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Den dokumentvillkorade garantin
Den dokumentvillkorade garantin, som i praktiken vanligen betecknas som självständig, känneteck-nas av att villkoren i utfästelsen väsentligen endast innefattar villkor som refererar till att vissa angivna dokument presenteras för garanten. Dokumentvillkorade garantier förekommer vanligtvis i avtalsstrukturer som involverar ett flertal olika avtal och parter. De typer av avtal som omfattas av sådaDocumentary guarantees, in practice usually described as independent guarantees, are characterized by the fact that they essentially contain only conditions referring to whether or not certain specified documents are presented to the guarantor. A documentary guarantee is usually only one part of a contractual structure involving several contracts and parties. Such contracts give rise to special le
Wij trampa alle jämpt i Dödlighetens Skoor : några inledande ord om Olof Wexionius
Knowledge of evolution and evolution of knowledge
It is argued that evolution goes beyond that which can be described in a well-defined language) and that it instead enforces a language that is itself evolving. Evolution is the unfolding of this self-reference. The unfolding methodology of the logician Alfred Tarski is taken as a basis for the explicability of evolution. Looking at Tarski´s results as a linguistic complementarity, we get a view w
Det rituella livet
Learning from Real Fire Incidents : a Methodology for Case Studies
Much information has been gathered through the years from fires in fire investigation reports or as statistics. The information might have been collected centrally by an agency, an insurance company or locally by the local fire service. The information can be used to learn from these events and to improve the fire safety in buildings. In this paper a methodology to find technical deficiencies in f
New proton conducting acrylamide copolymers
Late-life depression from a primary care perspective
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sjukdomar hos äldre har ofta annan sjukdomsbild än motsvarande sjukdom hos medelålders och yngre. Till exempel är symtomen är ofta mindre tydliga, äldre har ofta flera samtidiga sjukdomar som ger en komplex sjukdomsbild, dessutom kan ett ”mindre allvarligt” sjukdomstillstånd föra med sig betydande besvär pga annan samtidig sjukdom. Detta gäller även för depressionssjukdStudies have found that depressive states in old age that do not fulfil the criteria for major depression are clinically important depressive states. These depressive states are common in primary care patients. Therefore, studies of late-life depression from a primary care perspective are needed. A depressive rating scale, Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25), was used in a community survey in 1
Mätning av joniserande strålning
Insights Into Protein Synthesis - Structural Aspects of Elongation Factor G and Fusidic Acid Inhibition
Elongation factor G (EF-G) catalyses the translocation step in protein synthesis on the ribosome. During this event the antibiotic Fusidic acid (FA) binds to and irreversably inhibits the release of the EF-G:GDP complex from the ribosome. The difficulties to elucidate the exact binding mechanism of FA to the EF-G:GDP:ribosome complex are due to the fact that FA only binds to EF-G when the factor i
Nytt oönskat rekord på väg för Arktis?
Paraenesis or Paraclesis - Hebrews as a Test Case
The marker le in Mandarin Chinese: A discussion on contextual influence
Den köldslagne korvgubben. Om vinter, krig och existentiell död i Sivar Arnérs Plånbok borttappad
A fast algorithm for optimal alignment between similar ordered trees
Investigation of turbulence models applied to premixed combustion using a level-set flamelet library approach
Most of the common modeling approaches to premixed combustion in engineering applications are either based on the assumption of infinitely fast chemistry or the flamelet assumption with simple chemistry. The level-set flamelet library approach (FLA) has shown great potential in predicting major species and heat release, as well as intermediate and minor species, where more simple models often fail