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Imagining an Islamic Anarchism: A New Field of Study is Ploughed

What research has been accomplished hitherto on the subject of anarchism within Islam? How has Islamic anarchism been approached and conceived by researchers and advocates? How might this field be approached? What are some of the challenges inherent in the study of anarchism in Islam? This chapter attempts to answer these questions while raising new ones. Work by Ahmet Karamustafa, Patricia Crone,

Dimensions of Precarity. A Contradictory Case of Non-Standard Employment.

This paper discusses the concept of ‘precarious employment’ in relation to the Swedish shipbuilding industry in the 1960s and 1970s. In this setting, characterized by shortage of labour, a dual labour market structure emerged, where some workers were directly employed by the shipyards and others indirectly employed through intermediaries. The case differs from classical accounts of dual labour mar

Random graph models and their applications

This thesis explores different models of random graphs. The first part treats a change from the preferential attachment model where the network incorporates new vertices and attach them preferentially to the previous vertices with a large number of connections. We introduce on top of this model the deletion of the oldest connections in the system and discuss the impact on the degree of the vertice

Rehabiliteringspedagogik för arbete med långtidssjukskrivna i grupp

REHABILITERINGSPEDAGOGIK är en bok om hur författaren har letat sig fram till ett sätt att återvinna långtidssjukskrivna människor till livet. Det är också en bok om hur långtidssjukskrivna lär sig nya sätt att tänka, känna och bete sig med sikte på förbättrad hälsa och funktion. Boken bygger på författarens mångåriga erfarenhet av arbete med människor som har långvarig värk och smärta, först som

The Nobel Prize: A 'Heritage based' Brand-oriented Network

Purpose – Understanding the Nobel Prize as a ‘true’ heritage brand in a networked situation and its management challenges, especially regarding identity and reputation.Methodology – The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within an extended corporate brand identity framework that incorporates reputation.Findings – The Nobel Prize is a ‘true’ corporate heritage brand (in th