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Kvinnors upplevelse av förlossning över tid VAS-skattning från BB och 6-8 veckor post partum

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Kvinnors upplevelse av förlossning har betydelse både för framtida familjeplanering och anknytningen till barnet samt relationen till partnern. Tidigare forskning visar att det kan vara för tidigt att mäta kvinnors upplevelse direkt efter förlossningen. Därför var syftet med studien att jämföra kvinnors VAS-skattning av förlossningsupplevelsen vid hemgång från BB och 6–8 veckor

Amningsförberedelse under graviditet - En enkätstudie om förstföderskors målsättning, deras upplevelse av amningsförberedelse från mödravården och första veckans amning

Bakgrund: Frekvensen av helamning minskar i hela landet. Flera faktorer anges leda till att kvinnor avslutar amning tidigare än de satt upp som mål, däribland bristande stöd och kunskap från vårdpersonal. Forskning visar att information kring amning inte alltid ges vid rätt tillfälle och att det behövs mer resurser för att kunna individanpassa vården. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga fö

Dietary index based on the Food Standards Agency nutrient profiling system and risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

Background: Nutri-score is now widely available in food packages in Europe. Aim: To study the overall nutritional quality of the diet in relation to risks of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Methods: We collected dietary data at baseline from validated food frequency questionnaires. We used a dietar

The Sweden Democrats and the Twitterstorm of the decade : from social media to riot through a rhetorical vision

Abstract in PolishW czasie europejskiego kryzysu migracyjnego prowokacyjna kampania reklamowa skrajnie prawicowej partii Szwedzkich Demokratów została zniszczona przez tłum. Od lat żadna inna kampania w Szwecji nie przyciągnęła podobnej uwagi i niechęci. To jakościowe studium przypadku przedstawia retorykę aktywizmu, która wywołała „Twitterową burzę dekady”. Poprzez analizę motywu fantazji określoAmidst the European migrant crisis, a provocative advertisement campaign by the far-right party the Sweden Democrats was destroyed by a mob. No other campaign in Sweden had attracted a similar amount of attention and resentment. This qualitative case study analyses the activism rhetoric that caused the ‘Twitterstorm’ of the decade. Through a fantasy theme analysis, it determines how the protesters

Maternal Serum Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Early Pregnancy and Small for Gestational Age in Southern Sweden

Small for gestational age (SGA) is considered an adverse birth outcome. Per- and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS) have become increasingly investigated as contributing environmental factors, thus far with inconclusive results. The current study aimed to investigate the hypothesized association between increased maternal PFAS levels in early pregnancy and an increased risk for SGA birth. This popul

Greening of China and possible vegetation effects on soil moisture

Wetting and drying climate sequences and anthropogenic vegetation changes can have profound effects on the hydrological cycle and sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems. China contains many different climates, from humid to extremely arid and it contributes to the global mitigation strategies of climate change. China is also an important contributor to global greening and carbon sequestration. I

Environmental Benefits of Rapid Fire Detection

A study has been undertaken to investigate the environmental implication of early detection of a fire for the environmental impact of the fire when taking into account the global impact of the intervention itself and the need to replace building and contents as a function of the size and duration of the fire. The various scenarios investigated show that the greatest benefit is gained if a fire is

From flesh to paper : Bodily and material transformation in seventeenth-century Copenhagen-a case-study

This article investigates the transformation of the body of a female child murderer as she passed through specific spatial configurations in the urban setting of the seventeenth-century capital of Denmark-Norway. By using the case of Gertrud Nielsdatter, we explore the significance of public urban spaces in the bodily and material transformation of a woman from a condemned sinner to an object of s

Alkali metal release in thermochemical conversion of biomass and coal : Optical measurements and modeling

Alkali metals, mainly K and Na, which are present in solid fuels such as biomass and coal, play an important role during their thermal conversion, e.g., in combustion or gasification. At high temperatures, alkali elements will be released in gas phase as alkali atoms, alkali chlorides, alkali hydroxides and alkali sulphates. In biomass/coal-fired boilers, the release of these alkali species can ca

Development and characterization of the Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber 2 (PINCii)

The Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber 2 (PINCii) is a newly developed continuous flow diffusion chamber (CFDC) for measuring ice nucleating particles (INPs). PINCii is a vertically oriented parallel-plate CFDC that has been engineered to improve upon the limitations of previous generations of CFDCs. This work presents a detailed description of the PINCii instrument and the upgrades that make it uniq

Initial Case Study Findings for Requirements on Work-Related Health Aspects

Most work implies the use of digital systems and tools, thus, digital technology plays a vital role in modern work environments. Even so, ergonomics and usability of IT systems and digital tools used at work are often weak, which causes work-related health problems including physical, visual, cognitive, and stress-related issues. We pose that one important reason for these types of issues is the l

Att höja fertilitetsmedvetenhet hos män och kvinnor - En systematisk litteraturstudie av randomiserade kontrollerade studier

Bakgrund: Trots att infertilitet är ett växande globalt folkhälsoproblem visar aktuellt forskningsläge på att män och kvinnor ofta saknar medvetenhet om faktorer som påverkar deras förmåga att bli gravida. Genom att öka medvetenheten om fertilitet och relaterade riskfaktorer kan människor genom medvetna val minska förekomsten av ofrivillig barnlöshet samt optimera utfall av graviditeter och hälsan

Locating multiple interacting quantitative trait loci with the zero-inflated generalized poisson regression

We consider the problem of locating multiple interacting quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing traits measured in counts. In many applications the distribution of the count variable has a spike at zero. Zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression (ZIGPR) allows for an additional probability mass at zero and hence an improvement in the detection of significant loci. Classical model selection c

Modified versions of the Bayesian Information Criterion for sparse Generalized Linear Models

The classical model selection criteria, such as the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) or Akaike information criterion (AIC), have a strong tendency to overestimate the number of regressors when the search is performed over a large number of potential explanatory variables. To handle the problem of the overestimation, several modifications of the BIC have been proposed. These versions rely on su

Doxapram for the prevention and treatment of apnea in preterm infants

Background: Apnea of prematurity is a common problem in preterm infants that may have significant consequences on their development. Methylxanthines (aminophylline, theophylline, and caffeine) are effective in the treatment of apnea of prematurity. Doxapram is used as a respiratory stimulant in cases refractory to the methylxanthine treatment. Objectives: To evaluate the benefits and harms of doxa