Winston Churchill på film
Study of three films and TV-series about Winston Spencer Churchill.
Study of three films and TV-series about Winston Spencer Churchill.
The paper discusses the solution to the optimal adaptive control problem over an extended time horizon. This leads to a controller that have dual features, i.e., tt uses control actions as well as probing actions. The solution of the optimal dual control problem is intractable from a computational point of view. Approximations to obtain simpler suboptimal dual controllers are thus important. There
The chapter gives an overall picture of the conditions of labour market entry for young people (16-19 years) and young adults (20-24 years) and their social exclusion in Sweden from the early 1990s until now. The chapter consists of three sections. The first section provides background information on the entry of young people on the Swedish labour market. The overview summarizes research findings
The thin-plate spline (TPS) has been widely used in a number of areas such as image warping, shape analysis and scattered data interpolation. Introduced by Bookstein (IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 11(6):567–585 1989), it is a natural interpolating function in two dimensions, parameterized by a finite number of landmarks. However, even though the thin-plate spline has a very intuitive int
Traditional views of causation are cause-effect views. Among other things, what is claimed is that when a causal report is true, a cause and an effect exist. Similarly with theories of causal beliefs, such as Gärdenfors's (1988) view that - by looking at the contraction with respect to the cause of the given epistemic state - we can apply the simple criterion that the occurrence of C raises the pr
The adsorption behavior of macromolecular emulsifiers is important in the understanding of their functionality. Understanding of the adsorption behavior can ultimately enable us to control emulsion properties. Adsorption during emulsification differs from many adsorption processes as the interface at which adsorption occurs is created in parallel with the adsorption. In this thesis two different m
Uppsatsen behandlar Viktor Rydbergs Den siste athenaren från 1858. Rydbergs roll som samhällsdebattör relateras till hans romanskrivande.
The concept of a ”green economy” is rapidly gaining interest around the world. However, the idea is not new. It appeared in 1989 in the book “Blueprint for a Green Economy”. During the 1990s and most of the 2000s, the green economy was not a widely used term. But it gained a new lease of life after the financial crisis of 2008 when governments and industries around the world needed to respond to e
This paper describes two interleaver structures that reduce the memory requirement for the storage of interleaver rules. The first structure offers memory reductions of more than 50%, compared to storing the entire interleaver vector. The second structure is useful when a range of interleaver sizes are to be stored, offering memory reductions asymptotically approaching 50%. By combining the two st
I denna bok rapporteras resultat från sju forskningsprojekt inom forskningsprogrammet Skolkultur en framgångsfaktor? Forskarna kommer från olika vetenskapliga discipliner: etnologi, företagsekonomi, pedagogik, socialantropologi, sociologi och statsvetenskap. Förankrade i olika perspektiv och teoritraditioner och med hjälp av olika metoder undersöker de skolan. Resultatet är en bred och varierad be