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Dysfunctional disciplinary borders, and the need for a new foundation discipline ?
Description of evolving anisotropy at large strains
A description of texture evolution at large strain plasticity is developed. Texture evolution is defined in terms of changes taking place in the substructure of the material. The changes in the substructure are specified by means of a tangent map defined in the same manner as for the continuum in terms of a multiplicative decomposition. It is shown that the description of the changes in the substr
Anm. av Woxholth, Geir: Stiftelser: etter stiftelseloven 2001
The aim of this thesis is to map the paradoxical limit of the in-between. In its most basic form the thesis is a paradox in itself, for how am I to comprehend and communicate the ever-changing world in a language which is characterised by fixed points and stable relations? The thesis consists of three main parts: a prologue, six chapters and an epilogue. Each of these parts can be read separatly,
Rummet vidgas : kvinnor på väg ut i offentligheten 1880-1940
Purification, localization, and expression of human intestinal alkaline sphingomyelinase
Decoupling: Energi och koldioxid relativt BNP
Efficient calculation of covariances for astrometric data in the Gaia catalogue
Har de unga nånsin varit bättre eller sämre?
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Asia Imagined by the Arabs
Barnens delaktighet i beslut inom hälso- och sjukvården i ett förslag till ny patientlag
Kommentar till Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2658/87 av den 23 juli 1987 om tulltaxe- och statistiknomenklaturen och om Gemensamma tulltaxan
Towards a diffraction-limited square-kilometer optical telescope: Digital revival of intensity interferometry
Tidigmodern textåtervinning. Om studiet av tidigmoderna latinska texter
"Early Modern Text Recycing: On the Study of Neolatin Texts". The study of Neo-Latin texts is discussed with special regard to intertextuality. It is argued that intertextuality in Neo-Latin texts depends partly on the fact that Latin was learnt through imitation, partly on the existence of a rich variety of multifaceted texts - which cannot be classed as either "literary" or "non-literary" - with
Developing a "Better" ERP system: The Risk of Loosing Competitive Advantage
The future of risk assessment in the European Union. The second report on the harmonization of risk assessment procedures.
Interference-Aware Geocasting for VANET
With the introduction of standards such as DSRC and WAVE, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) are being considered as candidates to improve road safety. Safety applications developed on top of VANET enable vehicle and driver improved awareness of the road situation through vehicles sharing their status and knowledge of the road conditions. In order for these systems to operate, they depend on reliab