse riktade sig mot ungdomarnas egen syn på sin situation. Syftet var att utifrån deras berättelser om sig själva och sina upplevelser beskriva hur deras gymnasieutbildning blev och hur den fört dem till den situation de befin

Varför ökar elevantalet i särskolan?: en rättighet eller en avstjälpningsplats?

The purpose of this study was to examine the cause of the major increase of the number of pupils in the special school in the Swedish school system during the 1990's in Sweden. The main questions were: What were the criteria for rights to undergo education within the special school and had they changed? What structural changes could had contributed to the increase of the number of pupils in th

Exploring Scenario Planning Processes - Differences and similarities

In this changing world it is very useful for organizations as well as for governments to be able to adapt and anticipate future events. Scenario planning is a method which can be used for organizations and governments to better manage this rapid and complex environment, since scenario planning creates plausible and possible future scenarios. The process of this method has been studied in this thes

Homoerotic Codes in The Picture of Dorian Gray

Although Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) is considered to be one of the best known homoerotic novels ever written, the novel does not contain any explicit statements of homoeroticism which leaves the novel to be more of a suggestive work of such a theme. The aim of this essay is to examine some of the different codes used by Wilde to show a homoerotic theme in The Picture of Do

Barnuppfostran och kulturell pluralism: om att vara förälder i Ingemansland

The purpose for this composition was to discover the issues faced by parents who are bringing up children, having two very different cultures in which their children are being raised. The impact of having inherit traits that are part of the subconscious process of educating children can not be overlooked. Difference in values within cultures impacts how parents raise children. When two cultures me

The Architecture of Political Monopoly: Challangeing the Hegemon in Zambia and Zimbabwe

Zambia and Zimbabwe share a common postcolonial political history. Both countries have for many years been dominated politically by the former liberation movements UNIP and ZANU (PF). This thesis attempts to account for why, despite their similar political hegemony, UNIP was overthrown by the opposition though democratic elections but ZANU (PF) was not. Central to the study is the theoretical atte