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Adapting the AcciMap for an Analysis of Maritime Security Incidents

This study aims to: (1) identify some of the active and latent conditions that allow maritime security incidents to occur, and (2) explore the feasibility of adapting the Rasmussen-Svedung AcciMap as a tool for maritime security management. These twin objectives are pursued by applying concepts and principles, propounded by Rasmussen and Svedung, to a case study of the 1999 hijacking of the Alondr

A Study of Renal Function in Children with Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish I takt med att resultaten för behandling av cancer hos barn och ungdomar blivit bättre, har kraven på en god livskvalitet efter avslutad behandling ökat. Man beräknar att år 2005 kommer 1/700 unga vuxna mellan 25-35 års ålder att vara långtidsöverlevande efter barncancer. Mer än 2/3 av dem som behandlats kommer att ha någon form av sena biverkningar, och hos hälften av Evaluation of long-term side effects of treatment is important due to the growing number of childhood cancer survivors. How kidney function is affected over time needs to be clarified. In the first article, we investigated 247 healthy infants and children and established upper reference limits for several proteins in urine, to be used as markers for glomerular and tubular proteinuria in children w

Inbindningen av stadsbibliotekets böcker :bokbanden i Stiftsbibliotekets referenssamling och Östgötasamling

This chapter deals with the binding of the books in reconstructing the public library at Linköping after the fire that took place 1996. The book collections in the library were bound in different types of bindings depending on their function, frequency of use, type and year of print. This text describes how the requirements for several types of bindings were worked out and the binding process that

Laser-Rayleigh Imaging of DME Sprays in an Optically Accessible DI Diesel Truck Engine

Laser-Rayleigh imaging has been employed to measure the relative fuel concentration in the gaseous jet region of DME sprays. The measurements were performed in an optically accessible diesel truck engine equipped with a common rail injection system. A one-hole nozzle was used to guarantee that the recorded pressure history was associated with the heat release in the imaged spray. To compensate for

Regulation of lipid metabolism in rat and 3T3-L1 adipocytes; Cross-talk between Insulin, the neuro-peptides PACAP/VIP and with B1-integrins

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Insulin är ett hormon som utsöndras från bukspottkörteln när koncentrationen av näringsämnen stiger i blodet. Insulinet transporteras via blodbanan till sina målvävnader; levern, skelettmusklerna och fettväven. Där binder det till insulinreceptorer på cellernas yta och insulinet medierar på så vis en rad olika effekter. Främst stimulerType 2 Diabetes is a disorder that increases globally, but mainly in the western world. One of the hallmarks of Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance in the target tissues of insulin action (adipose tissue, liver and skeletal muscle). In addition, most patients with Type 2 diabetes are obese. Increased release of free fatty acids from the enlarged and/or dysfunctional adipose tissue is suggested t

Analysis of spatial variability in hyperspectral imagery of the uterine cervix in vivo

The use of fluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy in the analysis of cervical histopathology is a growing field of research. The majority of this research is performed with point-like probes. Typically, clinicians select probe sites visually, collecting a handful of spectral samples. An exception to this methodology is the Hyperspectral Diagnostic Imaging (HSDI®) instrument developed by Science

Social Competence in Swedish Primary School Pupils. The validity of the RCP-scale.

In this report we present a study on the reliability and validity of the Revised Class Play scale in which children living in Sweden have participated. The scale measure a variety of aspects of social competence, such as leadership, aggressiveness and sensitivity. The main purpose of the study is to investigate whether or not the Revised Class Play scale (Masten, Morison & Pellegrini, 1985) is

Våp eller nucka? Kvinnors högre studier och genusdiskursen 1930-1970

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det har varit långt ifrån självklart att kvinnor ska få ägna sig åt högre studier. För hundra år sedan kom t ex medicinska undersökningar som ”visade” att kvinnor som studerade riskerade att bli sterila. I denna bok undersöker Lina Carls hur kvinnors högre studier 1930-1970 beskrivits i samhällsdebatten och i de lokala diskussionerna vid universiteten i Lund och UppsalaThis dissertation’s overall purpose has been to achieve an increased understanding of why women’s integration into universities has progressed so slowly. Through the analysis of the debates on women in higher education I have wanted to see if the main figures reproduce or contradict the discourse. I have had the aim of not only to show how the genus discourse was possibly repeated but also how in

Value of RFID tracking: A case study from the paper product supply chain

The purpose is to explain the value of utilising tracking data for material flow control purposes in different supply chain areas. The research methodology is based on a literature review and a case study of a distribution system originating from an international paper manufacturer. The distribution system in the analysis started RFID technology adoption more than ten years ago and has developed

Functional Models for Non-heme Mononuclear Iron Oxygenases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling beskriver vissa funktionella syntetiska modeller av non-hem mononukleära järn oxygenas-enzymer. Sådana enzymer katalyserar ett brett spektrum av oxidationsreaktioner av biologisk relevans, som utnyttjar molekylärt syre. Dessa reaktioner utförs i regio- och stereoselektivt sätt och med hög verkningsgrad. Föreslås oxidationsreaktionerna ske via mellan högNon-heme mononuclear iron oxygenases catalyze a large number of oxidation reactions in biological systems. The reactions are often proposed to proceed via the intermediacy of high valent Fe(IV) oxo (ferryl) or, Fe(V) oxo (perferryl) intermediates. Therefore, in order to mimic the high valent Fe(IV) oxo chemistry as well as the catalytic processes exhibited by those enzymes, new functional model co

Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation

Worldwide, disasters and climate change pose a serious risk to sustainable urban development, resulting in escalating human and economic costs. Consequently, city authorities and other urban actors face the challenge of integrating risk reduction and adaptation strategies into their work, although related knowledge and expertise are still scarce. Cities, Disaster Risk and Adaptation explores ways

OMAC: An Opportunistic Medium Access Control Protocol for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

The ambitious goal of the upcoming IEEE 802.11ax (HEW) standard for wireless LANs (WLANs) to enhance throughput by four times (and beyond), compared with IEEE 802.11ac, demands a radical improvement of present medium access control (MAC) functionality. To this end, a promising paradigm would be a graceful migration towards new MAC protocols which incorporate higher certainty in their decisions. Ho