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Spi-OPS: Spitzer and CHEOPS confirm the near-polar orbit of MASCARA-1 b and reveal a hint of dayside reflection

Context. The light curves of tidally locked hot Jupiters transiting fast-rotating, early-type stars are a rich source of information about both the planet and star, with full-phase coverage enabling a detailed atmospheric characterisation of the planet. Although it is possible to determine the true spin-orbit angle ψ-a notoriously difficult parameter to measure-from any transit asymmetry resulting

Effects of the West Africa Ebola Virus Disease on healthcare utilization – a systematic review

Significant efforts were invested in halting the recent Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. Now, studies are emerging on the magnitude of the indirect health effects of the outbreak in the affected countries, and the aim of this study is to systematically assess the results of these publications. The methodology for this review adhered to the Prisma guidelines for systematic reviews. A to

När goda intentioner slår fel: nyanlända flyktingars efarenheter av etableringsprogrammet : When good intentions fail: newly arrived refugees experiencing an introductory program

Den här artikeln handlar om hur några palestinska nyanlända upplevde Etableringsprogrammet som ett hinder för integration. Trots ett fokus på rättigheter, gratis svenskundervisning och riktade program verkar alltför många människor som flyr till Sverige fastna i fattigdom och arbetslöshet. Alla drömmar och förhoppningar flyktingar hade med sig från sina tidigare liv verkar så obegripligt svåra att

COVID-19 vaccination in autoimmune disease (COVAD) survey protocol

The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to be a cause of unprecedented global morbidity and mortality. Whilst COVID-19 vaccination has emerged as the only tangible solution to reducing poor clinical outcomes, vaccine hesitancy continues to be an obstacle to achieving high levels of vaccine uptake. This represents particular risk to patients with autoimmune diseases, a group alre

A data-driven approach to assess the risk of encountering hazardous materials in the building stock based on environmental inventories

The presence of hazardous materials hinders the circular economy in construction and demolition waste management. However, traditional environmental investigations are costly and time-consuming, and thus lead to limited adoption. To deal with these challenges, the study investigated the possibility of employing registered records as input data to achieve in situ hazardous building materials manage

Investigation of HOM frequency shifts induced by mechanical tolerances

We present Higher Order Mode (HOM) studies on ESS Medium-Beta cavity, designed in INFN-LASA, including both simulation and measurement results. Mechanical tolerances of the fabrication process might shift HOMs frequencies toward harmonics of the bunch frequency. Both simulation and measurements at room and cryogenic temperature show that the design is fully compatible to requirements.

Increased risk of Graves´ophthalmopathy in patients with increasing TRAb after radioiodine treatment and the impact of CTLA4 on TRAb titres

Introduction: Treatment of Graves´ disease (GD) with radioiodine increases the risk of developing Graves´ ophthalmopathy (GO), and the link between thyroid and orbital tissue may be the presence of TSH-receptors. Radioiodine increases the titers of TRAb and the aim was to investigate the relationship between GO and TRAb titers after treatment with radioiodine and to define the impact of risk genes

“We try to be nuanced everywhere all the time”: Sweden’s feminist foreign policy and discursive closure in public diplomacy

This study examines how public diplomacy practitioners deal with gender dynamics as a form of ideological issue in foreignpolicy. Informed by the theory of discursive closure, this study focuses on understanding how Swedish public diplomacypractitioners make sense of the country’s feminist foreign policy in their daily work and what consequences this has for thecommunication of it. Based on semi-s

Självskadebeteende : Upptäcka, förstå och behandla

Att möta människor som avsiktligt skadar sig själva är en utmanande situation. Hur förstår man vilken funktion det självskadande beteendet fyller för personen? Hur hanterar man sina egna tankar och känslor?I den här boken ges kunskap och praktisk vägledning för att skapa en konstruktiv och hjälpsam behandling och relation vid självdestruktiva handlingar. Författarna beskriver hur utredning och bed

Comparison of algorithms for classifying Swedish landcover using Landsat TM and ERS-1 SAR data

Sixteen landcover classes in a representative Swedish environment were analyzed and classified using one Landsat TM scene and seven ERS-1 SAR.PRI images acquired during 1993. Spectral and backscattering signature separabilities are analyzed using the Jeffries-Matusita distance measure to determine which combinations of channels/images contained the most information. Maximum likelihood, sequential

On the ground estimation of vegetation cover in Australian rangelands

A number of field techniques were assessed on their reliability for estimating vegetation cover in Australian rangelands. The field sampling was undertaken using visual estimation, line intercepts, a crown cover model, and images acquired from a digital camera. The results from these methods were compared and analysed. The data obtained from these differing methods agree with each other in relativ

Prediction of surface water turnover time in coastal waters using digital bathymetric information

This paper presents a new type of geographical information system (GIS) for scientific planning of coastal waters. One hypothesis in the work is that the morphometry of the coast plays a significant role for how the water system functions as a receiving water system, for example, as a receiver of industrial and urban pollution and in response to various forms of aquaculture. A digital technique fo

Natural language processing for aviation safety : Extracting knowledge from publicly-available loss of separation reports

Background: The air traffic management (ATM) system has historicallycoped with a global increase in traffic demand ultimately leading toincreased operational complexity.When dealing with the impact of this increasing complexity on systemsafety it is crucial to automatically analyse the losses of separation(LoSs) using tools able to extract meaningful and actionableinformation from safety reports.C