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Modelling of gene regulatory and spatial mechanisms which pattern the early human neural tube

Hur en enda befruktad äggcell kan utvecklas till ett igenkännligt foster över loppet av några månaders tid är ett fascinerande mysterium. Vi vet nog alla att celler kan dela sig, och att det är på så vis som våra kroppar växer under fosterstadiet. Men en cell som delar sig kommer ge upphov till två identiska dotterceller. Hur är det då möjligt att en äggcell kan ge upphov till alla de helt olika sTissue patterning during development is thought to be driven largely by gene regulatory responses to spatial gradients of molecular signals, known as morphogens. In this thesis, early patterning of the human neural tube is studied using two different gene regulatory network models. The models portray patterning in the rostral-caudal direction as a response to gradients of WNT and FGF signalling. T

The Royal Family, ...and they lived NOT so happily ever after.

Once upon a time, in a kingdom not that far away, a royal wedding took place between Prince Harry of Great Britain and the American actress Meghan Markle. It had been love at first sight, and with high expectations of life as a married woman, Meghan entered her new family filled with joy for what the future might hold. Unfortunately, however, being famous and a part of the royal family did not lea

The Investigation of Crack Propagation in Cortical Bone using a Phase Field Fracture Approach

Beräkningsmodeller kan hjälpa oss förstå benvävnadens unika förmåga att avleda sprickor och skydda sig mot benbrott Sannolikheten att råka ut för ett benbrott ökar för äldre och bensköra personer. Hos en ung och frisk person så har benvävnaden i vårt skelett en unik förmåga att skydda sig mot benbrott genom att avleda mikrosprickor. Men med ålder och sjukdom blir skelett svagare och sprickor och Human cortical bone tissue is a complex and strong composite material, with the ability to resist damage via slowing, stopping or redirecting propagating cracks. However, the ability is impaired with age. At the microscale, changes are seen both in terms of increased porosity and as changes in local material parameters. The microstructure is based on circular concentric layers of bone tissue, call

Resisting Warwick of the Future

This is a case belonging to the master case series of the course Corporate Brand Management and Reputation. In this case we present the rebranding of University of Warwick. Upon its 50th birthday, the administration decided to launch a new logo which faced backlash from the students resulting in a petition to stop it.

Förbandsanda - En förutsättning att lyckas i rekryteringen?

The Swedish armed forces have struggled with recruitment of military personnel for several years. Despite the facts that the military units have equal opportunities to succeed in recruitment, some regiments do better than others. This may be due to difference of the sub-cultures within each military unit. This study examines whether there is a connection between personnel supply and cultures in mi

r/wallstreetbets Influence on the Stock Market

This research aims to examine how much impact social media channels have on stock returns during unusual market events. We do this by measuring the sentiment and activity on the Reddit forum wallstreetbets (WSB) regarding some of the six most mentioned companies during the first four months of 2021 and connect this to their relative stock returns. The sentiment is derived through a sentiment analy

En undersökning av svenska livsmedelspriser: Vilka faktorer påverkar prissättningen?

The main objective of this paper is to investigate price determining factors in Swedish grocery retailing. By combining economic theory with linear regression analysis the paper wishes to shed light on what kind of factors that are affecting Swedish food retailers when they are pricing food products. Different food retailers face different conditions when it comes to competition, demand, locality

Forgotten Practices: A case study of social struggles in agrarian Uppsala, and its implications for Swedish farming

This thesis set out to map the relation Swedish farmers have to their occupation and production, while also investigating what challenges farmers experience which in turn might affect social sustainability in Swedish agriculture negatively. Agriculture was approached as a case of low social sustainability based on the fact that more than one-third of Swedish farmers are over retiring age, while yo

Bidrar jämställdhet till ekonomisk tillväxt?

This paper aims to examine the relationship between economic growth and gender equality in Africa between 1995 and 2019. The chosen measurement for gender inequality is UNDP’s Gender Inequality Index, GII, which is a well established index with extensive data access. A modification of an endogenous growth model is presented. The modified model attempts to illustrate the expected relationship betwe

Should We Turn Back Time? A Synthetic Control Study on the Trade Effects of Sweden’s Choice Not To Enter the Eurozone

The formation of the Economic and Monetary Union, combined with the introduction of the euro, further deepened a long-going European economic integration. Sweden has been a member of the European Union since 1995 but has not yet given up its independent currency. In this study, we estimate the trade flows that would have occurred between Sweden and its major trading partners if Sweden had joined t

Faktorer som påverkar teamarbete i operationssalen ur operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv

Bakgrund: Genom teamarbete sammanförs färdigheter och erfarenheter som överträffar varje teammedlems specifika kunskap. Därför är team och ett effektivt teamarbete viktigt inom den perioperativa vården. Vad som bidrar till ett effektivt team är komplext där flertalet faktorer spelar in. Operationssjuksköterskan, som fyller en viktig roll som medlem i operationsteamet, betonar vikten av ett välfung

Malmöfestivalen - en festival för alla?

Festivaler kan användas som ett kraftfullt verktyg för att skapa ett framgångsrikt stadsvarumärke och konkurrera med andra städer på den globala arenan. Det finns dock en risk för att socioekonomiskt utsatta invånare utesluts i strategierna, om fokus ligger på vinst snarare än på ett holistiskt synsätt på stadsvarumärket som även omfattar alla invånare i en stad. I vår fallstudie undersökte vi MalFestivals can be used as a powerful tool to create a successful city brand and compete with other cities on the global arena. However, there is a risk of excluding socioeconomically vulnerable inhabitants in the strategies, if focus is on profit rather than a holistic approach to city branding that also includes all the inhabitants of a city. In our case study we examined Malmö, and the yearly cit

En levande stadskärna? En studie av utvecklingen av stadskärnan i Kävlinge

The aim of the study is to examine how the Kävlinge municipality revalidates the city centre in Kävlinge, both in the general planning work and by using the BID model. The research questions for the study are formulated as followed: How does the Kävlinge municipality work to achieve the goal of a vibrant city centre in Kävlinge? and Which opportunities and challenges are there to achieve the goal

Taking the Buddha out of Buddhism: A literature study on the concept of mindfulness

This paper was aimed at synthesising a comprehensive understanding of the sometimes opposing conceptualisations and practical applications of mindfulness in Western societies. Mindfulness is a part of a meditation practice derived from ancient Buddhist doctrine, in the form of the Pāli word sati. After proven successful against stress, Jon Kabat-Zinn started promoting it in 1990. It became popular

Faktorer som påverkar luftkvaliteten i operationssalen

Bakgrund: Operationssalen ställer höga krav på ventilationssystemen för att bevara en luftkvalitet som inte bidrar till att patienter drabbas av postoperativa infektioner som är en av de vanligaste vårdrelaterade infektionerna i Sverige. Ventilationssystemen har som syfte att minska antal bakterier och partiklar i luften. Operationssjuksköterskan har som ansvar att arbeta infektionspreventivt och Background: The operating room places high demands on the ventilation systems to maintain an air quality that does not contribute to patients suffering from postoperative infections, which is one of the most common healthcare related infections in Sweden. The purpose of the ventilation systems is to reduce the number of bacteria and particles in the air. The operation nurse is responsible for work

Undersökning av säkerhet vid kontroll och konfiguration av ett fordon från en mobilapplikation

Att kunna konfigurera och/eller kontrollera ett fordon genom en mobilapplikation är något som blir allt vanligare i den värld vi lever i. Det finns därav ett behov av att undersöka hur säkerheten hanteras i just detta scenario. Denna kandidatuppsats är en undersökning i form av en litteraturstudie kring vilka risker och hot som finns då ett fordon ska kunna konfigureras och kontrolleras genom en To be able to control and/or configure a vehicle through a mobile app is something that is becoming more usual in the world we live in. Because of this there is an inherent demand to further explore how to handle the security in this scenario. This Bachelor thesis is an investigation in the shape of a literature study into which risks and threats that appear when a vehicle is to be controlled and

The Effects of Macroeconomic Factors on the Shares of Automotive Manufacturers in the USA, Asia, and Europe in the Short and Long Run

This study aims to broaden the remits of the relatively scant hitherto literature focused on the impact of the changes in macroeconomic indicators on automotive stock returns. Since a considerable fraction of previous empirical research covered multiple industries, historical results may not be directly transferable for the purposes of the analysis of the automotive industry. This article posits t