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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Native milk fat globule size and its influence on whipping properties

The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of native milk fat globule size on the aeration of high fat dairy products with regard to maximum firmness time, gas inclusion and foam stability. The results showed that whipping time to maximum firmness was inversely proportional to mean fat globule size for both unhomogenised and slightly homogenised (2 MPa) creams. Additionally, incr

Simulating cross-shore material exchange at decadal scale. Model application

A model developed to describe long-term cross-shore (CS) exchange of sand and resulting profile evolution at regional scale was employed to simulate the evolution at three different sites. The model consists of modules for calculating dune erosion and overwash, bar-berm material exchange, and dune build-up by wind-blown sand transport, as described in detail in a companion paper (Larson et al., 20

On the solar receiver thermal enhancement by using the dimple combined with delta winglet vortex generator

In this study, effects of dimples and their arrangement on the flow structure, heat transfer and friction factor in a solar receiver heated channel with delta-winglet vortex generators (DWVGs) are numerically studied. The dimples are placed either in an inline or a staggered layout. A smooth channel with pure dimples and a smooth channel with pure DWVGs are studied, in which the smooth channel wit

A Winchester furrier in the context of the Medieval European fur trade

There was a substantial trade in furs throughout the medieval period, as indicated by a number of written sources. The archaeological evidence for this trade is, however, scant. The discovery of furriers’ workshops depends to a significant extent on the large-scale sieving of soil samples, since most bones from fur-bearing species are small. As large-scale sieving for small bones is not often unde

Scientific publications as boundary objects: theorising the intersection of classification and research evaluation

Introduction. When using bibliometrics for research evaluation, the classification of research fields is an issue of great importance. The purpose of this paper is to outline a brief theoretical framework for analysing the role of classification in research evaluation practices.Theory. Taking departure in the concept of ‘boundary objects’ we develop a theoretical framework for analyses of how scie

The cytochrome bc complex (menaquinone:cytochrome c reductase) in Bacillus subtilis has a nontraditional subunit organization.

We have identified an operon in Bacillus subtilis, designated qcr, that is thought to encode a quinone: cytochrome c reductase. Northern (RNA blot) analysis suggests a tricistronic operon. The operon is located at about 200 degrees on the B. subtilis map. Disruption of the operon leads to loss of a 22-kDa cytochrome c from membrane preparations. The structure of the putative protein products of th

Bacillus subtilis holo-cytochrome c-550 can be synthesized in aerobic Escherichia coli

Bacillus subtilis membrane-bound holo-cytochrome c-550 was found to be expressed from the structural gene cloned on a plasmid vector in aerobically grown Escherichia coli and exhibited normal biochemical properties. This occurs despite the lack of endogenous eytochrome c and suggests that eytochrome c-heme lyase activity is also present in aerobic E. coli. The membrane topology of B. subtilis eyto

Homogeneous sample preparation for automated high throughput analysis with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry

This work presents a simple method for obtaining homogeneous sample surfaces in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) for the automated analysis of peptides and proteins. The sample preparation method is based on applying the sample/matrix mixture onto a pre-deposited highly diluted matrix spot. The pre-deposited crystals act as seeds for the ne

Genetic signals of high-altitude adaptation in amphibians : A comparative transcriptome analysis

Background: High-altitude adaptation provides an excellent system for studying how organisms cope with multiple environmental stressors and interacting genetic modifications. To explore the genetic basis of high-altitude adaptation in poikilothermic animals, we acquired transcriptome sequences from a high-altitude population and a low-altitude population of the Asiatic toad (Bufo gargarizans). Tra

Osannolika händelser och den svenska realistiska romanen : Ett estetiskt och existentiellt bekymmer

Avhandlingens ämne är osannolika händelser i den realistiska romanen. Den övergripande idén är att realismen utmärks av att osannolika händelser hanteras utifrån ett dubbelt perspektiv: både som ett existentiellt och ett estetiskt bekymmer. Som ett existentiellt bekymmer representerar den narrativa fiktionsberättelsens osannolika händelser den ständigt närvarande möjligheten att en oförutsägbar ocThis thesis deals with improbable events in the realistic novel. The overarchingidea is that realism is distinguished by dealing with improbable events on thebasis of a double perspective: both as an existential and as an aesthetic problem.As an existential problem the improbable events of narrative fiction representthe constantly present possibility of an unexpected and unforeseen event suddenly

Reproductive isolation of sympatric forms of the understorey palm Geonoma macrostachys in western Amazonia

The evolution of a mechanism for attaining reproductive isolation between two diverging populations is a key step in the speciation process. We studied phenotypic variation, genetic differentiation, spatial distribution and reproductive ecology in two sympatric forms of the understorey palm Geonoma macrostachys in lowland tropical rainforest in Amazonian Ecuador. The two forms were morphologically

Model of the evolution of mounds placed in the nearshore

A one-dimensional mathematical model is presented that describes the cross-shore evolution of a long linear mound of noncohesive sediment placed in the nearshore and exposed to non-breaking waves. The equation for the transport rate accounts for wave asymmetry and gravity, and the net rate is expressed by reference to an equilibrium profile shape. Simplifications reduce the governing equation for

Biological recovery and properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) from Cupriavidus necator H16

In the present study, we observed that laboratory rats readily consumed lyophilized cells of Cupriavidus necator H16 cultivated using palm oil containing 39 wt% poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] as sole diet source. The test animals excreted whitish fecal pellets containing 82–97 wt% P(3HB). The remaining impurities could be easily removed by washing the pellets with water and/or low concentrations

Defect-induced local variation of crystal phase transition temperature in metal-halide perovskites

Solution-processed organometal halide perovskites are hybrid crystalline semiconductors highly interesting for low-cost and efficient optoelectronics. Their properties are dependent on the crystal structure. Literature shows a variety of crystal phase transition temperatures and often a spread of the transition over tens of degrees Kelvin. We explain this inconsistency by demonstrating that the te

A flow immunoassay for studies of human exposure and toxicity in biological samples

This paper describes a heterogeneous competitive flow immunoassay with a high sample throughput which can be used for the screening of smaller analytes in various samples. The method is based on off-line incubation of the analyte (Ag), a fluorescent labelled tracer (Ag*) and the corresponding antibody (Ab). The separation of bound (Ab-Ag*) and free tracer (Ag*) is based on a size exclusion and rev

A 2.7-GHz multi-level PWM carrier-bursting RF transmitter

Carrier-bursting is an attractive RF transmitter concept to achieve high efficiency. The power amplifier (PA) itself either operates at its peak efficiency or is turned off. Another efficiency-enhancing approach is the Doherty concept, where the main PA reaches its peak efficiency already in back-off and the peak PA contributes at high input levels to reach the desired output power. In this work,

Protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in the inner membrane of potato tuber mitochondria

Inside-out inner mitochondrial membranes free of matrix proteins were isolated from purified potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L.) mitochondria and incubated with [γ-32P]ATP. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and visualized by autoradiography. Phosphorylation of inner membrane proteins, including ATPase subunits, was strongly inhibited by the phosphoprotein phosphatase inhibitor NaF. We propose th

The formation of doctoral education

This report has been translated from Swedish and adapted for an international audience. The original report, Leadership for quality in doctoral education1, was commissioned by the Association of Swedish Higher Education. Here we describe and discuss doctoral education as policy, practice and as an object of knowledge, and highlight a number of questions that are important for the management and le

Students report subjective effects of training by use of phonation tube on singing technique.

Background: Voice therapy aims at curing voice problems. Various studies on persons with voice disorders have shown positive effects of therapy with the method using a so-called phonation tube. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to investigate student reported effects of training by use of phonation tube on the singing technique. Methods: The training was performed by eight students, studyin