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Your search for "*" yielded 534303 hits

Bacterial infection disrupts established germinal center reactions through monocyte recruitment and impaired metabolic adaptation

Consecutive exposures to different pathogens are highly prevalent and often alter the host immune response. However, it remains unknown how a secondary bacterial infection affects an ongoing adaptive immune response elicited against primary invading pathogens. We demonstrated that recruitment of Sca-1 + monocytes into lymphoid organs during Salmonella Typhimurium (STm) infection disrupted pre-exis

Effects of fungicides on aquatic fungi and bacteria : a comparison of morphological and molecular approaches from a microcosm experiment

Background: Fungicides are frequently used in agriculture and can enter freshwater ecosystems through multiple pathways. The negative impacts of fungicides on microorganisms, fungi in particular, and their functions such as leaf decomposition have been repeatedly shown. In our previous microcosm experiment with three consecutive cycles of fungicide exposure and colonisation of leaf substrate, we f

Exclusive dielectron production in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ATLAS

Exclusive production of dielectron pairs, γγ → e + e −, is studied using Lint = 1.72 nb−1 of data from ultraperipheral collisions of lead nuclei at sNN = 5.02 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The process of interest proceeds via photon–photon interactions in the strong electromagnetic fields of relativistic lead nuclei. Dielectron production is measured in the fiducial region defined

Effects of lead on the endocrine system in lead smelter workers

In this study of the effects of lead on the endocrine system, 77 secondary lead-smelter workers (i.e., 62 active and 15 retired) were compared with 26 referents. Lead concentrations were determined in plasma with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (i.e., index of recent exposure), in blood with atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and in fingerbone with K x-ray fluorescence technique (i.

Aspects of Blame : In which the nature of blame, blameworthiness, standing to blame and proportional blame are discussed

This thesis discusses what blame is, what it is for an agent to be blameworthy for having performed a certain act or omission, what makes an agent blameworthy for having performed a certain act or omission, whether the idea of standing to blame generalises to blame understood as something privately held, and what it is for blame to be proportionate. It provides original answers to these questions

Physiology of chemoheterotrophic thermoanaerobes

The industry is increasingly discovering the potential of strict anaerobic thermophilic bacteria, as there are many applications to consider, including the production of stable thermozymes and degradation of lignocellulosic materials, proteins, and alkanes. However, the metabolism of these thermoanaerobes is still poorly understood and so far, there is comprehensive knowledge of only a few model s

Halide Perovskite Artificial Solids as a New Platform to Simulate Collective Phenomena in Doped Mott Insulators

The development of quantum simulators, artificial platforms where the predictions of many-body theories of correlated quantum materials can be tested in a controllable and tunable way, is one of the main challenges of condensed matter physics. Here we introduce artificial lattices made of lead halide perovskite nanocubes as a new platform to simulate and investigate the physics of correlated quant

Molecular Recognition Materials Synthesized Based on Small molecules, DNA, and Imprinted Polymers for Bioanalytical Applications

The development of sensitive, convenient, and cost-effective methods for detecting disease biomarkers is very important for meeting the growing demand for early clinical diagnosis. Additionally, the detection of disease biomarkers at ultralow concentrations is very important for disease prevention and treatment and posttreatment rehabilitation. However, current ultrasensitive detection strategies

Symmetry plane correlations in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV

A newly developed observable for correlations between symmetry planes, which characterize the direction of the anisotropic emission of produced particles, is measured in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN = 2.76 TeV with ALICE. This so-called Gaussian Estimator allows for the first time the study of these quantities without the influence of correlations between different flow amplitudes. The centrality depen

Plants and Light Manipulation : The Integrated Mineral System in Okra Leaves

Calcium oxalate and silica minerals are common components of a variety of plant leaves. These minerals are found at different locations within the leaf, and there is little conclusive evidence about the functions they perform. Here tools are used from the fields of biology, optics, and imaging to investigate the distributions of calcium oxalate, silica minerals, and chloroplasts in okra leaves, in

High incidence of cardiovascular disease and increased prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in women with hypopituitarism not receiving growth hormone treatment : preliminary results

Recently, epidemiological evidence has suggested that hypopituitarism with untreated growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is associated with a high incidence of cardiovascular mortality and that women are particularly at risk. In the present study, the incidence of cardiovascular disease and prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in 33 such women was assessed and compared with matched controls. A si

Coulomb excitation of 74,76Zn

The first experiment using radioactive beams post-accelerated by the HIE-ISOLDE facility has enabled to obtain a precise set of B(E2) transition probabilities in neutron-rich 74,76Zn isotopes. The resulting B(E2; 2+1→0+1) values are consistent with those determined in earlier REX-ISOLDE measurements. While the B(E2; 4+1→2+1) transition probability in 76Zn is also in agreement with earlier Coulomb-