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Den dolda sanningen - en kvalitativ studie om att vara anhörig till en närstående med psykisk sjukdom

The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of how close relatives experience living with a person with mental illness. The focus of this study was how the relative is affected, the support they receive from the surrounding system, and what strategies they develop to manage the situation. To answer the questions of the study, we have used qualitative content analysis on six autobiogra

Characterization of high Arabinoxylan oat lines identified from a mutagenized oat population

Oat (Avena sativa) is a nutritionally important cereal crop that is rich in health-promoting dietary fibers, favorable proteins and polar lipids. In this work, ca. 500 random lines of a mutagenized oat population of high genetic variation were screened for arabinoxylan (AX) content. This identified lines with up to 60% higher AX levels in flour from whole seed and up to 100% higher in flour from d

Reduced risk of serious pneumococcal infections up to 10 years after a dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in established arthritis.

Background: To examine rates of serious pneumococcal infections up to 10 years after vaccination with 7-valent conjugated pneumococcal vaccine (PCV7) in patients with arthritis compared to non-vaccinated arthritis patients.Methods: In total, 595 adult arthritis patients (rheumatoid arthritis; RA = 342, 80 % women and spondylarthropathy; SpA = 253, 45 % women) received one dose of PCV7. Mean age/di

Företagens sociala ansvar - blir soft law "too soft"?

I samband med att multinationella företag växt fram och fått en ökad betydelse och räckvidd i vår nu globaliserade ekonomi, har företagens sociala ansvar blivit en uppmärksammad och mycket aktuell fråga. Andra faktorer såsom klimatförändringar, mänskliga rättigheter och arbetsförhållanden har också bidragit till ökade krav på ansvar. Ett antal internationella standarder och rekommendationer på omrThe importance and reach of multinational enterprises has expanded dramatically in our now globalized economy which has led to corporate social responsibility becoming an attention-grabbing and current issue. Other factors such as climate change, human rights and labor conditions have contributed to increased demands for responsibility. A number of international standards and recommendations in th

Skalbolag i överflöd? - En studie av huruvida det föreslagna skalbolagsdirektivet överlappar med de svenska skalbolagsreglerna samt hur rättssäkert och effektivt det är att motverka missbruk av skalbolag genom flera olika regelverk.

I dagens digitala miljö ökar människor och företags affärsverksamhet online. Digitaliseringen har haft en stor inverkan på de existerande skattebaserna och kräver en eftertanke över hur framtidens företagsbeskattning ska se ut för att den ska anses vara rättvis. För att motverka skatteflykt har flera regeringar antagit BEPS vilket bland annat resulterade i att EU antog direktivet ATAD I 2016. DäruIn today's digital climate, people and companies are increasingly doing business online. Digitalization has had a major impact on the existing tax base and requires a reflection on how future corporate taxation should take place in order for it to be considered fair. In order to work against tax evasion, several governments have adopted BEPS, which among other things resulted in the EU impleme

A system of weightlessness – Applying the EU general principle of proportionality to secure fundamental rights protection under contemporary EU investment agreements

Inom modern investeringsrätt existerar sedan länge en konflikt mellan extensiva investeringsskyddsregler och värdländers allmänna intressen, och numera med exklusiv kompetens att sluta de internationella investeringsavtal som tangerar denna motsättning söker EU skydda de senare genom traktatens utformning. Som nödvändigt komplement till sådana konstruktioner menar dock förespråkare för allmänna inAt the heart of modern investment law it has since long resided a conflict between extensive investment protection norms and public policy interests of host states. After receiving exclusive competence to conclude international investment agreements governing this interrelation, the EU has tried to cater for those latter objectives through the design of these agreements. Yet in addition to treaty

Svenska mäns subjektiva vänster-högerplacering och dess determinanter, 2002 - 2020: En multivariat regressionsanalys

De flesta etablerade demokratier i Västeuropa har en ideologisk könsskillnad som struktureras av att kvinnor politiskt placerar sig subjektivt mer åt vänster än män. I det svenska allmänna valet 2022 var könsskillnaden i röstningsbeteendet stor. I synnerhet bland förstagångsväljare där ca 70 procent av de manliga väljarna röstade på ett högerparti. Uppsatsens syfte var därför att undersöka om (1)

Healthcare utilization and psychiatric morbidity in violent offenders : findings from a prospective cohort study

Purpose: Although persistent offenders with histories of imprisonment and violence have disproportionate high rates of psychiatric disorders, little is known of their psychiatric healthcare utilization (HCU) and HCU-associated factors. This study aimed to explore psychiatric HCU, psychiatric morbidity, and psychotropic prescription drugs in violent offenders with a history of incarceration. Method

Elevated fecal levels of the inflammatory biomarker calprotectin in early systemic sclerosis

Knowledge on gastrointestinal manifestations in early systemic sclerosis (SSc) is limited. We have investigated gastrointestinal inflammation in SSc at the time of diagnosis using the inflammatory biomarker Fecal calprotectin (F-cal). Consecutive patients with suspected SSc were characterized in relation to the 2013 classification criteria for SSc and classified as SSc or SSc-like disease. F-cal l

“Pushed out in limbo – The every-day decision-making about ‘practical impediments to enforcement’ in the Swedish management of return migration”

This article presents a study of the contradiction between the rhetoric of return, stressing that rejected asylum seekers should leave the country, and the reality of how migrants end up as legally stranded, in Sweden. Through a qualitative analysis of; 25 decisions by the Swedish Migration Agency, an internal quality report about the legal application, and the documentation in two complete indivi

Predicting the formation of different tissue types during Achilles tendon healing using mechanoregulated and oxygen-regulated frameworks

During Achilles tendon healing in rodents, besides the expected tendon tissue, also cartilage-, bone- and fat-like tissue features have been observed during the first twenty weeks of healing. Several studies have hypothesized that mechanical loading may play a key role in the formation of different tissue types during healing. We recently developed a computational mechanobiological framework to pr

The young HD 73583 (TOI-560) planetary system : two 10-M mini-Neptunes transiting a 500-Myr-old, bright, and active K dwarf

We present the discovery and characterization of two transiting planets observed by TESS in the light curves of the young and bright (V = 9.67) star HD73583 (TOI-560). We perform an intensive spectroscopic and photometric space- and ground-based follow-up in order to confirm and characterize the system. We found that HD73583 is a young (∼500 Myr) active star with a rotational period of 12.08 ± 0.1

Extended relativistic multiconfiguration calculations of energy levels and transition properties in singly ionized tin

Multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) and relativistic configuration interaction (RCI) calculations are performed for 22 states in singly ionized tin (Sn II) belonging to the 5s2ns (n=6,7), 5s2nd (n=5,6), 5s5p2 even parity configurations and the 5s2np (n=5,6,7), 5s24f odd parity configurations. Valence-valence and core-valence correlation effects are taken into account through configuratio

On-Site X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Measurement Strategy for Assessing the Sulfonation to Improve Chemimechanical Pulping Processes

Minimizing the fiber property distribution would have the potential to improve the pulp properties and the process efficiency of chemimechanical pulp. To achieve this, it is essential to improve the level of knowledge of how evenly distributed the sulfonate concentration is between the individual chemimechanical pulp fibers. Due to the variation in quality between pulpwood and sawmill chips, as we

Cataract surgery in patients with uveitis : Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register

Purpose: To investigate the surgical and pharmacological management and outcomes of patients with cataract and concurrent uveitis. Methods: Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register, 2018–2019, were collected and analysed. Uveitic eyes were identified and eyes without uveitis were used as controls. Generalized estimating equations were used to adjust for intra-individual correlation. Result

TOI-1268b : The youngest hot Saturn-mass transiting exoplanet

We report the discovery of TOI-1268b, a transiting Saturn-mass planet from the TESS space mission. With an age of less than 1 Gyr, derived from various age indicators, TOI-1268b is the youngest Saturn-mass planet known to date; it contributes to the small sample of well-characterised young planets. It has an orbital period of P = 8.1577080 ± 0.0000044 days, and transits an early K-dwarf star with