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Your search for "*" yielded 528448 hits

When the poor excel : Poverty facilitates procedural learning

Recent research has shown that poverty directly impeded cognitive functions because the poor could be easily distracted by monetary concerns. We argue that this effect may be limited to functions relying on working memory. For functions that rely on proceduralized processes however, monetary concerns elicited by reminding of financial demands would be conducive rather than harmful. Our results sup

A study on crown interception with four dominant tree species : A direct measurement

An experiment was conducted to concentrate on the rainfall interception process of individual trees for four common species in Beijing, China, which included needle species (Platycladus orientalis and Pinus tabulaeformis) and broadleaf species (Quercus variabilis and Acer truncatum). Two types of interception storages, the maximum (Cmax) and the minimum interception storage (Cmin), were examined a

Preparedness for side effects and bother in symptomatic men after radical prostatectomy in a prospective, non-randomized trial, LAPPRO

Background: Many clinicians believe that preparedness before surgery for possible post-surgery side effects reduces the level of bother experienced from urinary incontinence and decreased sexual health after surgery. There are no published studies evaluating this belief. Therefore, we aimed to study the level of preparedness before radical prostatectomy and the level of bother experienced from uri

Identification of stage-specific surface markers in early B cell development provides novel tools for identification of progenitor populations

Whereas the characterization of B lymphoid progenitors has been facilitated by the identification of lineage-and stage-specific surface markers, the continued identification of differentially expressed proteins increases our capacity to explore normal and malignant B cell development. To identify novel surface markers with stage-specific expression patterns, we explored the reactivity of CD19+ B c

A continuous growth model for plant tissue

Morphogenesis in plants and animals involves large irreversible deformations. In plants, the response of the cell wall material to internal and external forces is determined by its mechanical properties. An appropriate model for plant tissue growth must include key features such as anisotropic and heterogeneous elasticity and cell dependent evaluation of mechanical variables such as turgor pressur

China’s innovation system : ten years on

In their 2006 article on innovation in China in this journal, Gu and Lundvall pointed to some weaknesses and challenges for China’s growth and they also outlined ideas for policy action to overcome those. In this short note, written in collaboration with Sylvia Schwag Serger, they go back and assess China's social and economic development in the 10 years that followed in the light of their origina

Association between antithrombotic treatment and hemorrhagic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation—a cohort study in primary care

Objective: The objective of this study was to study the association between antithrombotic treatment and risk of hemorrhagic stroke (HS) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) treated in primary health care. Methods: Study population included all adults (n = 12,215) 45 years and older diagnosed with AF at 75 primary care centers in Sweden 2001–2007. Outcome was defined as a first hospital episo

Peritoneal dialysis impairs nitric oxide homeostasis and may predispose infants with low systolic blood pressure to cerebral ischemia

Background & purpose Infants on chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD) have an increased risk of developing neurological morbidities; however, the underlying biological mechanisms are poorly understood. In this clinical study, we investigated whether PD-mediated impairment of nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and signaling, in patients with persistently low systolic blood pressure (SBP), can explain

In vitro-uptake of L-Dopa and catecholamines into the epidermal Langerhans cell

The Langerhans cells are capable of taking up L-dopa and the catecholamines dopamine and noradrenaline when exposed to these substances in vitro. Within the cell L-dopa is found in the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus, whereas the catecholamines are confined to cytoplasmic granules. The L-dopa uptake is most probably carrier-mediated and the hypothesis is brought forward that L-dopa enters the

Catecholaminergic innervation of muscles in the hindgut of crustaceans

The crustacean species Pacifastacus leniusculus and Gammarus pulex were investigated by electron microscopy in a search for possible neuromuscular junctions in the hindgut, which has a rich supply of catecholaminergic fibres. True neuromuscular synapses were found in both species between nerve terminals containing dense-core vesicles (80–110 nm in diam.) and muscle fibres. We suggest that the dens

Grön offentlig upphandling i transportsektorn

Många kommuner i Sverige ställer krav på miljöbilar i upphandlingen av kommunala tjänstebilar, och en del ställer även specifika krav på elbilar. Detta projekt har utvärderat offentlig upphandling för att svara på frågor om vilken potential upphandling har för att främja förnybara drivmedel, vilka de praktiska erfarenheterna är, huruvida offentlig upphandling används strategiskt och hur styrmedlet

Reduced voluntary non-visual suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex gain during nitrous oxide narcosis

The effect of subanesthetic nitrous oxide (N2O) narcosis (21%) on the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and on voluntary non-visual suppression of the VOR was studied in 12 subjects, using a velocity step rotational test. Gain and time constant of the VOR were calculated by computer. During tests, the subjects were required either to perform mental arithmetic or to attempt to follow an imaginary targe

Dynamic Performance of Vibration Induced Anterior-Posterior Sway during Upright Posture in Normal Subjects

Human postural control works as a dynamic feedback control system. The dynamic performance of postural control for anterior-posterior movements during upright posture are defined by three parameters. These parameters reflect the stiffness, the damping and the swiftness of a response to an induced perturbation. In the present study 23 normal subjects were investigated. Both with open and closed eye