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Abstract in Spanish Este libro se fundamenta en los conceptos básicos desarrollados en PID Controllers pero aumentándolos a través del empleo de técnicas de control avanzado. El libro proporciona una base sólida para comprender, operar e implementar las características más avanzadas de los controladores PID, incluidas la sintonía automática, la planificación y la adaptación de ganancia. Los autor

Indirect biotic interactions in the rhizosphere

The rhizosphere (the soil environment around plant roots) is characterized by complex direct and indirect interactions among its organisms. Studies of interactions among organisms in the rhizosphere are difficult to carry out due to a high diversity of inconspicuous organisms on a micro scale and the highly heterogeneous nature of the soil environment. In this thesis, grassland plant species and s

Optimized Integration of Test Compression and Sharing for SOC Testing

The increasing test data volume needed to test core-based System-on-Chip contributes to long test application times (TAT) and huge automatic test equipment (ATE) memory requirements. TAT and ATE memory requirement can be reduced by test architecture design, test scheduling, sharing the same tests among several cores, and test data compression. We propose, in contrast to previous work that addresse

Om att förstå ett hus : den dynamiska modellen : dokumentationsmetoder, vårdplan och restaureringsideologi

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att försöka utreda hur man kommer till förståelse av det historiska huset och att diskutera vilken roll den historiska dokumentationen spelar i restaureringsprojekteringen. I restaurering som i allt annat arbete med arkitektur är förståelse ett nyckelord. Förståelse för de särskilda förutsättningar som ligger i uppgiften, i objektet, i skapanThe principal aim of the thesis is to evaluate the significance of the documentation of a building’s history for the work of restoring it and caring for it. Thus it may be said to address restoration as a hermeneutical problem, besides considering the relationships between the work of documentation; analyses of the resulting data; and the creative process in which the ideology of restoration is im

Vacuum-Assisted Closure Therapy - A new Treatment Modality in Poststernotomy Mediastinitis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vakuum-assisterad sårläkning (VAC) är en relativt ny metod för att påskynda sårläkning där primär läkning av ett eller annat skäl inte skett. Inom hjärtkirurgin anses mediastiniten, en sårinfektion som uppstår i operationsorådet kring bröstbenet efter kirurgi, vara en av de tre mest allvarliga postoperativa komplikationerna. Trots att hjärtkirurgi nu även erbjudes till Poststernotomy mediastinitis is a devastating complication associated with median sternotomy, which occurs mainly after cardiac surgery. The optimal treatment is still controversial. The aim was to develop, describe and evaluate a surgical procedure consisting of vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) in combination with delayed primary closure in patients with mediastinitis. A porcine sternotomy wound mo

Cars in Transition - An Assessment of Future Vehicle Technologies

The transport sector is facing serious challenges in meeting long-term sustainability criteria. Radical changes in the design of vehicles to attain competitive vehicles with substantially better environmental performance will probably constitute an important part in a future sustainable transport sector. The aim of the study described in this thesis is to assess the long-term options currently und

Tracking and Reconstruction of Vehicles for Accurate Position Estimation

To improve traffic safety it is important to evaluate the safety of roads and intersections. Today this requires a large amount of manual labor so an automated system using cameras would be very beneficial. We focus on the geometric part of the problem, that is, how to get accurate three-dimensional data from images of a road or an intersection. This is essential in order to correctly identify dif

Survey on Safety Evidence Change Impact Analysis in Practice: Detailed Description and Analysis

Critical systems must comply with safety standards in many application domains. This involves gathering safety evidence in the form of artefacts such as safety analyses, system specifications, and testing results. These artefacts can evolve during a system’s lifecycle, and impact analysis might be necessary to guarantee that system safety and compliance are not jeopardised. Although extensive rese

Conference • NNHSH 2014 Theme: Creative and able citizens: managing health and illness during the life course

As the Nordic welfare states evolve – with ideologies that focus on an increased consumption of health services – citizens are required to be productive throughout their life course. And because fewer economic resources are being invested into basic health care, and there is a move to shift more responsibility onto the individual (patient), it is becoming essential to illuminate practices that sho


En antologi av texter om Kinas politiska historia sedan Andra Världskriget, avsedd för undervisningen i statsvetenskap vid universitet

Development Blocks in Innovation Networks. The Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1970-2007

The notion of development blocks suggests the co-evolution of technologie and industries through complementarities and the overcoming of imbalances. This paper studies groups of closely related industries and their co-evolution in the network of Swedish product innovations, by combining statistical methods and qualitative data from a newly constructed innovation output database, SWINNO. The study