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Controlling Structure and Water Miscibility of Polyion - Surfactant Ion Complex Salts

Popular Abstract in Swedish Interaktionen mellan laddade polyjoner och motsatt laddade tensid joner har undersökts. Detta har gjorts genom att syntetisera det komplexa saltet (polyjon-tensid jon) och använda detta som utgångspunkt. Olika parametrar för det komplexa saltet har varierats systematiskt och effekten på struktur och vattenupptag har undersökts. Komplexa salt (CxTAPAy) bestående av alkylThe interaction between poylions and oppositely charged surfactant ions has been investigated. This has been done by using the pure complex salt (polyion + surfactant ion) as a point of departure. Different parameters of the complex salt have been varied in a systematic way and the effect on structure and water miscibility has been investigated. Complex salts (CxTAPAy) consisting of alkyl trimethy

The solar neighborhood age-metallicity relation - Does it exist?

We test the hypothesis that the spread in the age-metallicity plot of the solar neighborhood is due to a mixture of stars belonging to kinematically different sub-populations of the Galactic disk, i.e., the thin and the thick disk. We use a kinematic subsample of similar to 600 stars from a sample of similar to 6000 dwarf and subgiant stars from the Hipparcos catalog. All of these stars have a ful

A 2GHz, 17% tuning range quadrature CMOS VCO with high figure-of-merit and 0.6° phase error

This paper presents a quadrature VCO implemented in a standard 0.35µm CMOS process. The VCO draws 16mA from a 1.3V power supply, can be tuned between 1.91 GHz and 2.27GHz, and displays a phase noise of -140dBc/Hz or less at 3MHz offset frequency from the carrier, for a minimum phase-noise figure-of-merit of 184 dB. The maximum departure from quadrature between the VCO phases is 0.6°.

Fermentation of wheat starch hydrolysate by Lactococcus lactis: Factors affecting product formation

Lactic acid exists as two optical isomers, D- and L-lactic acid. For the production of biodegradable poly-lactic acid an optically pure product is desirable, but a racemate of known and constant ratio can also be used. Lactic acid can be produced either synthetically or fermentatively. Fermentative production has some advantages: by choosing a lactic acid bacterium producing only one of the isomer

Forskning om åldrande och boende

Under rubrikerna Åldrandet; Äldre mlänniskors livsmönster; Utevistelse och hälsa och Särskilt boende presenteras forskning om äldres miljö.

Technical Measures to Prevent and Mitigate the Consequences of Arson in School Buildings

Fires in school buildings caused by arson are a major problem in Sweden and in particular are the costs of these fires disproportionately high compared to the costs of fires in buildings in general. The Swedish Research Board initiated a multidisciplinary project in order to reduce the number and consequences of arson fires in schools. Both technical and social aspects have been dealt within this

Yrkesutbildning för morgondagens arbetsliv

Det politiska intresset för gymnasial yrkesutbildning och framför allt för lärlingsutbildning fortsätter att vara högt. Sedan 1990-talet har yrkesutbildningen i Sverige genomgått flera omfattande reformer. År 2011 infördes reguljära lärlingsutbildningar. Hösten 2013 blev lärlingsutbildningen föremål för nya politiska initiativ. Ambitionen är att genomföra ett »systemskifte « och lägga upp lärling

The Production of a Memorial Place: Materialising Expressions of Grief

This chapter will look at why, how and in what way a spontaneous memorial may develop: from an immediate act to a more planned place of grief and remembrance (Clark and Franzmann 2006, Nieminen Kristofersson 2006, Klaasens, Groote and Huigen 2009). Of special importance for this investigation are the noticeable differences in attitudes to and growths of roadside memorials revealed by data gleaned

Structural and functional studies of factor V in health and disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish När folk frågat mig vad det är egentligen jag håller på med på labbet, brukar jag lite slarvigt svara att jag jobbar med blod. Jag tänkte här lite närmare gå igenom vad det är jag egentligen gjorde på labbet för Er som undrat. Jag har studerat ett protein i blodkoagulationen som heter faktor V (läs 5). För att man ska förstå varför detta protein är viktigt, måste man noThe homologous blood coagulation factors V (FV) and factor VIII (FVIII) are important at sites of vascular injury for the amplification of the clotting cascade. Activated FV (FVa) serves as a cofactor to the enzyme activated factor X (FXa) in the activation of prothrombin. This complex is called the prothrombinase complex. FVIII functions as a cofactor to the enzyme activated factor IX (FIXa) in t

Fabrication of Low-Dimensional Structures in III-V Semiconductors

The thesis presents studies on the processing technology and the characterization of nanometer-sized and low-dimensional structures in III-V semiconductors. Two major approaches are described: 1) the combination of aerosol technology and plasma etching for the fabrication of quantum dots (QDs) in InP-based materials and 2) the use of high-resolution electron beam lithography and plasma or wet che