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Efterfrågestyrd kollektivtrafik : Systemeffekter och acceptans

Efterfrågestyrd kollektivtrafik (DRT) är en transporttjänst där fordonet anpassar sin rutt baserat på resenärernas särskilda transportbehov. I denna rapport presenteras resultat som pekar på väsentliga möjligheter för DRT att kunna öka tillgänglighet för människor utanför städer till systemkostnader som kan vara likvärdiga med relativt gles linjelagd busstrafik.Resultaten pekar vidare på att energ

Fostering an innovation ecosystem for a public digital health platform

This short paper explores building innovation platforms in the public sector, particularly in public healthcare, through an ecological lens. While existing research has mainly focused on the platform owner's role in orchestrating innovation, this study investigates the strategies used by public organizations and widens the net to analyse how a digital health platform’s complementing actors contrib

Harnessing cognitive trajectory clusterings to examine subclinical decline risk factors

Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease and other dementias typically begins long before clinical impairment. Identifying people experiencing subclinical decline may facilitate earlier intervention. This study developed cognitive trajectory clusters using longitudinally based random slope and change point parameter estimates from a Preclinical Alzheimer's disease Cognitive Composite and examined

Airway contraction and cytokine release in isolated rat lungs induced by wear particles from the road and tire interface and road vehicle brakes

The dominant road traffic particle sources are wear particles from the road and tire interface, and from vehicle brake pads. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of road and brake wear particles on pulmonary function and biomarkers in isolated perfused rat lungs. Particles were sampled from the studded tire wear of three road pavements containing different rock materials in a road si

The relationship between familial-genetic risk and pharmacological treatment in a Swedish national sample of patients with major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia

Using Swedish registers, we examine whether the prescription of and the response to antidepressants (AD), mood stabilizers (MS), and antipsychotics (AP) in the treatment of, respectively, major depression (MD), bipolar disorder (BD), and schizophrenia (SZ), are influenced by familial-genetic risk. We examined individuals born in Sweden 1960–1995 with a first diagnosis of MD (n = 257,177), BD (n =

Building organizational adaptive capacity in the face of crisis : Lessons from a public sector case study

While organizations providing critical services to society must have the ability to anticipate and prepare for foreseeable threats, they also need to develop a capacity to adapt in the face of unforeseen challenges and crises. While adaptive capacity becomes manifested in a specific situation through the concrete adaptations carried out by an organization, the preconditions to adapt exist already

Learning with Skill-based Robot Systems : Combining Planning & Knowledge Representation with Reinforcement Learning

The usage of robots in industry is transforming. Traditionally, robots have been deployed to automate monotonous tasks through manual programming, excelling in speed and precision yet lacking flexibility. Now, as part of Industry 4.0, the paradigm is shifting towards collaborative robotics, where robots are expected to interact dynamically with their environment and handle non-repetitive tasks. Th

Twenty years on from the introduction of the high risk strategy for stroke and cardiovascular disease prevention : a systematic scoping review

Background and purpose: Early this century, the high risk strategy of primary stroke and cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention for individuals shifted away from identifying (and treating, as appropriate) all at-risk individuals towards identifying and treating individuals who exceed arbitrary thresholds of absolute CVD risk. The public health impact of this strategy is uncertain. Methods: In our

Engaging consumers through artificially intelligent technologies: Systematic review, conceptual model, and further research

While consumer engagement (CE) in the context of artificially intelligent (AI-based) technologies (e.g., chatbots, smart products, voice assistants, or autonomous cars) is gaining traction, the themes characterizing this emerging, interdisciplinary corpus of work remain indeterminate, exposing an important literature-based gap. Addressing this gap, we conduct a systematic review of 89 studies usin

Cognitively defined Alzheimer's dementia subgroups have distinct atrophy patterns

INTRODUCTION: We sought to determine structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics across subgroups defined based on relative cognitive domain impairments using data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and to compare cognitively defined to imaging-defined subgroups. METHODS: We used data from 584 people with Alzheimer's disease (AD) (461 amyloid positive, 123

Artificial intelligence for improving public transport : A mapping study

The objective of this study is to provide a better understanding of the potential of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve Public Transport (PT), by reviewing research literature. The selection process resulted in 87 scientific publications constituting a sample of how AI has been applied to improve PT. The review shows that the primary aims of using AI are to improve the service quality o

Efficient BiSAR PFA Wavefront Curvature Compensation for Arbitrary Radar Flight Trajectories

The polar format algorithm (PFA) is a popular choice for general bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BiSAR) imaging due to its computational efficiency and adaptability to situations with complicated geometries or arbitrary flight trajectories. However, efficient and accurate compensation of 2-D residual phase errors induced by the wavefront curvature remains challenging when obtaining high-quality

Technological Innovation Adoption Among Swedish Healthcare Professionals : A Contingency Technology Adoption Framework

Technological innovation adoption by healthcare professionals directly impacts enhanced patient care and overall community well-being. However, the perspective of healthcare professionals in evaluating and adopting these technological innovations should be addressed. Drawing on innovation adoption and resistance theories, in this article, we aim to capture their perceptions of the barriers they fa

Teuvoahtiana meridionalis, a new species from Patagonia and Antarctica

The new species Teuvoahtiana meridionalis is described from Antarctica and Southern South America. Even though the new species is morphologically and chemically variable, it is mo-lecularly monophyletic and located in the genus Teuvoahtiana in the subfamily Xanthorioideae. The genetic variation could not be correlated to the variation in any other characters that could support any further division

Enhancing the stability of probiotics: Freeze-drying and encapsulation

Denna forskning fördjupar sig i frystorkning, en essentiell process inom läkemedels- och probiotikaindustrin, för att bättre förstå faktorer som påverkar probiotisk stabilitet under lagring. Frystorkningsprocessen och sammansättningen av frystorkade produkter påverkar signifikant probiotikas stabilitet, men faktorer som materialens inkapslingsegenskaper förblir relativt outforskade och kräver ytteThis research dives into the intricate world of freeze-drying, an essential process in pharmaceutical and probiotic industries, to better understand the factors affecting probiotic stability during storage. The process of freeze-drying and the composition of freeze-dried products significantly affect the stability of probiotics, yet factors such as the material’s encapsulation properties remain re

Characterization and Toxic Potency of Airborne Particles Formed upon Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Recycling : A Case Study

Manual dismantling, shredding, and mechanical grinding of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) at recycling facilities inevitably lead to the accidental formation and release of both coarse and fine particle aerosols, primarily into the ambient air. Since diffuse emissions to air of such WEEE particles are not regulated, their dispersion from the recycling plants into the adjacent