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Ventifacts and wind deflation surfaces in context with glaciofluvial sediment successions in southern Sweden

Recent suggestions propose that the glacial landscape of southern Sweden is a relict landscape from the Saalian glaciation (>130 ka) (Lagerbäck, 2018). The primary argument supporting this viewpoint is the claimed observation that the majority of glaciofluvial deposits in this region exhibits a covering till bed, often accompanied by wind-abraded clasts (ventifacts) at the contact between glaciofl

The relationship between the loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region of northern Serbia and the Saalian and Rissian Stage glaciations – a review

The regional loess stratigraphy in the Vojvodina region, in the southeastern Carpathian Basin, has often been successfully correlated to the global palaeoclimate. This is a quasi-continuous sedimentary record that provides detailed environmental reconstruction during the last four glacial/interglacial cycles. In this study, we present a standardized loess stratigraphy and illustrate how it correla

Financing an accelerated shift to zero emission vehicles by deploying High-Capacity Transport with Intelligent Access by 2024

The paper explores synergies by bundling High-Capacity Transport - Intelligent Access - Zero Emission Vehicle reforms. State of the art is analyzed, and research questions are formulated. One joint policy framework is proposed and applied to three use cases: one vehicle, one real use case, and one scenario for the whole of EU. In the later, the cost savings 2024 to 2028 from allowing longer and/or

Carbon in, carbon out: Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ assessment reveals astonishing boom and bust cycles

If you really want to know how much Australia contributes to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the atmosphere, you have to study all the “sources” and “sinks”.Sources release CO₂ into the atmosphere, while sinks take it out. There are sources from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, and there are natural sinks such as plants absorbing CO₂. You can tally it all up on a balance sheet

Societal economic burden and determinants of costs for atopic dermatitis

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disease while the economic burden of AD by severity is not adequately understood. Objective: To estimate the societal economic burden and to identify cost determinants of AD. Methods: In this population-based, controlled cohort study in Sweden, patients with AD were identified through diagnosis codes in primary or secondary care or b

Parental satisfaction with paediatric care with and without the support of an eHealth device : a quasi-experimental study in Sweden

Background: The period after a child is discharged from hospital is generally described as challenging for the parents. Their satisfaction with the health services received is an important indicator of the quality of care. eHealth devices are increasingly used in health care to support communication with parents. Differences in levels of parental satisfaction by modality of provided care or by par

Collaborative Learning in an Immersive Virtual Environment: The Effects of Context and Retrieval Practice

The accessibility of Virtual Reality (VR) enables the investigation of desirable difficulties originating from memory research with increased ecological validity. The two desirable difficulties include contextual variation and retrieval practice. Most studies investigated individual learning in VR and found indirect effects (such as enjoyment and motivation), but knowledge acquisition was not nece

Datastructuring—Organizing and curating digital traces into action

Digital transformations and processes of “datafication” fundamentally reshape how information is produced, circulated and given meaning. In this article, we provide a concept of “datastructuring” which seeks to capture this reshaping as both a product of and productive of social activity. To do this we focus on (1) how new forms of social action map onto and are enabled by technological changes re

The Corded Ware Complex in Europe in Light of Current Archaeogenetic and Environmental Evidence

Corded Ware is one of the main archaeological phenomena of the third millennium before the common era (BCE), with a wide geographic spread across much of central and northeastern Europe, from Denmark, the Rhineland, and Switzerland in the west to the Baltic and Western Russia in the east, and broadly restricted to the temperate, continental zones north of the Alps, the Carpathians, and the steppe/

Heat transfer enhancement with additively manufactured rough surfaces: Insights from large-eddy simulations

To study the impact of additively manufactured (AM) roughness on fluid flow and heat transfer, we performed a series of high-fidelity large-eddy simulations on turbulent heat transfer over a three-dimensional AM rough surface with varying bulk Reynolds number and average roughness height values. We considered rough surfaces created using AM techniques at Siemens based on Nickel Alloy IN939 materia

Detecting potential outliers in longitudinal data with time-dependent covariates

Background: Outliers can influence regression model parameters and change the direction of the estimated effect, over-estimating or under-estimating the strength of the association between a response variable and an exposure of interest. Identifying visit-level outliers from longitudinal data with continuous time-dependent covariates is important when the distribution of such variable is highly sk

Creating political subjects : Collective knowledge and action to enact housing rights in Spain

Building on eleven months of engaged research with the Platform for Mortgage-Affected People (PAH) in the Barcelona metropolitan region and involvement in the movement post-2014 as an activist, this paper considers the processes through which people facing foreclosure and eviction become political subjects. Community development, in this context, is seen as a transformative, bottom-up process, unf

New scholarly pathways on green gentrification : What does the urban ‘green turn’ mean and where is it going?

Scholars in urban political ecology, urban geography, and planning have suggested that urban greening interventions can create elite enclaves of environmental privilege and green gentrification, and exclude lower-income and minority residents from their benefits. Yet, much remains to be understood in regard to the magnitude, scope, and manifestations of green gentrification and the forms of contes

Gentrification and health in two global cities : a call to identify impacts for socially-vulnerable residents

In global cities, the impacts of gentrification on the lives and well-being of socially vulnerable residents have occupied political agendas. Yet to date, research on how gentrification affects a multiplicity of health outcomes has remained scarce. While much of the nascent quantitative research helps to identify associations between gentrification and determined health outcomes, it tends to draw