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Gamma-Ray Bursts, Supernova Kicks, and Gravitational Radiation
We suggest that the collapsing core of a massive rotating star may fragment to produce two or more compact objects. Their coalescence under gravitational radiation gives the resulting black hole or neutron star a significant kick velocity, which may explain those observed in pulsars. A gamma-ray burst can result only when this kick is small. Thus, only a small fraction of core-collapse supernovae
Technoscience comes to Lund : ESS and the Enlightenment Vision
In 2019 the first neutrons will be fired at the ESS plant, at least to its present plan, located in the outskirts of Lund, the brightest neutron facility in the world. In the scientists’ self-images, this kind of high technology and international cooperative knowledge production is entitled Big Science or Global Science. The concept “technoscience” isn’t used. This chapter will discuss if the conc
Om kriminaliseringen av papperslösas arbete och argumenten för att avskaffa den
Product development problematics
The study of life in confined extreme environments to give guidance for issues and conditions for the design, development and production of objects on Earth. We use long term living in confined extreme environments as starting point for studies of product development concerning objects and living environments. By using the extreme environment as a backdrop for our studies we aim to achieve a labor
Denitrification as an adaptive trait in soil and groundwater bacteria
The focus of the thesis is on selection and adaptation processes in bacteria with emphasis on denitrifying bacteria in groundwater. Other nitrogen transformation processes such as dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (nitrate ammonification) and nitrification of forest soil bacteria are briefly discussed. Intensive fertilisation of agricultural soils in southern Sweden have been performed
Experimental Study of Convection Heat Transfer in the Entrance Region of a Rectangular Duct with Transverse Ribs
The paper presents an experimental study on heat transfer coefficients in a straight rectangular channel containing continuous transverse ribs. The ribs were located on one side of the channel which is heated with a uniform heat flux. Three values of the rib pitch-to-height ratio (10, 20 and 30) were considered, with the Reynolds number, based on the channel hydraulic diameter, ranging from 57,000
Allmän förvaltningsrätt, 23. uppl.
Keeping my level of being: middle-aged women dealing with the passage through menopause
Dysfunctional disciplinary borders, and the need for a new foundation discipline ?
Description of evolving anisotropy at large strains
A description of texture evolution at large strain plasticity is developed. Texture evolution is defined in terms of changes taking place in the substructure of the material. The changes in the substructure are specified by means of a tangent map defined in the same manner as for the continuum in terms of a multiplicative decomposition. It is shown that the description of the changes in the substr
Anm. av Woxholth, Geir: Stiftelser: etter stiftelseloven 2001
The aim of this thesis is to map the paradoxical limit of the in-between. In its most basic form the thesis is a paradox in itself, for how am I to comprehend and communicate the ever-changing world in a language which is characterised by fixed points and stable relations? The thesis consists of three main parts: a prologue, six chapters and an epilogue. Each of these parts can be read separatly,