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Reconstruction and prediction from three images of uncalibrated cameras
Heroes and Victims : The Holocaust in Israeli Historical Consciousness
The interest in the Holocaust has been growing continuously over the last decades, and this study deals with how the Holocaust has been perceived, interpreted and used in an Israeli context. The central theoretical concept in this study is historical consciousness, and the aim is to analyze the place of the Holocaust in Israeli historical consciousness. This concept should be understood as the wa
Universities and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy: Cases from English Regions
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Nytt vin i gamla läglar Socialdemokratisk kyrkopolitik under perioden 1944-1973
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the principal elements of SAP (the Swedish Social Democratic Workers Party) church politics in the period 1944 to 1973. The central issues discussed are the relationship of church and state, freedom of religion, and political reforms touching the General Synod, the parish organisation, and the ordination of women. In this study, I suggest that the SAP
New species of Xanthoria (Teloschistaceae) from Southern Africa.
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Behavioural science perspectives in Swedish transport research.
Pågående arbete med normer för aluminiumkonstruktioner
Internationella Kemiunionen IUPAC godkänner fyra nya grundämnen och det periodiska systemets 7:e rad blir därmed komplett
A framework for experience-based decision support for software engineering technology selection
Från patriarkat till genussystem - och vad kommer sedan?
Systematics and Evolution within the order Teloschistales and family Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota, fungi) with a multi-locus supermatrix approach.
Islam och demokrati?
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Immunogenicity and protective potential of Protein D of Haemophilus influenzae against H. influenzae infection
Both Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and nontypeable H. influenzae (NTHi) are important human pathogens causing invasive and mucosal infections. Currently there are number of vaccines available against Hib infections. Hib vaccines consist of the capsular polysaccharide antigen, polyribosyl ribitol phosphate (PRP) of Hib, coupled to different protein carriers. These vaccines are not effective a