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Differential regulation of alpha and beta chains of C4b-binding protein during acute-phase response resulting in stable plasma levels of free anticoagulant protein S

Regulation of C4b-binding protein (C4BP) isoforms during acute phase and its relationship to the plasma concentration of free protein S was elucidated. An assay for beta chain containing C4BP (C4BP beta+) was developed and the concentrations of total C4BP, C4BP beta+, total, free, and bound protein S were measured in patients with acute-phase response. Even though total C4BP was increased to 162%

HMI Design. SASPENCE Technical Report C20.52. PReVENT Consortium.

The objectives of this activity were to propose a number of alternative HMI solutions (visual, auditory and haptic) for the concept of Safe Speed and Safe Distance and to carry out a pre-screening procedure with a number of test persons in order to give recommendations for the alternative building elements of the SASPENCE “warning-package” consisting of the combination of these modes to be tested

From Partnership to Resistance: Unions and Organisational Learning at Ericsson Infocom

In recognising that much mainstream literature on organisational learning is overwhelmingly managerial, this paper explores learning as an appropriate framework for studying organisations at the level of sub-systems or subcultures. It is thus argued that there is an interesting agenda to be pursued by the critical researcher on seeing organisational learning as a means of analysing both co-operati

Methodology for evaluation of hazards from solid waste and landfill generated leachate

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avfall har alltid uppkommit i alla samhällen i alla tider. Det vanligaste sättet att hand om det har varit att samla avfallet i soptippar (deponier) på mark som ansetts obrukbar, t.ex. i sankmarker utanför bebyggelsen. I takt med ökad konsumtion och produktion har också mängderna avfall ökat. Anledningen till att avfall och avfallshantering kommit alltmer i fokus i miljA methodology based on an analytical protocol for evaluation of hazards from landfill leachate and solid waste is described. A dynamic analytical protocol, the LAQUA protocol, including measurements of inorganic and water-quality parameters, polar and non-polar organic marker compounds, and toxicity, was constructed. An acute toxicity test, using the brackish water crustacean Artemia salina as tes